Chapter 39: Making it Official

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Chapter 39: Making it Official

Date: Middle of October +o+ Andy is 1 year old

^^ A Week Later ^^

* Tris POV *

Walking quickly through Millennium Park, I shiver and pull my coat closed. It's one of the cooler days this fall. I love this time of year; it's not winter, but the weather is brisk and sweater-worthy. Looking around the park as I walk, I appreciate the changing colors of the leaves. Tobias and I had a wonderful time enjoying a picnic lunch and pointing out the different colors to Andy this past weekend.

Glancing at the clock on my cell phone, I realize I have a little bit of time before I am to meet Tobias for an early dinner/late lunch. It was just a week ago that I agreed to move back in with him. He was able to negotiate a fast release of my studio lease and his. Mr. Samuel was thrilled to get us into the available three bedroom as soon as possible, commenting that those units can be harder to rent out.

Tobias and I each took a vacation day today, and while Andy is at daycare we have been working nonstop on our move. Zeke is working nights this week, so he was able to help us with the heavy lifting this morning.

My cheeks flush remembering how Tobias and I christened every room in the new apartment this afternoon. As soon as Zeke left, Tobias and I found our way into each other's arms and our frantic lovemaking began. I don't think I will ever look at the kitchen counter without remembering all the things he did while taking me against it.

"Tris! Hi, I wasn't expecting to see you out and about. How did the move go?" Johanna Reyes asks, she and I almost running into each other as we turn a corner on the street.

I smile warmly at her. "Johanna, hello. The move went well. It's good to see you. I'm sorry we didn't get a chance to talk more at Andy's birthday party."

"Nonsense, I could see how busy you were at the party. That baby you and Tobias have is absolutely gorgeous." Johanna then chuckles. "We keep asking Tobias to bring Andy by the office for a visit."

I laugh, knowing that Tobias would never want to bring Andy to work. He doesn't like attention on himself, which is exactly what would happen if he brought Andy in.

"I'm looking forward to my one on one with Tobias tomorrow. I'm sure he told you that I want to discuss his role in my organization," Johanna says while searching my face.

Keeping my tone neutral, I respond, "Yes, he did." I decide to try interjecting a joke. "It's the main reason he won't be taking tomorrow off from work as well as today."

My joke makes Johanna laugh.

"Well, let me assure you, Tobias is a true asset to my team. I know things for him have really slowed down now that the election is over, but he knows that I will always have a place for him in my organization," she assures me.

I wonder if Johanna has been able to sense the unrest that Tobias feels at work. It is something we have been discussing a lot in the last two weeks. Now that the election is over, Tobias is feeling unfulfilled in his role. It is a much larger issue than things just being slow around the office.

Part of moving back in together involved sitting down and poring over our finances. We have both been making good money, and the free daycare through my position really helps. It turns out that a three bedroom apartment in our building ends up costing less than two separate studios. We have been saving, and now that we have made a budget we will be able to save even more.

"Well, as we just moved in together, I am glad to hear that Tobias is doing well at work!" I say smoothly.

We both laugh, and I finish by saying, "In all seriousness, I am glad you and Tobias will have this meeting tomorrow. I know he has the utmost respect for you and all you have accomplished for the city."

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