Chapter 12: Don't Settle

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Chapter 12: Don't Settle

^^ Six weeks since Tris Returned ^^

*Tris POV*

"Tris! Stop fidgeting, you are going to tear the dress. Mr. Wilton paid a small fortune for it." Lana, one of James's assistant, scolds me for the fifth time in twenty minutes. I can hear the irritation in her voice.

I attempt to stand still during the dress fitting, but I am starting to feel like the room is spinning around me. I have asked the seamstress to please make sure the dress is not too tight, only for Lana to remind us both that James has made his vision very clear.

So the seamstress is making this dress incredibly tight. I hope the political event I will be wearing it to will not have a need for me to actually sit down. The seams will rip for sure.

I stare at my reflection in the full length mirror, I barely recognize myself. The dress is stunning, it is just not something I ever would have picked myself. It is tight (soon to be very tight), and very elegant, off-white color, floor length, and the arms are made of a knitted material that is not too flashy.

My issue is with the back of the dress. I am stunned at how much skin I will be showing, I am not comfortable at all. I tried to bring it up with James, and then he raved about how he fell in love with this dress. The moment he saw it, he knew it was the dress for me to be wearing for our first official appearance. He told me that as much pressure as he is under because of the election that having me by his side has made all of the difference.

I put a big smile on my face and agreed to wear that dress.

As Lana confirms that my dress will be ready in time for the event I quickly change back into my clothes. I finally feel like I can breathe again.

Later I am standing with her at the counter when my cell phone rings, I look apologetically as it takes me forever to find it in my bag. Lana just smiles and motions for me to take the call.


"Tris! It's Jessica, this is my husband's cell. My battery ran out again. Don't laugh at me. I am just reminding you we have our amazing girl's night tonight. Starting with the play at the main theater and then going for drinks after." She chimes excitedly.

I laugh, "Of course I remember our girl's night is tonight. You made us stand in line to buy these tickets for almost two hours! I barely even knew you then, but I didn't dare say no. Do you know where we are going for drinks after? I want to let James know where I will be."

"Really, do you need to let him know where you are at all times? You tell Mr. James Wilton you are going to be with me tonight. That is all he needs to know. You can tell him I said that too. In all seriousness, I feel like I never see you anymore. I just miss our friendship a lot. Please don't forget about me, or Michelle. We love and care about you. Ok?" She finishes softly. Serious for a moment.

The guilt eats at me. I can never make everyone happy. I always try...and then fail.

"I love you guys too. I hope you know that." I say cheerfully, even though a feel a tightness in my chest.

"Meet you at the atrium at six pm." Jess says.

"Ok, six pm sharp. I will meet you ladies there!" I smile as I hang up.

I see that Lana is deep into her smart phone email, I doubt she even realizes I am still in the room.

"Lana? Are we done?" I ask.

It's as though she just remembered I was there. She smiles and just reminds me that James wants me to have my hair styled for the event. We will need to make sure we set that appointment. I smile and nod. Sometimes I wonder if she minds all of the extra work my existence has added to her plate. The only time she seems to get annoyed is when I try to go against his wishes. Which stresses me out even more.

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