Chapter 28

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The morning had dawned clear and warm. The season of Newleaf was warm. Bravestar opened one eye to survey the camp, seeing cats already moving about. The flowers were blooming. Dovefeather padded up to her father with a bog rabbit in her jaws and dropped it at his feet. "I caught this earlier dad!" She purred. Bravestar gave a bright purr. "Impressive!" He meowed. Brownclaw and Liongaze were mock battling each other.
"If you were a rogue, you wouldn't stand a chance." The brown tom teased. But his brother heaved his hing legs and pushed him off, running to tumble into him and pin him down. "Sure about that?" He meowed. Leopardheart walked over to give her sons licks behind their ears. "I'm so proud of both of you. You're shaping up to fine fighters." The golden dappled she-cat purred.
Flintnose walked through the camp entrance with a hunting patrol. Bravestar gave a surprised meow. "Well done. We'll have enough prey to last us for a moon. Not that we didn't of course." He gave his chest a lick. Shiningkit was pouncing on a stick. "Take that dog bait!" He squeaked. Heatherfur was watching. Crouchfoot padded over with a shrew and nosed his mate and left to put his catch on the fresh kill pile. Poolhawk was resting with her kits. Quickfoot drew over to her, promising to be a good father to Acornkit and Chestnutkit, even if he wasn't actually kin to them. He pressed their noses to each of their heads.
Mallowtail padded over to Leopardheart. "Everycat in the forest is on edge. A ScarClan patrol nearly didn't recognize Flintnose for a heartbeat. These rogues are a mess." She wrinkled her nose in disgust.
"We need to reset the boundaries to rid of those pesky rogues." Nighttail put in, joining the conversation.
"What do boundaries matter?" Barkpelt muttered lumbering over like a badger. "I share dreams with ancestors from even WolfClan and ViperClan as well as Nightdusk and Pikestalk. Boundaries haven't even stopped Clan cats from killing Clan cats. So how are rogues any different if even Clan cats couldn't follow them?" He asked.
"But that was then. This is now. Times have changed. There aren't two Clans in the forest anymore." Hollowcreek mewed. She was right. Bravestar lifted his head. "Darktalon will be removed from the forest. I'll be sure of it." He vowed. There was a glimmer in his eyes that was unreadable but his voice was determined. Tigerfur and Eaglespring stood tall. "We'll take on anycat!" The gray she-cat purred with spirited determination. Shadeears purred at her two daughters. The Clans could do this. They would do this.

"Rogues! Wake up! Rogue invaders!"
Bravestar was on his feet and racing into the clearing before he could fully realize what was happening. Cats were running into the camp. TimberClan warriors were clawing at enemy cats already. Pearmist raced for a cat that was heading for the nursery and leaped and pounced on the cat as if he were a rabbit, on the cat's back, raking his claws down his head. Suddenly, it looked like a second wave of invaders but it was GlimpseClan.
"Did you think I was lying when I said we'd help you?" It was Rainfrost who was smirking at a cat that had ran off and looked to Leopardheart and Bravestar. He looked into her battle hungry gaze. "Not for a moment." He replied and lunged for Darktalon, but he turned and fled put of the camp. "He's not getting away that easily!" Liongaze roared and cats tore alongside him.
"Liongaze, tackle him to the ground!" It was Turtle! His spirit kit inside his head!
The golden warrior slammed the tom to the ground with a mighty leap. It looked like a WolfClan and ViperClan patrol were chasing a few off as well as AshClan and ScarClan.
Littlefur saw a dog walking over. The cats looked cautious, until the creature padded to stand by them and growl at the rogues. "Good job Pluto." She meowed.
"These cats are crazy!" A rogue wailed in the night.
"No you fools! Get back here you cowards!" Darktalon shrieked as his companions ran off into the night, scattering and fleeing in different directions.
"Give in Darktalon. Accept that you won't win." It was Feralstar.
"Never! I'm going to kill as many of you as it takes for all you've done to me! You shall all," The dog Littlefur knew from Twolegplace grabbed Darktalon in his jaws. Shaking him violently. Bone crunching was heard which made all of the cats stare at him. His yowls were filled with agony. Pluto dropped the black cat, stepping back. The Clan cats all stared at each other.
Rainfrost padded over and ran her paw across his flank. "He's dead!" She yowled. The Clan cats yowled in victory and triumph. Feralstar, Littlefur, and Liongaze all saw the three little kits along with their mother when the others didn't. "Thank you.." she mewed and faded from them with her kits.

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