Chapter 20

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"All cats old enough to climb, gather at the Low Branch for a Clan meeting!" Bravestar called. Cats emerged from their dens and gathered below the Low Brach and gazed up at their leader.
"I've called you together for one of the most important moments in the life of a Clan." He meowed. "My kits have all grown up and are ready to receive their full names!" He gave a purr. Leopardheart's eyes shone with delight and love.
"Brownpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and protect your Clan?" Bravestar asked his son.
"I do!" He beamed with glee.
"Then from this moment on, you shall be know as Brownclaw. StarClan honors your giving nature and enthusiasm, and we welcome you as a new member of TimberClan!" Bravestar purred.
"Brownclaw! Brownclaw!" The cats cheered. The two cats touched noses and Dovepaw came up next as Kinkstem watched with pride in her gaze. "Dovepaw, do you rpomise to uphold he warrior code and protect your Clan?" He asked his daughter.
"I do." She mewed to her father and Clan leader.
"Then from this moment on, you shall be known as Dovefeather. StarClan honors your grace and kindness, and we welcome you as a new member of TimberClan." He mewed. They touched noses to each other.
"Dovefeather! Dovefeather!" They cheered. Lionpaw was practically fidgeting as he was the third apprentice to get his name. Bravestar cleared his throat. "Lionpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect your Clan?" He asked his second son.
"I do!" Lionpaw declared with pride lifting his chin.
"Then from this moment on, you shall be known as Liongaze. StarClan honors your strength and heart, and we welcome you as a new member of TimberClan." He touched noses to the golden tom.
"Liongaze! Liongaze!" The cats yowled. Vinewhisper was purring in the crowd. "Finally, Hollowpaw. Barkpelt has told me that he has a firm belief without a doubt that you are ready to be a fully realized medicine cat. Do you promise to serve your Clan? From the smallest kit to the oldest cat? And uphold the warrior code?" He asked.
"I do father!" Hollowpaw replied.
"Then from this moment on, you shall be known as Hollowcreek. StarClan honors your medicine cat skills, and the power of your sight, and we welcome you as a new member of TimberClan!" Bravestar meowed as they touched noses.
"Hollowcreek! Hollowcreek!" TimberClan cheered again. After the cheering died down, Liongaze heard a whisper. "Hey.." It sounded like a tom kit.
The tom looked around. "Who said that? Shiningkit?" It couldn't have been. He was watching the ceremony.
"Over here.." the kit voice whispered to him. Liongaze padded over to where the voice was coming from. A small figure with bright blue eyes was behind a tree "Hurry.." it mewed. Liongaze made sure no cat was looking and followed after a moment's reluctance. The kit was fast. Faster than Liongaze had thought "Hurry." He kept whispering.
Liongaze ran after the kit. "If you would slow," he yowled and went tumbling through the bushes and down a slope.
"No no no no no." The voice whispered in panic.
Liongaze gave his pelt a shake. "I'm fine. Thankfully that didn't hit me in the head," he looked around at where he was. "What is this?" He prodded at a rock.
"No no no no no." The kit was looking around. "Oh!" He came back up and straight to the kit. "Lead the way." He mewed. The kit was about three fox lengths ahead "No no no no no no. He's close he's close. No no no no no no." He whimpered.
"Who's close? What are you talking about?" Liongaze asked gently with concern, becoming slightly scared himself.
"No no no no no no. Hurry. Hurry." The kit mewed. Liongaze followed faster and faster. "Hurry hurry. He can't. He can't." The kit told him.
"Who are you talking about?" Liongaze asked confused.
"Dark dark dark dark." The kit whispered. "Wait, Darktalon..?" Liongaze asked.
"Dark dark dark dark dark dark dark. No no no no no." The kit began repeating himself.
"Hey it's okay.. I won't let him hurt you. And the other Clans won't either." He vowed. "Dark dark dark.. Protect it. Protect the water." The kit looked at him.
"The water? What water?" He asked looking confused again.
"Follow me. Hurry." The kit sprinted off. The TimberClan tom trotted after him. The kit went faster "Through the bushes. Through the bushes." He mewed softly.
The tom went through the bushes. There were flowers of all colors with a small pond with a large rock in the center. The Stars reflected off of it. It was peaceful. The small tom was by the water staring down at it. Liongaze stared down at it as well.
"Protect us." He mewed. His reflection rippled to reveal a roaring lion. The tom gasped. "Is.. is that the creature I'm named after?" He mewed in awe. It looked so powerful. So golden. Like him. Like how he would be.
"I'll protect you. I won't let you down." Liongaze vowed.
"No no no no no." The kit whimpered in fear. "What?" Liongaze asked.
"He's coming! He's coming! Run! Run!" The kit ordered.
Liongaze nodded and tore through the undergrowth, not stopping and not caring how much prey he scared away.
"Run! Run!" The kit shouted after him the call ringing in his ears.
The TimberClan camp was in sight. He burst through the entrance panting. "Liongaze!" His siblings ran up. "What happened?" Hollowcreek asked.
"We have to stop Darktalon. He has to die, before he does anything else worse.." Was all he said.
"What are you talking about? Where have you been?!" Brownclaw asked.
"I saw a-a spirit an-and he told me Darktalon was coming an-and.." Liongaze panted. Dovefeather nuzzled him "You're exhausted. You must have been seeing things. Come on. Let's get you to bed." She mewed. Liongaze nodded his head and followed after Brownclaw and Dovefeather. Hollowcreek stayed where she was for a moment before following behind.

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