Chapter 11

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As Hollowpaw kept close to Barkpelt in a patch of plants somewhere by the old Twoleg nest they usually got some herbs for their remedies, the dark brown fluffy tom's yellow eyes, looked around. A trio of paws sounded as their clanmates, Leopardheart, Mallowtail, and Runningfall.
"Smell anything while we were gathering?" Barkpelt asked the golden dappled she-cat. She shook her head. "Not a thing. Only those sniveling, crow-food eating dogs in cat pelts." It was clear that she was still bitter of the trick that had been pulled on them from last night. "We'll renew the scent markers." Runningfall meowed.
"Don't go far, if you see one of them, you know what to do. More than one, run like StarClan." Leopardheart meowed.
The two warriors nodded their heads and walked into the forest. Hollowpaw went to stand by her mother. "Crouchfoot had no right to blame you yesterday." She mewed. Leopardheart purred in amusement. "That tom's always been as prickly as a bush." The deputy meowed after gave a mrow of laughter. "I have the herbs I needed." Barkpelt told her through the bundle of plants in his mouth. Runningfall and Mallowtail came back. "No rogues." The brown and white she-cat told her. "Good. Let's get back to camp." They all headed in the direction of the TimberClan border. As they reached the camp, which was only a fox-length away, unease pricked at Hollowpaw's pelt. All of the sudden, a blur of pelts streamed across the open ground. A slim black tom swooped in and tackled Hollowpaw. Was this Darktalon--the cat that Milksip and the others told TimberClan about that knew Boarclaw? Her mother Leopardheart, moved as fast as a fox to his side, her claws about to strike his head. Darktalon scored his claws across Hollowpaw's pelt, blood bubbled at his claws. There was a roar of thundering paws and TimberClan cats charged forward. But a fee rogues went for them. The medicine cat apprentice managed wriggle free and run. Barkpelt lunged in front of him and slid underneath him, his claws swiping for his belly. Darktalon slid with an agonizing screech, as Barkpelt's claws swiped at his stomach. Amid the cats, was Boarclaw. The big brown tabby was standing over Crouchfoot.
"No!" Flintnose yowled. His eyes glazed with fury as he tore across the fray for the tabby tom to save his Clanmate.
Nettlepoppy, Feathertuft, and Quickfoot attacked three cats and eventually sent them running into the bushes. Suddenly, it looked like more rogues were coming. No, not rogues. It was GlimpseClan! A cream tom snarled. "Darktalon!" He roared.
So that's who this cat is! Hollowpaw realized. "Leave this forest!" He sneered threateningly. "Yeah! This is clan territory!" Lostflank yowled in fury, her gray tabby pelt fluffed up making her look twice her size. Darktalon growled,"Never!" He bared his teeth. A cat ran to the tom. "Darktalon! There's so many!" They wailed, covered in scratches on their face. "And we'll call as many cats as it takes until you leave or die!" Leopardheart growled.
Darktalon held in a hiss of frustration. "This isn't over." He snarled threateningly. "Retreat!" He yowled loudly. The rogue enemies stopped fighting and fell in behind their leader. Crouchfoot turned to the GlimpseClan cats. "Thanks." He meowed.
"Like Rainfrost told you, you have our services as well as the other Clans." Milkskip meowed dipping his head.
"So he wasn't kidding.." Batwing meowed. Leopardheart's ears pricked. "What are you talking about?"
"There are rumors, that he said he was planning something big. We know this because when they captured your leader and the others, he told us to watch out." Snowfeather replied.
"Seems like the rumors are true.." Nutfur mewed.
"We need to tread carefully now. We're on cracking ice." Rainfrost told them. Hollowpaw was getting her injuries treated.
"Give us the word, mom, and we'll tear them and spread their guts!" Brownpaw declared, his brown pelt fluffed up as Dovepaw and Lionpaw stood beside him yowling their agreement along with the warriors of both Clans.

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