CH 30: Closure

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CH 30: Closure

Date: End of July +o+ Baby is 9+ months old

^^ The Next Morning ^^

*Tobias POV*

The dread hits me before I even open my eyes for the first time this morning. Mere seconds after waking up, I remember that I'm having breakfast with Christina today. My anxiety is not over the actual breakfast; I'm much more concerned with how things will play out for me at home, with Tris. Craving her warmth, I reach over to her side of the bed, frowning when I realize the sheets are cold. She has not been in bed for quite a while.

I sit up and look around the still-dark apartment. It's only 6:30 AM, and there's no sign of her. I get up and immediately see that Andy is sleeping soundly in his crib. I don't bother making the bed as I rush through the apartment, looking for a clue. I find her note on the kitchen counter. She went to an early morning spin class at the gym. Her rehabilitation after the coma included a free membership to the super gym that is downtown. Her note lets me know that she will be back in time for "your breakfast with Christina."

Fuck. She is definitely not okay with this.

Breakfast is at an urban, upscale restaurant that Chris and I used to visit often, even before we were dating. I roll my eyes, recalling that she picked the time and place in front of the group. I found it a little odd she picked a restaurant that has so much history for us. As our friends were sitting right there, I decided against making a big deal about where we met. Since I don't care anymore, it doesn't matter what memories a place may hold.

Christina could invite me to have a picnic breakfast on the floor of the Dauntless training room, and I wouldn't care. All I care about is Tris.

Twenty minutes later, I've taken a quick shower, I'm wearing my work slacks and undershirt, and I'm getting ready to start my morning shave. The baby is still sleeping, and I have fifteen minutes before I need to walk out the door. The moment I hear Tris unlocking the front door, I run to greet her.

She places her gym bag by the door as she walks in, her cheeks still flushed and her hair in a messy top bun. She obviously powered through quite the workout.

"Hey, I missed you this morning," I say while stopping to stand in front of her.

Tris looks at me, her face blank.

"Aren't you late? Is Andy still sleeping?" she asks.

"Yes and yes." I sigh, pulling her into my arms and kissing her forehead. She is tense at first, but as I hold her, I can her feel relaxing in my arms.

"Tris, just say the word and I'll cancel this 'closure' breakfast. Nothing is worth putting a wedge between us," I offer.

Tris looks conflicted, her eyes alert as her brows furrow. She wraps her arms around my waist, and I take that as an invitation to kiss her. My lips gently press against hers before I pull away. Our eyes lock, and I gently kiss her again before pulling away once more. I continue this for a bit longer with small kisses, sweet and loving. Suddenly, Tris's arms slide up my chest to rest on my shoulders.

"Tris," I whisper. "It's one breakfast, which she wanted. Her wants don't trump what we have. I can call her right now and—"

"No. I meant what I said last night. You made these plans, just give her the meeting she wants," Tris says calmly. "You better hurry, you wouldn't want to keep her waiting."

I nod. "I'm gonna shave and then head out."

"I'm going to have a bowl of cereal before the baby wakes up," Tris says while walking towards the kitchen area.

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