Chapter 6: Setting Expectations

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Chapter 6: Setting Expectations

^^ Day 4 ^^

*Tris POV*

I open my eyes as the morning light streams in through my room's windows. Immediately the pounding headache I went to sleep with reminds me that it's still here. The headache is from all of the crying I have done in the last twenty-four hours.

I turn to look at the clock on my nightstand. Ah yes, actually at this time yesterday I still was happy. I still had love in my life. I still believed in my friends. I still believed in myself.

Last night I met with my support team. I immediately told them that I needed to find out where my brother was and how he is doing. I didn't want to deal with any more surprises, and they agreed. They were going to find out about Caleb and circle back with me.

I decide to close my eyes and try to sleep some more. At least when I sleep, I can feel peace. Part of me wonders if things would have been different had I been part of the first group that was woken up two weeks ago. My morbid curiosity wonders how long they have been together.

How long did it take him to get over me enough to start having sex with my best friend?

I scold myself. Who cares? What difference does it really make? Whether Tobias got over me a week after I died, or a year, or five years...the thought of him and Christina makes me sick. Of all of the people they could have turned to...


I have to stop this.

There is a knock at my door, I try to ignore it.

The knocking just gets louder. "Come in!" I yell from under my covers. The door opens slowly.

"Oh honey, we came to drag you out of bed, or your wallows of sadness as I like to call it. Get up, don't make me carry you," Jessica say firmly as she charges in my room. "I am much stronger than I look."

I notice that Michelle has the courtesy to lean against my doorframe and watch as Jessica storms in like a tornado. When we make eye contact she gives me a kind and reassuring look. She is so pretty- reddish, straight hair and light cream skin. She is delicate as well, her tall thin frame and a very soft and comforting voice. She is someone that I look at and imagine must be the most wonderful mother.

Suddenly I hear that Jessica has started the shower and is rummaging through my clothes, she looks over her shoulder, "Get moving – I will pick something out for you by the time you have finished your shower."

I sigh, there is no use fighting her. Jessica is tornado, that won't give up – she is the picture of cute, perky, and beautiful. She is very petite, but unlike me she has incredible curves in all the right places. She has thick, straight blond hair, and a confident smile that demands attention.

After my shower, and a couple of wardrobe negotiations, we head over to breakfast. I haven't seen Michelle since before each of us split off the morning before. I had asked Jessica to get her up to speed on my situation with Tobias.

As we sit down I tell them that before anything negative is said, I want to hear only good details about Michelle's reunion with her husband and children. She smiles at me and squeezes my hand before diving into her story.

As she predicted, her younger daughter did not actually remember her, but the amazing news was that her husband and other family made it a priority to talk about her nonstop to her children, and show them photos and videos. It was a very emotional reunion, and they have a lot of work to put in.

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