Chapter 24: Work Trip

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Please see Author's Note at end of chapter.

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Chapter 24: Work Trip

Date: Early June +o+ Baby is 8 months old

^^ The Next Day ^^

*Tobias POV*

I chuckle while washing the breakfast dishes, I can hear Tris and Andy laughing in the dining area of our studio. I glance at my watch; it's almost time to head out. I have to work a couple of hours before the bus picks up my team from the office. The bus will be going straight to the bureau, I'm not looking forward to the drive. I prefer transport travel, but this was cheaper for budget purposes.

I try not to let the stress of work follow me home, but things are really coming to a head for Johanna's campaign. There is a lot on the line for her, our team, and really the entire city of Chicago.

Johanna winning this election would be the first Chicago representation at the political national level. This city must have a voice if we are to have a say in the high level decisions that impact us.

My work thoughts interrupted by Andy's screeching. Screeching happily, he is learning how to use his voice. I'm hoping he learns "inside voice" sooner rather than later. Tris is really patient with him, she's a natural. I love watching them together. She is so much better with him than I ever could be. Andy is lucky to have her as his mom.

I adore my son. Tris and Andy are everything to me. I'm still so anxious when it comes to the baby. I'm...I'm just afraid I'll mess up. What if I hurt him by accident?

Or on purpose.

I shudder. No. I'm nothing like him. I'm not.

I can't be.

Besides, it's not like I sit on the couch with a beer in one hand and my other hand on my crotch. I work my ass off when I'm home to contribute. Tris and I work as a team. It may be the Abnegation upbringing...I love to dote in her and encourage her to relax when I get home. I know her days are long, I appreciate all she does.

I actually had a guy at the office tell me proudly that he's never changed a single diaper for any of his four kids. And that he does nothing in the home...his job is to support them with his paycheck. These people actually exist! I met his wife shortly after, she was lovely and seemed happy. She was delivering him a surprise lunch she'd just made. She had their youngest kid with her, and he enjoyed showing his family around our offices. As much as I was looking for some inkling that they had problems, or she was trapped...I couldn't find it.

That's another thing I'm realizing as I get older and I'm in a real relationship myself...what makes one couple really happy could make another couple completely miserable. So people shouldn't assume their wants are the mold everyone else should strive for.

I do chuckle as I imagine what Tris would do to me if I saw my paycheck as my only contribution to our home. She may get the butter knife out during the middle of the night.

"Honey? Did I tell you I'm having lunch with Caleb today? Andy and I are very excited to meet his coworker, it's a girl..." Tris calls to me. I can hear the glee in her voice at the mention of Caleb inviting an actual friend to meet her.

Tris and I went a few rounds over her brother when we first got back to Chicago. She was in a tizzy about how the gang had treated Caleb during the year she was gone. It really bothered her that our group had been...cold...condescending...rude...I am trying to remember what other words/accusations she had hurled at me. I made sure to remind her that I shouldn't be punished for how my friends treated Caleb. I still remember the look she gave me. She was so disappointed...and hurt.

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