Chapter 14

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The cats were all panting. Littlepaw could feel warmth in her belly as she saw cats crowding around their leaders. Blazetoe shoved her way past her Clanmates. "Give them some space." She meowed and nuzzled Slatestar. Lilytail and Lightspot bounded over with Howlingdawn, Nightriver, and Thunderclaw over to Feralstar. "Thank StarClan you're okay!" Lilytail meowed in relief.
"I've faced worse. We all have." The tan tabby tom reassured his sister.
"We're just blessed by StarClan you're okay!" Chara nuzzled into her father, Foxstar's neck. "Me too." He mewed softly and sweetly. Bravestar was being surrounded by his clanmates. Then his kits, all bounded over to playfully tackle him.
"We're not exactly okay. That Darktalon did a number. And he didn't even fight us. His cats did the clawing and hissing and spitting at our faces for him." Slatestar rumbled in fury. "Then that must mean he's a sniveling coward!" Declared Poppypaw, a ScarClan apprentice. "I wouldn't say that apprentice." Whitestar warned in almost a snort.
"You all look so starved!" Missingdust fretted.
"We'll be fine. You worry about yourselves. We worry about us." Feralstar meowed as he flicked his tail. His mate Lightspot gently flicked his ear with her paw. "Don't you tell us that. We're your warriors." She purred teasingly.
The leaders all knew they had to deal with their shaken Clans. That is after they told them of their encounters with Darktalon of course. What this cat did would never be forgotten. Not even by generations of kits. Darkshadow dipped his head to his friend and leader. "My friend, it's good to have you back. There was no way I was ready to be leader of WolfClan so early." He meowed in a friendly tone.
"I will be taking my Clan home to ease thwir worries." Slatestar meowed, giving his gray and silver pelt a shake.
"We have much training to be done. We don't even know what Darktalon's next move might be." Foxstar meowed.
"We thank you again." Hazelheart looked to Rainfrost, who dipped her head. Her sister, Splashfur, bowed her head back and followed her Clan as they went back home. The cool air blew through the trees. Littlepaw padded at Hollyflight's heels.

"Use your left Lynxpaw! Your left!" Hazelheart encouraged her apprentice. The brownish tabby apprentice was battle training with Cloverpaw. Darkshadow padded to stand by Feralstar. "Are you hurt at all?" His deputy asked.
"Don't you worry about my strength. I took many of a hit and you know it." He replied. The gray and brown apprentice darted out the way purring. "Hah! I win! So you owe me a mouse!" He taunted.
Lynxpaw lashed her tail. "Not today!" She launched herself at Cloverpaw, paws flailing and the two were tumbling. She bit his ear. He reacted by attempting to shove her off. "Alright! Alright let me up!" He gasped and eventually go her off of him.
"I see my sister in her kits everyday.." Sorrelheart murmured softly as Whitefang leaned into her shoulder.
"I know you do. Maybe Elmpoppy isn't gone after all." He mewed softly.
A yowl broke out, signaling a Clan meeting. Whitestar stood on top of the Snake Rock beside Feralstar. "We have begun to prepare for an attack from the rogues. From what you all have said, two lives have been claimed. Sweetheart, and Dogshade. They will be missed. But know this, our cats will not die in vain." She meowed. Yowls of ViperClan cats called from below.
"No cat dare kills my mate! I'll avenge Sweetheart until I die! Let me go back to Twolegplace right now and show them what for!" Howlingdawn yowled on his paws.
"Darktalon and his friends got lucky that night.." Badgerstalk meowed in a hiss of rage. "And they won't get lucky again." The cream tabby tom growled his light green eyes glazed with fury. Littlepaw seemed to understand what the tabby was saying. Darktalon would pay for this.

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