Chapter 22

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Feralstar bristled in rage. "You nearly cost me my son!" He snarled.
"Oh? I'll be sure to tell Darktalon." Boarclaw meowed.
Littlefur felt a rush of energy and anger and she barreled into Boarclaw taking him by surprise. The tom fell with a grunt. "Ah!" He yowled.
Littlefur pinned him and growled loudly. The brown tabby tom tried to move but Feralstar held him down. "You will never threaten the forest again.." he snarled in his ear.
"No! No please!" Boarclaw wailed loudly. "Feralstar." A calm voice whispered. The tom had been a calm and compassionate leader. But it seemed like in this moment, all of that had vanished. The firy of his son's injuries were still freshed, considering the dog attack happened three sunrises ago and the events had lasted throughout the moon.
"Feralstar listen to me." It was the kit. Feralstar tensed and snapped his jaws shut.
"They can't hear me. You need to be the leader they need you to be. Take them prisoner." The kit told him.
Littlefur looked at him wide eyed. His nostrils flared minutely as he let out a patient sigh, and Liongaze seemed to admire his self-control. "We shall hold your prisoner once more." He turned to Liongaze. "Do you know your way to TimberClan?" He asked the young warrior. Liongaze nodded "Yes." He mewed in reply. "Good." Feralstar meowed. Liongaze dipped his head and headed off for TimberClan. "Come on Littlefur. Let's take this cat back to the Clan." Feralstar meowed to the young medicine cat.
Littlefur nodded and pushed Boarclaw up. The tom grunted, clearly in pain. "Ow! I think you broke something!" He growled at Littlefur. Littlefur growled back only more threatening. He seemed to shrink in his pelt. They returned to camp. Cats turned and stared at them. Creekfur bristled. "It's Boarclaw!" He yowled. "So he's back again to cause trouble is he?" Whitestar asked.
Littlefur looked around.
"He's a prisoner again." He told her.
"I see. Branchspots, Sunsetclaw, guard him and send him into a den." Whitestar meowed. Cats snorted but stayed silent.
"What? Wouldn't it be easier just to kill him?" It was Cloverstrike who asked the question all of the other cats seemed to want to ask him. "No we need him alive to lead us to Darktalon." Feralstar mewed trying to sound patient. "You'll never get my leader here!" Boarclaw growled.
"I'm sure once he realizes his deputy's gone, he'll do the same thing we did to you and your bunch.." Jaggedtooth growled in retort. As Boarclaw stayed silent then, Littlefur sighed and padded away. Lynxeye followed her littermate. "I think Feralstar's doing the sensible thing. I don't know why Cloverstrike's acting all mousebrained. But he's always been like that." She mewed. The moon was nearly over. Littlefur only nodded her head in response.
Lynxeye tilted her head. "Hey, what's wrong?" She asked.
"Nothing. I'm fine just tired." She replied. "Get your sleep." It was Thrusberry. "You've done enough. Go ahead and rest." She mewed. Sorrelheart ran over. "Littlefur. Are you hurt anywhere? Are you okay? Did that fox-heart attack you?" She asked her niece. Littlefur shook her head. "No aunt Sorrelheart. I'm okay." She replied. The brown she-cat yawned and curled into her nest in a ball.
"Sweet dreams my kin." Sorrelheart purred.

"Hey. Hey wake up." a small voice mewed. Littlefur blinked and mrowed in tiredness. Fluttering her eyes open, she saw her spirit kit. And she wasn't in the camp anymore. The kit had changed. She was a calico kit smiling up at her. Her yellow eyes gleamed. Her eyes widened, her sleepiness fading. "You have a pelt color!" She meowed.
The she kit smiled. "Yeah! I can talk too!" She beamed. Littlefur looked completely bewildered and overjoyed.
"Your name is Littlefur! My name was Tiny." The calico spirit kit squeaked.
"Hello little one." She mewed. Tiny smiled "What do you wish to know about me?" She asked.
"Why are you a spirit? Kits shouldn't die." Littlefur mewed.
"Darktalon drowned me." Tiny replied. "But why?" Littlefur asked. Tiny looked so small and innocent. What kind of cat would do such a thing?
"He was ashamed. My mom was a rouge. Then he changed and killed us all." She went on. "I don't understand. What was he?" She asked curiously.
"He was a warrior. He hated us on sight and killed us. I was first." Tiny told her.
"A-warrior?! Of what Clan?!" Littlefur asked. The kit paused. "I don't remember." She mewed.
"It's quite alright." she mewed.
"Will you stay and play with me?" Tiny offered. "Of course!" Littlefur purred in reply. Tiny jumped up and raced around happily. Littlefur purred and raced after Tiny. The she-kit laughed and looked like she was having fun. Littlefur purred with delight as she and he kit played together.

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