Chapter 13

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The four Clan cats bristled and charged for them. A tom glared at Stoneshadow. "You left us! You coward!" He sneered.
"At least I have something to fight for!" The gray tom fired back, striking his claws to the side of his enemy's head.
Three WolfClan warriors and apprentices raced at the sound of hissing and yowling. Cats raced from the shadows of Twolegplace, running from perches and structures for them. Darkshadow raced in, running at Rainfrost's side. The cats all looked around for any sign of their leaders. Lynxpaw fell in beside her mentor, Hazelheart, Pinefur, Dawnfrost, Cloverpaw, Sageheart, Mothsoar, and Larchwing. She was running so fast that her paws looked that they weren't eve touching the stone ground.
"We are under attack! Destroy them all!!" Called a mighty voice. It was Boarclaw of course. Was he this Darktalon's deputy of sorts?
"You again!" The dark brown tabby seemed to notice Darkshadow who had one of his companions pinned and struggling. His eyes suddenly peered behind him as he saw Hazelheart. She was heading for the prison of the Clan leaders!
"No! Ruby, Sapphire! Stop that mange-pelt!" He ordered and two she-cats weaved through the battle straight for the tan tabby warrior. A flash of pale blue/gray fur moved in front of Lynxpaw so quick it didn't look like a cat. "Go! Get your father!" It was Skyfoot. Hazelheart nodded her head and dove into the shadowy and hard stone tunnel. Movement was seen. A white she-cat stood up and bristled. "Who are," she got a good look at who it was. "Hazelheart?" Whitestar asked her. "We're here to set you all free!" Cloverpaw beamed. Feralstar's eyes softened as he saw his daughter. They suddenly widened. "Look out!" He yowled and a cat lunged for her. In the same moment, Dawnfrost hurled himself in front of her. As fast as a bird, his claws slashed at the attacker's chest, but they missed. He was pinned down harshly and the cat claw's clung to on his neck fur.
"No cat harms my warriors!" Feralstar roared and sprang forward. Dawnfrost's claws scored his attacker and all of the leaders charged and clamored onto the attacker, a mass of tails, teeth, and claws.
"Thanks!" Dawnfrost gasped. The WolfClan leader panted. "No problem." Feralstar mewed. Foxstar shot up, claws unsheathed. "We have to save our Clanmates!" He raced out of the tunnel, the others falling in behind him. The cats all saw their warriors, apprentices, and even an elder or two fighting. Feralstar charged at a cat that had Larkstep writhing on her back. She pummeled the enemy cat's belly with her back legs and clawed at their eyes. Foxstar and Slatestar barreled into a cat's side. While Whitestar was ripping a cat's fur out beside her son and daughter, Windfur and Sedgeclaw. A bone chilling yowl broke the sounds of battle. The Clan cats and Twolegplace cats all stopped fighting and hissing. A black cat stood in the darkness on top of a wooden crate. Darktalon. The tom walked towards them. It seemed like moons passed as the tom finally reached the five Clan leaders. Darktalon's yellow eyes gleamed maliciously in the darkness, he unsheathed and sheathed his claws as a threat. The Clan cats all stood with defiance.
"Well, do you concede on letting our leaders go, or do we have to fight until blood is spilled?" Jaggedtooth asked in a growl. "Never!" Boarclaw leaped to Darktalon's side. Darktalon tilted his head, surprisingly, a glimmer of amusement showed in his eyes. He raised a paw with unsheathed claws, they glinted in the moon-light. He chuckled, "Hm, what shall I do?" He meowed, his voice cold and terrifying.
"I say we will them all!" Boarclaw yowled. But Darktalon slowly turned to him. What was he going to say?
"Let them go." He meowed. The Clan and rogue cats all blinked. The warrior cats all raced away.
"What? We're letting them go?" Ruby asked bewildered.
Darktalon blinked slowly. "They know what's coming for them." He meowed watching them go.

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