Chapter 4

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"Hollowpaw. I need you to take that bundle of cobwebs to Flowerfoot." Barkpelt broke in her thoughts about her dream of the message. Her father was in trouble. She couldn't just sit and hustle and bustle bringing plants. But she was a medicine cat apprentice. She'd leave some things to her siblings. Lionpaw, Dovepaw, and Brownpaw. Who were warrior apprentices. She couldn't bare he thought of her leader--her father in danger. Or worse. She distracted herslf by doing her task. She applied the herbs to Flowerfoot's tail. "Thanks Hollowpaw." She purred.
"I can't believe we were attacked by a fox." Eaglespring meowed, clearly showing her displeasure.
"Yeah but we chased it off didn't we?" Spruceleap put in.
"I still think we should have killed it." Vinewhisper meowed as he drew a line in the dirt with a claw. His apprentice, Lionpaw gave his golden pelt a shake. "Foxes may be snappy, but I'm surprised it could even see us with its stupid pointed nose!" He mrowed with laughter.
"But foxes are fast you know," Shadeears meowed.
"Who cares about the foxes? My mate, your Clan leader is probably captured by unknown forces." Leopardheart meowed. Her pelt was pricking.
Finally someone agrees! Hollowpaw's eyes began to gleam.
"That doesn't make sense a bit of Leopardheart, we care that Bravestar is gone," Marrigoldrunner meowed but was stopped. "I am your leader. And I will not rest until Bravestar is found." She meowed and looked at the cats of TimberClan. "I'm taking a patrol. If anyone wishes to come, follow me." She exited the camp, being followed by Brownpaw, Tigerfur, Kinkstem, Dovepaw, Quickfoot, Runningfall, Rivertalon, and Bash. Pearmist and Feathertuft were sharing tongues together. The two cats were mates now.
"I've never seen my mom like that at all.." Hollowpaw muttered almost to herself.
"She's worried about your father more than we are." Fallowjaw meowed gently, touching her silver and white tail to the medicine cat apprentice's shoulder.
"I'll say. As far as I'm concerned, she'll have Heatherfur and Poolhawk's kits scouting he forest next." Echostream meowed.
"I'm going to be the best warrior in the Clan!" Shiningkit piped up, as he pounced on his mother's tail.
The light brown tabby queen purred at her son's energy. "You have a warrior's heart as brave as any cat's my little one. But you're not as old as Hollowpaw or her littermates yet." She mewed sweetly, touching her nose to his ear.
Nettlepoppy padded over, swiping her tongue over her whiskers, prey was on her breath. "I was up in the trees scouting from above. I saw a couple of strange cats, but I didn't want to be seen so I left them alone and headed straight back for camp." She told them.
"Good. We can't loose anymore cats plus Bravestar." Shystep meowed.
"Hollowpaw! I need you to come and check on Stonewhisker's paw!" Barkpelt yowled. "Coming!" She bounded over. The gray tabby tom was hunting, ran into the bushes and had hurt himself one day. Luckily he wasn't so too hurt, other than a thorn in his paw.
Hollowpaw gently prodded at it. Stonewhisker gave a yowl of pain in response.
"Stop moaning!" Barkpelt growled, as he scratched behind his ear to remove a flea from his pelt which he squashed later with a leaf.
"But it hurts." He muttered bitterly.
"If you'd have taken it out yourself, you wouldn't be here. But I digress. Medicine cats will do their jobs no matter the problem." The fluffy brown tom meowed. Hollowpaw gently removed the thorn. "There!" She chirped. "Your apprentice seems to like her job. I admire that!" He meowed and padded out of the den as if his paw was never hurting.

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