Chapter 26

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"Other than that prey is running well." Rainfrost finished. There was a gathering of the Clans. Feralstar dipped his head. "We are glad for that Rainfrost," suddenly, to all of their surprise, a black cat padded up to the Clans, his tail high. It was Darktalon. The Clan cats were ready for attack. But he raised a paw and ran to the Great Stone and leaped up by the leaders in a single bound in between them. "I see you all have prevailed my trials. Now for the final test to prove you are so worthy of your warrior title. Meet me in battle." He meowed. His rogue followers cheered him on in the crowd of course. It was Slatestar of ScarClan who asked, "And why did you decide to come to us with this?" His eyes raging. Rainfrost glared at Darktalon. GlimpseClan growled at the rogues from below.
Darktalon whisked his black tail. "I will rule the forest as well as Twolegplace! And drive you from all of your territories!" He declared. Hollowcreek and the other medicine cats stared at each other. The deputies stood up, claws unsheathed.
Liongaze shot to his paws. "You've killed us! You've killed us! You drowned my sister! Ripped my brothers belly open! And snapped my neck along with our mothers! You've killed us!!" He yowled. His clanmates blinked looking confused along with the cats of the other Clans. But Littlefur and Feralstar knew exactly what was happening. Littlefur yowled, "You know what you did! You can't run forever!" Their eyes have completely changed. Feralstar curled his lip "You coward! You monster! You thrive off of other's pain! Just like you did to us!" He spat.
Liongaze yowled and lunged at Darktalon. The tom stared at the TimberClan warrior. Liongaze landed across from him. "Remember us father? It's me Turtle. The kit who's neck you snapped!" He sneered. Darktalon looked taken by surprise. "What?! No! You're just a stupid Clan cat!" He growled after he shook his head.
"I met them. I chose Liongaze! Tiny chose Littlefur! And Crocodile chose Feralstar!"
"No! You're fibbing! You're figments of my mind!" The black tom yowled.
"Were we figments of your mind when you split open my belly!" Feralstar hopped up behind him.
"Shut up! Stop talking!" Darktalon growled. He began to shake.
"Or when you snapped my neck!" Liongaze yowled.
"Or when you drowned me in my own fear!!" Littlefur yowled as she tackled Darktalon. The tom curled his lip at the three cats.
Littlefur looked down at him growling. "You are not our father!! You will never be our father!" She growled in the voice that wasn't her own again.
"Did you think I wanted to be?!" He roared. Fighting soon broke out but Feralstar, Liongaze, and Littlefur ignored it, too focused on Darktalon.
"No! Momma never lived to see her kits be adults!! We could've helped you! We could've been great!" Liongaze sneered in fury.
Feralstar lifted his chin. "You ended our lives!"
"Enough!" A voice shouted. It was the she cat. Only this time she was not black. She was starry and had a beautiful silver blue pelt. The cats all in the gathering place blinked up. Darktalon recognized the she-cat. It was his mate. Littlefur looked at her "Momma." Their mother stared down at Darktalon. Feralstar looked up at her. All of the clans stared. "Come now kits." Littlefur bowed her head as Tiny's spirit ran up to her mother. Liongaze dipped his head and Turtle's spirit ran up. Feralstar looked at Darktalon before bowing his head. Crocidile looked at Darktalon before slowly walking to his mother.
Darktalon blinked in shock. "The legend of star cats are real.." was all he meowed.
The kits sat next to their mother. The she-cat stood up and walked down to Darktalon. "Yes. Star walkers are real." Her voice was smooth and sweet like honey.
He stared stunned, having no idea what to say. The Clan and rogue cats all stared at him in shock.
"Do you remember me?" She asked the black tom. He gasped as he did remember her.
"Good." She meowed.
Darktalon was shocked and he tried to run. The she-cat was infront of him again. He shrieked and trued to run again. But the she-cat stomped a paw down. "You cannot hide from the truth.. everyone knows now. And you shall pay for your crimes." She meowed.
"No! Never!" Darktalon growled and clawed at the nearest Clan cat and whirled around to tackle Feralstar to the ground. The WolfClan leader slashed his face and flung himself to the other side. "Give up Darktalon!" He yowled. The black tom bristled in fury. "Never!" He swung himself to the cats behind him. "Attack them!" He yowled.

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