Chapter 12

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The gathering place was filled with cats. The deputies had called a gathering to talk about how they would get their leaders from Twolegplace. The trees high overhead. Their leaves were still and the grass was bright green. "As you all know, cats of all clans, it is important now more than ever that we do this and we do it now!" Jaggedtooth declared, lifting his head. Yowls of support came from the ViperClan cats below.
"Is this a mission to kill ourselves? We'll die. Those cats are ruthless and have no remorse." Blazetoe meowed.
"We have had plenty enemies like that. Why are these cats any different?" Blackpelt, the temporary AshClan deputy asked. He was temporary deputy a second time while Beetail was expecting her mate, Heronfeather's kits. Rainfrost took a step forward. "My cats say that this cat, Darktalon, is cold and violent. Given by the attacks you have all suffered from, I can see that they weren't wrong one bit." She meowed. She had offered to join them on the leader capture raid. The former rogues had told the gathering place cats all of the information. "So we have our plan." Darkshadow mewed. "We know where they are, so what are we waiting for?" Halfclaw yowled on his paws. It seemed like they were all eager to do this mission. They had to get their Clan leaders back. Who knows what was happening to them. "Alright. Let's go." Blazetoe meowed and all of the cats that had decided to go went while the senior warriors and other cats that offered to stay behind watched their Clanmates leave. Lilytail gave her mate a lick on his cheek. "Be careful. You and Badgerstalk. I can't loose you both. I don't even know if I lost my brother.." she mewed with worry and sadness. Darkshadow nuzzled Lilytail softly and purred, gazing into her eyes he smiled. "We'll be fine. We'll get Feralstar out and come home." he mewed. "I promise." he added softly. It wasn't quite dawn but the sky was still dark. And Darkshadow had insisted that his mate stay behind and hold down the camp with Fallentooth and the other senior warriors. The battle ready cats dashed into the tunnel under the Thunderpath. They appeared on the otherside and ran down a line of Twoleg nests. "If we do this right, StarClan help us all." Brindelfrost meowed silently.
"We will get my our father back." Hazelheart meowed. Her claws were already unsheathed, almost as if she were already trampling rogue cats like a badger. Leafpelt hissed his agreement, fury in his amber eyes.
"Ready yourselves!" came a whisper that rippled though the battle patrol. Two cats were eyeing the alley. They had made it, but they had to be careful.
"Briarthroat, Rooksnout, take out those two." Blackpelt whispered. The two she-cats stalked silently and hid behind a stone wall. The guarding cats were oblivious to their presence. The AshClan she-cat pounced on them, sinking their fangs into their throats before they could attack or yowl out. Briarthroat and Rooksnout puffed out their chests and slinked back. "Good work you two." The tom mewed softly.
"Grayfur, Flyingleaf, go with Stoneshadow and Whitefang to get our leaders. Get my mate." Blazetoe ordered. The cats she named silently dashed into the shadows. Mingled scents of cats stinging their noses. They suddenly halted as they spotted four cats slinking in the dark. The loner cats flicked their tails and yowled.

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