Prologue: Time Between Death and Return

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Prologue: Time Between Death and Return

Part I: Tris Is Gone, We Are Still Here

~~ Rough Interpretation of End of Allegiant Book ~~


*Christina POV*

"What is it?" Four says.

Cara shakes her head.

"Where's Tris?" Four says, this time I hear his tone alter slightly.

"I'm sorry, Tobias," Cara says.

"Sorry about what?" I bark roughly. "Tell us what happened!"

Before Cara even says the words, I know. I think part of me knew before we even left. Tris would never have been capable to sit back and let Caleb die. Hell, I don't think she would have been able to let anyone do it. She always did the right thing, even if it would cost her dearly.

I had that feeling, but I ignored it. I needed to ensure my family was safe. In case their mission failed, had to protect my family. I lost Will, I loved Will, then Uriah, I could not lose my parents, my sister as well. That would not have been fair. It would have been too much.

"Tris went into the Weapons Lab instead of Caleb," Cara says. "She survived the death serum, and set off the memory serum, but she. . . she was shot. And she didn't survive. I'm so sorry."

I look at Four, it is painful to see him and know how he will suffer. I turn away.

I do feel deep sadness, I did love her. I never wanted her to die. I sob and suddenly I am in Cara's arms.


Hours pass, and Four is finally ready to see the body. As we follow Cara down the halls, we are shoulder to shoulder. I ache to hold his hand, to feel his warmth. But I don't dare. I know the grief he is feeling now is beyond anything I have ever experienced.

I also know, he would rebuke any form of touch, warmth, love. . . that is not from Tris. She has always been the only person Four has ever wanted.

I am shocked to see her lying there, so still. I can't approach, it is too much. My tears come, I miss her.

Witnessing the way that Four looks at her, squeezes her hand too tightly. He is just standing there, suffering. I move closer to him, but Cara stops me, her hand on my arm. She looks at Four, standing with Tris's body.

"We should leave him with her, he needs his time. She was everything to him," Cara whispers quietly.

I want to stay with him, but I agree and follow her out. He doesn't even look at us. Cara and I sit quietly on the floor of the hallway outside of the morgue. It is hours later that we hear it, Four is crying loudly for her. We hear what sounds like someone falling to the ground, I look at Cara, "Should we help him?"

"He only wants her, Christina. There is nothing we can do for him right now," Cara says numbly.

"Not right now, but later I have to try," I repeat back to her, and close my eyes while leaning my head against the wall, as I listen to Four's cries.

+o++o+ Later +o+++o+

"The person you became with her is worth being," I say as I steady myself. "If you swallow that serum, you'll never be able to find your way back to him."

Four begins to sob, while clutching the vial of serum in his fist. I have to stop him, I must. I wrap my arms around his shoulder, I feel him physically shudder at my touch. In that moment, I know he is thinking of her, of her embrace. I force myself to not let him rebuff me, I am stronger than that. I know he wants Tris, only Tris.

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