Chapter 10

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Relief flooded over Littlepaw as she woke up find herself back in the conjoined WolfClan and ViperClan camp. She looked out the den. Then remembered, Howlwingdawn's mate, and Thunderclaw and Nightriver's mother, Sweetheart had died last night in the cruel and menacing attack of Boarclaw and his companions, lying to them and telling them that their leaders would be brought back to the forest. The vigil was still fresh in her mind. The three cats related to her, had decided to stay by her body the rest of the day and all night before she was brought back to her home Clan, AshClan for a proper burial.
"I can't believe she's gone.." Nightriver murmured sadly. Lightspot touched her tail, to her kin's shoulder. "She walks with StarClan now." She mewed encouragingly and gently. Darkshadow looked to Hazelheart who drew near him. "Accompany them in bringing her body." He told her. The she-cat, the spiting image of her father nodded her head and followed Lightspot, Howlingdawn, Nightriver, Thunderclaw, Redflame, Whitefang, and Brindlefrost out of the camp.
"We need to do something about this. No doubt Howlingdawn wants revenge for this." Lilytail meowed as she appreared by her mate's side. "He was snarling that he'd line his nest with the fur from one their tails." He mentioned the tom's grieving words from last night.
Littlepaw padded up to her mentor. "Thrusberry. I traveled in my dreams last night." She told the older medicine cat, who stopped looking through her herbs and looked at her apprentice. Along with Hollyflight and Mudstreak.
"You did?" She asked in astonishment as Littlepaw told the three medicine cats about how she saw the Clan leaders, where they were, and what the cat that seemed to have captured them said to him.
"Then he said to wait," Littlepaw finished. "We'll get what we asked for." She looked to notice that more cats had come to join them. Bewildered for a moment, she must have been so deep in telling the walk in her sleep she had, that she hadn't thought about cats listening. Darkshadow blinked while Cloverpaw lifted his head and yowled, "Then we need to take it to Twolegplace!"
"It's not as simple as that." Dawnfrost meowed to his apprentice calmly.
"For one thing, we were battered last night. And there's no telling if they'll attack us at the camp." Ravenwing put in, his black and white tail twitching.
"But we're warriors! And warriors should be ready for anything!" Deerleg called.
"No cat can truly be ready for anything." Liontail warned in a raspy voice from the elders. "I remember back in my young warrior days when all of WolfClan had been sick." She meowed, beginning to recall back to her time as a warrior of WolfClan.
"Deerleg's right!" Pinefur yowled his agreement. "We are warriors. We don't sit on our tails while we lose our Clanmates!" There was a note of certainty in his voice.
"Littlepaw, tell me what you know." Darkshadow meowed as he lead the medicine cats to his den.

By the time the sun sank behind the trees, Darkshadow saw the patrol he had sent to hunt for the Clan enter the camp. Howlingdawn entered with a rabbit. He dropped it on the fresh kill pile.
"The casualties among our Clanmates are more than we can cope with," Hollyflight meowed. "But I have a feeling this is just the beginning of something more dangerous." She narrowed her eyes.
"You have never been wrong in a day of your life Hollyflight." Darkshadow commented. The amber eyed she-cat blinked slowly. "I have StarClan to thank for that. And Tigerclaw. I never understood with such a name how he wanted to be a medicine cat." She told him. Dismay kept Littlepaw's paws rooted to the ground as she uttered a silent prayer:Please StarClan. Please help us all..

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