Mr. Park

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You've received 3 new messages.

The vibration of your cell phone wakes you out of a deep sleep and makes you groan.

Tae Tae✌🏻: I'm bringing my rm8s over 4 dinner
Tae Tae✌🏻: be prepared
Tae Tae✌🏻: they're almost as hot as me 😋😏

Taehyung. He can never text you at a reasonable hour, can he?
Nobody but your older brother would message you at four o'clock in the morning, the same day that you have to go back to school from summer break.
The ugly reminder sends a whimper out of your throat. Not only do you have to deal with your older brother returning from college, but you have to go back to school.
You'll take Taehyung's excessively loud personality over returning for your final year of high school any day.
You've just finally managed to fall back to sleep when your alarm for school wakes you up with a irritatingly piercing sound.
You sluggishly pull on your school uniform and observe yourself in the mirror.
You always forget how much the short plaid skirt and solid blazer reminds you of a schoolgirl outfit from a sketchy manga.
You swear that they do it on purpose, to give the school's male population incentive to come to class.
Running short on time, you drag yourself through your empty house and out the door, grabbing a granola bar on the way for breakfast.
Your absent-minded parents have probably already gone to work, your last first day of school slipping their minds. Unfortunately, Taehyung also inherited their flightiness.
It's okay. You're used to being the only responsible one in your family.
Making it to the school in record time, you grab your schedule from the office and travel to your classroom.
As you go through the hall, you can hear girls around working the rumor mill in the way only teenagers can.
He's so hot. Have you seen him?
The new senior teacher.
I heard he's only, like, twenty years old.
Do they let guys that young teach?
Uh oh.
A new, young,  good-looking male teacher? That sounds like a scandal waiting to happen.
The whispers and giggles grow progressively louder as you near your classroom.
Mr. Park is sooooo hot!
Wait a second.
You glance down at your room assignment with butterflies in your stomach, reading it hesitantly.
Room 108: Mr. Park
Heck to the yeah.
You get to see the drama firsthand. The only downside is that you might have to deal with a young male teacher whose ego is bigger than the entire planet, but at least you'll be entertained this year.
High school girls can be crazy when they have a crush. You can't wait for someone to embarrass themselves.
The classroom is mostly full when you enter, only a few seats at the front and back of the room available.
You opt for the back.
Settling in, you take the last couple of minutes before the bell rings to answer your brother's ill-times texts.

Y/N😶: if you ever text me @ 4 in the morning again I swear Tae...
Tae Tae✌🏻: lol catch me if u can sucker
Y/N😶: how many people are you bringing over tonight?
Tae Tae✌🏻: ?
Y/N😶: you want enough food? I have to cook for you guys...
Tae Tae✌🏻: 😂 6 my lovely sis
Y/N😶: 6?! How many roommates do you have?
Tae Tae✌🏻: 4 too many tbh. Jiminie and Kookie are bae tho

"Texting on the first day?"
A soft voice interrupts your conversation, coming from directly beside you.
You jump in surprise and clutch your chest. "You scared me!"
The boy who's now sitting beside you tilts his head, considering you through his rounded glasses. He's got his chin propped up on his hand and he gives you a soft smile.
Holy crap, you've never seen lips as full as his before. They're perfect.
You gulp and observe the rest of him.
His hair is dyed a brilliant red, raked back from his face like he's been running his hand through it.
Multiple piercings are flashing in his ears and his jawline is sharper than your intellect, but his cheeks are adorably rounded. That, combined with his round glasses, creates an innocent-yet-sexy aura.
"Texting in class isn't good," he says gently. He's still smiling, but you almost feel like he's angry. The corners of his gorgeous mouth are turned down.
Somebody behind him giggles. You haven't noticed until now, but the rest of the class has gone totally silent.
"Um, sorry? I was talking to my brother," you say uncertainly. His attitude is throwing you off.
"No problem, Ms. Kim, " he says.
Ms. Kim?
"I'll just be taking this."
Then he grabs your phone out of your hand.
"Yah!" You start to grab for your phone but freeze when the boy stands up fully.
Because he isn't a boy, he's a man.
And he's also your teacher.
This must be Mr. Park.
Mr. Park plants a hand on your desk and leans down to eye level with you. A couple of girls behind him who had been checking out his butt almost faint.
"I've been calling your name for the past two minutes, Ms. Kim," he warns in his soft melodic voice. "It's hard to take roll when you're confirming teenage stereotypes and can't pay attention to anything but your phone."
Confirming teenage stereotypes?!
"Excuse me?"
Mr. Park ignores your growl that's forced out through gritted teeth, turning to face the rest of the class.
"Let this be a warning for everyone," he states firmly. "Cell phones are not permitted in my class. They will be taken up."  He strides up the aisle to his desk, oblivious to the fact that every female in the classroom is checking out his backside.
You have to admit, though, the man has a nice butt.
Mr. Park turns when he reaches his desk and sits on it, facing the class with his legs swinging above the ground.
He offers a cute smile. "Hello, everyone. I'm Mr. Park, and I'll be your teacher this year. Please take care of me."
A girl near you whispers suggestively, "I'd take care of him in a heartbeat."
You snort loudly, once again drawing Mr. Park's attention. He gives you a narrow-eyed look.
Someone raises their hand.
"Mr. Park? How old are you?"
That darned cute smile is back, and you glare at him. How on earth is he switching between that sexy angry expression and an absolute ball of fluffiness in a two-second gap of time?
He's giving you whiplash.
"I'm twenty-one years old," he says, "-but if you don't mind, please try to keep your questions relevant to the class."
Another hand shoots up.
"So are you single?"
That girl's heart must be exploding as a dark smirk spreads across Mr. Park's mouth.
"That's private," he says with a wink. "Next question."
At that moment, you know that every girl in here better be careful; it would be easy as pie to fall for him..
As for you, you just hope that you don't kill him before the year's over.
You seem to have made enemies with Mr. Park.

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