CH 26: Hospital Stay

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CH 26: Hospital Stay

Date: Early June +o+ Baby is 8 months old

^^ Moments Later ^^

*Tobias POV*

I blink rapidly, my mind and heart trying to comprehend what just happened.

I can't help but focus on the look on her face, her eyes puffy and red as though she had just been crying. No, crying is not the right though she had been sobbing. Did something happen between the time she left the room to sign in and when she walked back?

There's something about the way she quietly said, "I really hope her friendship is worth it to you" that sends shivers up my spine.

What did she mean? Was she breaking up with me? Ending what we have...our family?! Is she really doing this? This is my worst nightmare. And here I am, trapped in this bed, unable to chase after her.

I feel a sudden ache in my heart, so painful that I bury my face in my hands to try and push the feelings away.

"Tobias, are you okay? What on earth is going on with you and Tris?" Evelyn asks. For once, her questions do not irritate me. I look up and see that she looks genuinely concerned - alarmed, even.

"Mother, it's just...complicated," I mumble. I realize in that moment that I feel ashamed. I dread the thought of telling my mother what Tris saw when she arrived: Christina, sitting next to me on my bed, holding my hand.

Evelyn sighs. "It always is. You don't have to talk to me, but I just hope whatever is going on between you two..." She pauses to gather her words. "I hope you can fix things. Tris looked devastated."

"Yeah, well, she obviously has no intention of coming back to see me while I am stuck in this hospital. You heard her!" I snap. I am so hurt; even if Tris is upset with me, to turn away from me and leave me in the hospital without her?

My mother lets out an exaggerated sigh. "You are being a little dramatic. She has Andy to take care of, and she isn't allowed to bring him here. What would you like her to do?"

"Evelyn, let's be real. Baby or no baby, Tris has no desire to see me right now. I think that was pretty clear," I say grumpily.

"I guess that can be explained by the 'complicated' things you don't want to talk about," my mother reminds me with a smirk.

I frown and stare out my window. I hate being trapped in this bed. I have so many wires and patches stuck to me, monitoring me.

Tris. I need you.

"You know, sometimes I forget how young both you and Tris still are. You have been through a lot, yes. But nonetheless, she is only eighteen. I want to try and explain something you may never truly understand. It can be very hard becoming a mother, and in her case, a stay at home mom, moving back to a town that has changed so much, with no real friends of her own..." My frown deepens. I have no idea what she is talking about.

 I have no idea what she is talking about

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