Chapter 22: No Room For Fear

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Last Chapter of Part II

Chapter 22: No Room For Fear

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Chapter Disclaimer:

This chapter includes mature adult themes. Topics include depression, suicide, as well as adult consensual sexual situations.

At the start and end of the adult sexual situation I will use this symbol: /XO/

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Chapter 22: No Room For Fear

Date: Mid-April +o++ Baby is 6 ½ months old


I want to wake up every single day and be the best version of me. There is no room for fear. Zero.

~ Shailene Woodley

^^ Moments Later ^^

*Tris POV*

The horrific screams continue, they are so animalistic that I can't recognize who is making the noise. When I shoved James to stop him from stabbing Tobias, both men fell into the Orchestra pit opening that is in the floor of the stage.

I am too scared to look, but I realize I have to face what I have done. I close my eyes and quickly count to five in order to calm myself, praying Tobias is OK.

I must be brave.

I begin to crawl over to peer into the orchestra pit. It is full of debris and I immediately see that James fell face down, he was impaled through his chest and legs. I can see the tops of the metal and wood pieces that have pierced through him completely as the weight of his body fell onto them. It is a dreadful sight, one which I'll never forget.

His screams are no more, he has bled out.

James Wilton is dead. I killed him.

There is only silence now.

"Tobias?!" I cry, I don't see him anywhere. "Tobias, please?! Please be ok!"

I hear his cough, "Tris...I'm ok!" I sit down on the edge of the orchestra drop and weep with relief. Tobias is alive.

"Hold on! I'm coming down..." I yell as I begin to crawl to the side of the stage and find the stairs that line the wall of the orchestra pit. I have to carefully push my way through some debris in order to make it to the bottom.

He calls for me, and I keep pushing through until I finally reach him. He is right at the drop of the pit, he landed on a stack of rolled up carpets and fabrics and rolled down. I laugh when I see him, more of a hysterical laugh as I am so relieved that he is alive and mostly uninjured.

"Do you have any idea how scared I was!? I felt like my heart was being ripped out of my chest. I was so scared you were dead or hurt." I cry while looking him over, confirming that he has not been stabbed by James.

Tobias smiles at me, touching my face, "I'm ok, baby. I'm with you, I'll never leave you."

"James is dead, it's over. It's finally over," I whisper while crawling closer to Tobias, he nods at me.

"You saved my life, Tris," he murmurs as I check his head that is bleeding. My hands are shaking as I touch him, making sure he is real. Making sure he is alive and safe. I almost lost him today.

"I'm ok...thanks to you. You saved me. I love you," he finishes.

"And I love you," I whisper back.

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