Chapter 25: Logical Explanations

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Chapter 25: Logical Explanations

Date: Early June +o+ Baby is 8 months old

^^ Moments Later ^^

*Tris POV*

I blink rapidly, my eyes trying to comprehend what I am seeing. My heart lurches right behind it, also confused.

Is he really doing this? Am I dreaming, or is this actually a nightmare?

Tobias is sitting up on his hospital bed and Christina is on the bed with him, perched by his hip so that they are face to face while speaking. She is holding his left hand in between hers.

If someone had told me this was happening, I would not have believed them.

I would not believe that Tobias would do this to me.

But there he is. I'm seeing this with my own eyes, just yards away on the other side of a glass window while I stand in a hallway with his sleeping child strapped to my chest.

I see that Christina is talking animatedly; although I can't see her face, I know by the way her shoulders and head move. She is now only using one hand to hold Tobias's while the other moves in the air as though she is trying to make her point.

But my attention is mainly on him. He's watching her, concentrating on what she is saying. I watch as he nods his head, as though to acknowledge that he is listening.

Christina shrugs her shoulders while pausing to breathe, and then her free hand reaches across to touch the bandage on his head. Tobias makes a conflicted face and then he pulls his head back away from her, his face then turning in my direction.

He sees me, and our eyes meet. I am still in shock, I can only imagine my face is expressionless.

All I can do is watch him, as his eyes widen at seeing me. A look of dread washes over his face.

I think about leaving. My legs want to carry me away, carry Andy with me. We can just escape. Get away from here.

And do what, I don't know.

No. I will not run. I need to be brave.

I'm suddenly angry. Angry and hurt. Within seconds, I am opening the door and storming into the room. Both Tobias and Christina look startled.

I say nothing, I just look at them both. My face is cold, and I feel detached, emotionless even.

Tobias speaks first. "Tris! This isn't...I mean..." He fumbles over his words while watching me. I arch an eyebrow, still frowning. "Christina was called when I was brought into the hospital. I just never thought to update my emergency contacts list for work. So, Evelyn and Christina were both called..."

My eyes have since shifted to her; she is standing and grabbing her purse off the chair by his bed. She has not looked in my direction even once since she saw me walk into the room.

When she finally turns to leave, she is forced to look at me. She is frowning, and I see how her eyes immediately shift to look at Andy. I cross my arms around him protectively.

She finally looks up at me. "Tris."

"Was the chair by Tobias's bed broken?" I ask her coldly.

Tobias is quiet; he looks so freaked out. Christina scoffs at my comment. "I'd better go. This isn't what it looks like's good to see you." Her voice is cold and condescending.

"Yeah, it's been a while. The last time I saw you was after that party, when you lied and made me believe that Tobias was still screwing you," I say while staring at her. A memory of drunk, nasty Christina flashes through my mind.

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