Chapter 9

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Littlepaw's eyes blinked open and she sprang to her paws. She looked around, above, trees gently rustled and the sun shone brightly like a flame. The air was laden with prey and other mingled scents.
"Oh Littlepaw."
The young apprentice gasped and saw a dark brown she-cat with blue eyes;she gave a kind flick of her tail.
"M-mom? Is that really you?" She muttered. "Yes my dear." Elmpoppy replied. Littlepaw ran over and nuzzled into her mother's neck. Sorrelheart had told her and her sister so much about their mother.
"It feels so great to see you!" She mewed.
"Oh my darling, I watch you and your sister and I couldn't be more proud." She whispered. Littlepaw blinked up. "Why am I in my dreams?" She murmured. "There is something I must show you." Her mother meowed. Littlepaw's yellow eyes gleamed for a heartbeat. She suddenly felt like a bird as she walked down from the stars beside her mother. The two of them reached the ground of a dark and dreary place. Walls and it looked like Twoleg rubbish was around. Behind them, was a shadowy tunnel. "This is Twolegplace. Where cats delight in chaos and conflict." Elmpoppy meowed.
Littlepaw's brown pelt prickled along her spine.
She saw the leaders! Feralstar, Whitestar, Foxstar, Slatestar, and Bravestar. All together. "Darktalon, the attack worked successful." Meowed a tom. The tom padded out of the shadows. The cat they had taken hostage!
"Well done Boarclaw. Everything is going according to plan." Darktalon meowed. "You should have been at the battle. They were scrambling like ants. And they call themselves warriors!" Spat a light brown tabby beside them.
"Zabriskie clawed this ginger cat!" Boarclaw boasted.
"Our cats are warriors!" Slatestar snarled. Darktalon looked at him. "I find that very hard to believe. Considering what my cats just said." He meowed. Slatestar thrust his muzzle towards Darktalon, baring his teeth viciously. His mighty companions growled and circled around him.
"I would start anything if I were you." Zabriskie hissed lowly.
Two she-cats slinked from the shadows to circle them as well. "Want to tell them the aftermath Ruby?" Purred a dark blue-gray she-cat.
"A cat died. Or more. Maybe. Maybe not." The she-cat she named meowed.
"No!" Whitestar yowled, her dark green eyes widening.
Foxstar took a step forward. "Our warriors will find out whatever it may be you're planning and stop it before it can happen you filthy rogue!" He snarled in fury. Darktalon padded forward slowly, his whiskers twitching. "Oh really, is that so?" His voice was calm and cold as ever. He slid out his claws, they pricked the earth beneath him. The five leaders huddled together side by side almost as if they were kits. Their pelts fluffed up. Littlepaw couldn't believe what she was seeing. Each leader had their own type of battle stance. They all eyed the eery black cat. His yellow eyes being the only thing that lit up the shadows of their Twolegplace alley prison. Apart from their own eyes of course. Darktalon let out a blood chilling screech and launched himself at the nearest clan leader. Whitestar shrieked and flung herself in response. The five leaders followed suit. Littlepaw felt a stir of curiosity and fear in her belly. Two feelings clashing into one like two cats at battle. Her tension increased as she saw the cats scrambling to get a good claw at each other. But Darktalon was fast. Feralstar headed for his flank but was flown away by a cat tackling him. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw that Darktalon had given Whitestar a scratch over her eye that would definitely be a scar. Littlepaw froze as she saw the black tom examine his claws. They had blood on them. Darktalon barreled over the nearest leader, snarling. Bravestar hissed and clawed his face as he landed on his side. Darktalon leaped off the cat, he had just tackled. "I will pick off your cats, one by one and do something unimaginable to your clans." He meowed, sounding uncomfortably calm again.
"You captured us for mouse dung! You fool!" Foxstar spat.
"Our warriors can pick your weak cats off faster than a fox!" Slatestar added standing by his side.
Darktalon slowly made his way forward, his ears flattening. "Just wait and you'll get what you asked for." He snarled.
The five clan leaders froze. Stunned looks on each of their faces. Darktalon felt a jolt of satisfaction at the stunned looks on their faces. Darktalon felt a jolt of satisfaction at the stunned looks on their faces. Feralstar's hazel eyes flashed for a heartbeat. His hackles rose as he stared into Darktalon's yellow orbs.

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