Chapter 16

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Littlepaw looked at Dawnreed. "You're healthy and doing well." She meowed.
"Thank you." She mewed kindly. The medicine cat apprentice dipped her head and padded put of the nursery. She saw a hunting patrol enter the camp. Deerleg walked in with two mice dangling from her mouth. Nightriver walked in with a frog. Lizardstep and Badgerstalk padded in with fish in their jaws.
A couple of cats were dozing in the sunshine. Lazily flicking their tails. Darkshadow walked over to them. "Why are you all dozing?" He asked.
Coyotefoot stifled a yawn. "Can't we rest once in a while?" She asked the WolfClan deputy. Pinefur was on his side, lazily flicking his tail. "Not when death could come about and snatch you like a badger. In my warrior days, fights were all around." Ottertail meowed. "You young cats have it easy." He turned and shuffled into the elder's den after he had grabbed a fish from the pile.

"What do we do about Darktalon? Sweetheart died because of his cats." Leafpelt meowed to his father and Clan leader.
"Let me kill him. And his lot of thieves and rat eaters!" Howlingdawn hissed furiously.
"We don't know what his next move might be. Or what kind of sick torment he's doing to the other Clans." Fallentooth pointed out.
"StarClan knows. Personally, I wouldn't care if Darktalon was a lumbering badger." Bluejay mewed flicking her tail neatly over her paws. "So what are we going to do? We tried fighting him once, we nearly died. We fight him again, he lets us go." Stormclaw put in. "You are right." Whitestar mewed, her green eye filled with confusion.
"So what's our solution? Drag him by the tail and make him stop?" Branchspots muttered. Darkshadow looked deep in thought. "Your orders Feralstar." He meowed respectfully. "Yours too Whitestar." Jaggedtooth put in. Feralstar narrowed his eyes and glanced at Whitestar. "It could be risky if we even try to get near him." he said. "What happens if we try and get him into an area where he's out of his element?"
"Take him out of Twolegplace... bring him to the forest. Like how we did when we threatened Boarclaw with Poppyheart." Snakegaze suggested, a gleam in his eyes. "I'm not sure if ScarClan's fox will help us his time." Whitestar meowed. "While Feralstar, myself, and the other leaders were captured, Darktalon seemed to respond so coldy. And so calculatingly." The other cats blinked at her. "He kept saying how he had plans. But he was never specific." She went on.
"Which means we need to be more careful then." Sunsetclaw meowed.
"But what if that's not enough?" Shadowrip asked.
"We have to take caution, this cat is highly dangerous." Feralstar mewed. "If there is a plan for all of this, it may be better to leave it for now," he paused. "Fighting may be something that should try to be avoided."
"Of course Feralstar." Darkshadow mewed. Whitestar called a Clan meeting. The cats of the conjoined Clan gathered around at the base of the rock.
"The events in the last half moon have shaken us all. Yesterday, Bravestar came to us saying that Darktalon killed one of his warriors by the Thunderpath." She announced.
"Then we're even more doomed! What do we even do? If he's using monsters to kill us.." Finchflight murmured, her yellow eyes gleamed with worry.
"Calm down Finchflight, hear what Whitestar has to say." whispered a small voice beside the warrior.
"We must be prepared for anything. See one of Darktalon's cats, kill them so they don't go running back. See Darktalon himself.." She didn't finish.
"Like that's possible." Duskfur muttered. "StarClan's given up on us!" Howlingdawn wailed. It was clear he was still overwhelmed with grief over the loss of Sweetheart. "Why else would this be happening to the forest? They took my mate!"
"Howlingdawn silence!" Feralstar ordered in a hiss.
"What of my kits?" Foxfur mewed in worry, curling her tail around Gullkit and Ripplekit. Her mate Newtfoot affectionately nuzzled her to soothe her.
"And StarClan has not given up on us you moaning mousebrain." Hollyflight meowed. The gathered cats returned to their dens until it was the leaders and their medicine cats. Hollyflight looked to Feralstar. "Thrushberry and I need to have a word with you and Whitestar." She mewed.

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