Chapter 17: Whole Genetics Corporation

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Chapter 17: Whole Genetics Corporation

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Chapter Disclaimers:

This chapter includes mature adult themes (adult consensual sexual situations).

At the start and end of the adult sexual situation I will use this symbol:     /XO/

The scene will be noted so that delicate readers can skip over it.

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Chapter 17: Whole Genetics Corporation

^^ The next morning ^^

Date: Two months, and one week+ since Tris was found

*Tobias POV*

My eyes are closed and I am sleeping deeply, something keeps trying to pull me awake. I can't remember the last time that I was so well rested.

"Tobias. Tobias, you need to wake up." I hear Tris speaking right in my ear.

Wait, why am asleep and so close that Tris can speak right into my ear?

I slowly open my eyes and realize that we are tangled together on the bed.


She smiles at me and raises her eyebrows and then motions at us, as if to encourage me to get off of her.

It all comes rushing back to me, I had one of my terrible nightmares about her death. I feel embarrassed as I pull away from her and move to sit up at the edge of the bed. My back now facing her.

She is alive, and I've known it for months – but I am still plagued by these horrible nightmares.

It's pathetic.

I quickly breathe in and out to calm myself, to push my embarrassment away.

"Tobias? Are you ok?" she says softly, gently laying her hand on my shoulder. I quickly stand up, putting distance between us.

I don't need or want her pity.

"Yeah, of course," I answer gruffly, "Look, sorry about last night."

I've not looked in her direction since untangling myself from her.

"We can't control our dreams, you have nothing to apologize for, Tobias." She says calmly as she is now walking to stand in front of me.

"A dream? Try the nightmare that has been tormenting me since David shot you, since I thought you were dead. I can't escape it!" I snap.

Tris brows furrow as she opens and closes her mouth, as though she decided not to say something.

"Whatever it is, just say it." I mumble.

"Well, I'm alive...just trying to understand your dream..." she trails off softly.

I frown at her. I keep my mouth closed. For the first time it occurs to me's because she is still not in my life. We aren't together, as much as I us want to be.

She clears her throat, "It was a dream. You don't need to apologize."

"I know, but after telling you about the pictures of Christina and me, I am guessing the last thing you wanted was to have to comfort me and hold me like a child all night long," I say matter-of-factly as I watch her expression fall as though she had just remembered. She looks sad. Again.

mended vs. settLed (a FOURTRIS love story)Where stories live. Discover now