Chapter 33: Secrets and Space

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Chapter 33: Secrets and Space

Date: Early August +o+ Baby is 10+ months old

^^ A Week Later ^^

** Tris POV **

"Are you sure you're okay?" Tobias looks worried as he rubs gentle circles on my back.

I nod my head and force myself to meet his eyes. I'm a little embarrassed that I started crying at the daycare center during Andy's first drop off. Tobias pulls me into his arms and holds me, kissing my forehead.

"I know he's safe, and he looked so excited to see the other kids his age, but... I just feel so guilty, Tobias!" I say pitifully. "Maybe this is a mistake, maybe I should just-"

"Tris, babe. This is scary for me, too, but we both know this is a good thing for you." Tobias pauses, gathering his words. "What I do know is that what's good for you is what's best for Andy. He needs you to be happy and healthy. So, now you need to go check in with your new boss. You don't want to be late on your first day."

"You're right, thank you for being... Thank you for being so good about all of this. I know change can be hard," I say while wrapping my arms around Tobias's waist.

I see the conflict in his eyes as he nods, giving me a small smile before his lips connect with mine. We kiss softly and slowly; luckily, there was an empty corridor we found so I could pull myself together with some privacy.

"Have a good first day, and I'll see you tonight," Tobias assures me.

I caress his face, then he kisses my hand one last time before running out of my building. Tobias has to get to Johanna's campaign offices for his day of work.

Andy's daycare center is located on the first floor of the building where I now work. I accepted a government position in Chicago/Bureau/Providence Relations. My office is just a block away from Johanna's offices, so Andy and I are still close to Tobias during the workday. The job also offered me free childcare.

My only hesitation in accepting this job was due to the fact that it may require minimal work travel to the Bureau or even Providence. Tobias and I agreed we would tackle that hurdle once we get there.

Stopping in the hallway one last time to peek in through the mirrored glass, I see my little boy. Andy is sitting with two other babies that look to be just about his age. They are laughing and interacting.

"You must be Tris," a strong voice says behind me, scaring me so much that I jump and whirl around.

"Whoa, sorry about that! I didn't mean to startle you," the man says while holding a carrier with four disposable coffee cups in it. His smile is contagious, and his eyes are a dark chocolate brown color, soft and warm. He immediately puts me at ease.

"It's fine, I was just looking at my son one last time. I'm sorry, but who are you?" I finally ask.

"My name is Josh, and I am one of your new coworkers. I came in through the back entrance; it's a shortcut to our favorite coffee shop. I heard you had a baby, so I guessed it was you when I saw you staring so intently into the daycare center." He grins warmly at me. "Well, I'll see you upstairs. We didn't know what you like to drink, so we decided to play it safe with a vanilla latte. Here you go."

Josh hands me the cup that has my name scribbled on it, and gives me a small wave. I take one last look at Andy, who is still happy and playing.

"Thanks for the latte, Josh. I'll come up now. I'll be less nervous if I walk in with you," I laugh awkwardly.

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