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Bravestar woke with a jolt and quickly got to his paws. He felt something wet trickle down his back. He flung himself back with a hiss.
"Ow! You just trod on my tail!" Snapped a voice.
The brown tabby whipped around to see a silver and gray shape shifting. "Br-Bravestar?!" It was Slatestar.
"You're here too?" Asked a voice. It was Whitestar, ViperClan's leader. Followed closely by Feralstar as she padded out of the shadows. Foxstar shook his ginger tabby coat and heaved himself up. "The last thing I remember is being on patrol and then cats sprang from the shadows." He told the other leaders. "I was with Rainfrost helping her start GlimpseClan.." Bravestar put in.
"I was on a border patrol." Slatestar added. "I was on a snake patrol." Whitestar mewed, giving her pelt a shake.
"Seems like our cats did a good job." A cat drawled.
The leaders all got in their battle stances. A slim black tom with luminous yellow eyes padded up to them followed by two other cats. "Who are you?" Slatestar snapped.
"And where are we?" Feralstar asked.
The slim cat's tail swished against the ground as he sat and began to lick his chest grooming himself, swiping a paw behind his ear.
Slatestar bristled. "Answer us you worthless pile of," he began to storm over, but a cat knocked him down.
The black tom looked up from his grooming. "My name is Darktalon. For now, you don't need to know anything else. But let's just say be prepared for what's about to happen." He meowed and turned to walk back into the darkness of the alley. Slatestar heaved himself up to lunge for him in attack, but a gray tom pinned him down. Raising his paw to deliver the death blow, but stopped. "Harestalk. Don't be rude. These are our... guests." Darktalon meowed, tipping his head to one side. Something about this made Bravestar more uncomfortable than ever. The way his yellow eyes lit up the shadows of the darkness. Was he shivering?
Darktalon turned and walked away with his companions behind him.
"Our Clans are surely worried sick about us." Feralstar meowed.
"I hope Yellowheart's okay.." Foxstar meowed, referring to his mate and brilliant medicine cat. Whitestar touched her tail to his shoulder. "Our cats will come and get us." She reassured. "Oh. By the way. Your cats will be, occupied." Darktalon meowed as he looked over his shoulder.
All five of the Clan leaders froze. What did that mean?

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