Chapter 27

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Not a cat moved. Darktalon's eyes widened then formed into slits. "What are you all doing?! Attack them I command you!" He shrieked.
"No!" Sapphire hissed from the crowd. "I honestly believed in what you were planning, but killing innocent kits, killing their parents, this is madness!" She stood face to face with the black tom. Ruby padded up to stand by her side. "Come on Ruby." She mewed and the two she-cats drew away from their rogue companions to the center of the clearing.
"Foolish traitors! Die with these fools!" He hissed.
The Clan cats began growling at the rogues, cornering them to a thick line of branches. Ruby and Sapphire were with the GlimpseClan cats.
Darktalon curled his lip in a snarl. "This isn't over Clan cats!" He sneered and his followers leaped after him into the undergrowth. Ruby and Sapphire looked to Rainfrost, guilt shining in their eyes.
Milkskip lifted his chin and looked to his leader, who nodded her head.
"If you can prove your loyalties properly, I might let you two become full fledged members. Until then you will be closely watched doing apprentice duties." She meowed.
"Come on. Let's head home. We better get going. The rest are probably worried." Darkshadow meowed to Feralstar. Foxstar flicked his ear. "Us too." He flicked his tail and his Clan padded back to their camp. Slatestar bowed his head to the other leaders and headed back for ScarClan.
"I better take my Clan home also." Bravestar mewed and padded away while the other cats went to their camps.

"Do you think Darktalon will come back?" Deerleg asked Beetleflight.
"Well he pretty much said he'd be back." The blue/gray tom replied.
Brindlefrost gave her pelt a shake. "StarClan above knows. Personally, I would be happier of he were dead." She meowed.
Howlingdawn was eating a mouse from the fresh kill pile. "I wonder if Sweetheart can see me and Thunderclaw and Nightriver.." he mewed, his voice soft. Bluejay touched her tail to the warrior's shoulder. "Of course she can. Every StarClan cat watches over us." She replied gently. The she-cat had been buried on AshClan's territory. Mosspuddle's reaction was more saddening than Howlingdawn's. Duststripe, Russetleaf, Weaselwhisker, Stormclaw, Segdeclaw, and Thawleap with his apprentice Robinpaw all padded into the camp. "No rogues in sight." Stormclaw meowed to Whitestar.
"Good." She gave a simple nod. Newtfoot trotted over to the nursery to check on his mate, Foxfur and their kits. Minnowwhisker was grooming Cricketkit's brown tabby fur. Jaggedtooth padded up to Dawnreed. "Are you okay? Hungry? Tired?" He asked her in a soft and gentle but worrisome tone. She smiled at her mate. "I am a bit hungry." She replied. He instantly dashed away to get a shrew for her. Cloverstrike looked around. "Where's Sparrowwing?" He asked and the gray she-cat playfully tackled him as she had snuck up from behind. Robinfeather was running to catch up. "Slow down you furball!" She called.
"Furball yourself!" Sparrowwing meowed back. The Clan cats all sat chatting amongst each other.
"We'll be ready for Darktalon is he tries anything again." Petaldust mewed.
"No matter what it takes." Sunsetclaw meowed. Whitestar and Feralstar looked at each other. They both climbed up the rock to address their Clans. "Cats of WolfClan and ViperClan. These are trying times for us all. We all know how Bravestar lost one of his Clanmates." The white she-cat meowed.
Suddenly, Rainfrost padded into the WolfClan camp, her tail close to the ground. "We wanted to come and see how you all were." She meowed formally. Splashfur dipped her head to her sister. "Thanks." The white and ginger she-cat mewed softly.
"We thank you for your services." Feralstar bowed his head.
"Of course. We said we were going to help. And we are going to keep our word, as I'm certain each of the Clans are holding us to that." The white and gray she-cat meowed. Everycat remembered how she sought to make the Clans pureblooded through wicked means, by banding together and forming a rebellion. But through the eyes of the other leaders, and StarClan, she could use GlimpseClan for good. Littlefur looked up to the stars. "Maybe we'll survive this after all." She murmured to herself softly.

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