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You laugh as your brother's voice roars through the house, shaking the walls and foundation of the house with the volume.
By the words within Tae's scream, Jimin must leaving for work.
You're in the bathroom, brushing your teeth and waiting on your flatiron to finish heating up.
If Jimin's leaving, that's your signal that you have twenty minutes before you need to do the same.
You don't know how he's on time this morning.
About three hours ago, you were woken out of sleep by your bed shaking beneath you as a sleepy, cuddly Jimin wiggled under the sheets. He had spent a good hour and a half cuddling with you in the dim light of early morning, kissing you and keeping your folded in his warm embrace. You had talked and mused and wondered about the future, and your dreams, together.
Your worries.
Mainly Yoongi.
Jimin told you, "We can just keep us a secret until you graduate. Then maybe Yoongi hyung will be fine with it, since I won't be your teacher anymore."
"What about Tae?" you had asked.
Jimin just laughed.
You couldn't help but agree. Taehyung could get into the worst fight of his life and forget about it two days later. Your brother's wrath wasn't exactly something to be feared. You just hadn't told him yet out of principal - he's your older brother.
All in all, it sounded like a good plan to you. Yoongi was the kind of person that, once he was set against something, that was that.
His mind isn't swayed easily out of a decision.
So the plan was set in the early morning, the two of you tangled comfortably together.
In fact, the two of you were so comfortable that Jimin was ten minutes late getting ready to go to school.
Humming to yourself, you go about getting ready for the day with happiness. You're in an amazing mood.
You even kiss Taehyung on the cheek as you skip out the door, telling him to have a good day off.
Your brother stares at you like a stranger as you leave.
You just laugh.
When you reach the school, your friend Nari meets you outside the doors and walks with you to your class, raving about some anime she's watching as you go.
It's beautiful.
Everything is just so beautiful today. The sky is blue, your friend is by your side, and a breathtaking red-head is waiting for you just down the hall; waiting to give you secretive smiles in the middle of class, and to make subtle physical contact that's seemingly casual as he moves about the room.
Your heart beats faster.
Waving goodbye to Nari, you skip into your classroom right as the bell rings and hurry back to your desk, deliberately not looking at the white-clad figure in the front of the classroom just to tease him.
But when you glance up, you immediately notice it.
Something's wrong.
Your teacher's pretty skin tone is paler then normal, his lips compressed into an abnormally thin line. A conflict wrestles deep inside his vivid chocolate eyes.
And he won't look at you.
Jimin spends the entirety of the day diligently avoiding eye-contact with you. He doesn't touch you, doesn't look at you, and doesn't speak to you. Not at all.
Even when you try to approach him at the lunch break, Jimin mumbles some flimsy excuse and flees out the door.
By the end of the school day, you don't even try to speak to him. You simply walk out of the classroom, head down and heart hurting at the treatment.
It's such an abrupt flip around from this morning that your head is reeling with confusion.
What the heck happened?


Jimin's POV

He can see it.
The hurt in Y/N's eyes as she leaves the classroom, not attempting to make any sort of contact with him again.
It crushes him, but it's necessary.
They can't get caught now, or things could go downhill faster than he ever expected.

[Earlier that morning]

Jimin strolls into his classroom with a huge smile on his face, only to have the crap scared out of him as he hears "Hi, Mr. Park," from somewhere in the classroom.
A weird squeal leaves his mouth and he clutches his chest in shock.
Holy heck, why is there someone in here?!
It's still almost thirty minutes before class starts, and Jimin doesn't do before-school tutorials. His classroom is supposed to be empty.
But sure enough, as he scans the classroom, his eyes come to rest on a feminine figure sitting on a desk in the classroom.
Lee Jaehee.
Jimin sighs in misery.
What could she possibly want right at this moment? He's supposed to be in a good mood today, the tone set by cuddling with his newly-minted girlfriend early this morning.
"Good morning, Ms. Lee," Jimin says with strained politeness. "What can I do for you this morning?"
Jaehee stands up, strutting toward the man with deliberate slowness. She's swaying her hips in a wide arc to get Jimin's attention.
He notices.
And thinks she looks ridiculous.
"There are a lot of thing you can do for me, Mr. Park," she purrs. "And there are a lot of things I can do for you."
Uh oh.
As her hand caresses the edge seam of his tie, Jimin steps back stiffly.
She's walking dangerous ground right now.
"I'm sorry, but I think you should go, Ms. Lee," he says firmly. "I don't have what you're looking for."
"Oh, cut the crap, Mr. Park. I know you're doing Kim Y/N behind everyone's back."
Jimin goes very, very still at her words.
Jaehee smiles like a cat.
"I don't know what you're talking about," he mumbles.
Her painted lips spread into a wide smirk, and she steps closer to Jimin once again. He tries to move back from her, but his desk is behind him.
He has nowhere to go.
"How do I make this stop?" he asks calmly. "What can I do?"
"Me." Her grin is spreading to a creepy level now in her attempt to look seductive.
"No." Jimin's response is immediate, strong, and permanent. "I won't do that."
"You're doing it with Y/N-"
"I am not," Jimin growls, trying to stay calms, "sleeping with Kim Y/N. Understand that. And I won't sleep with you."
She isn't deterred. Her hands go to her blouse, beginning to pop open the buttons. "I know you want me, Mr. Park. I couldn't corner you in detention, but I've got you now. I can see it in your eyes."
Let it be know that Jimin did try to solve this peacefully - he tried to send the stubborn girl away without hurting her.
But she wouldn't go.
So Jimin says, "I don't sleep with whores, Ms. Lee. My standards are higher than you could ever reach."
Her face flushes red, infuriated and humiliated. Her jaw grinds her teeth together and her painted nails score the skin of her palm as she curls them into a fist.
"Do you know who I am?" she asks in deathly seriousness.
Jimin does know.
He knows that both of this girl's parents are highly influential members of the school board, and that his job is at risk.
He knows that Jaehee is a spoiled brat who always gets what she wants, and she throws a fit when she doesn't.
He knows that he's probably going to get fired for this.
But he won't betray Y/N, not like this.
So he still opens his mouth and says, "Get out of my classroom, Lee Jaehee."
Then he turns his back on her.
And she leaves, finally.
But, before she walks out the door, she says something to him.
"Do you think Kim Y/N will ever get into a good college when they know she sleeps with the teachers? Do you think you'll ever get another job? The two of you aren't exactly subtle, Mr. Park. I have all the proof I need for the board to ruin the both of your for life. You'll regret this."
And when the door closes behind her, Jimin collapses into his chair and covers his face with his hands.
This is it.
Everything's falling apart.


So Jimin stays away from Y/N.
He can't risk anything, now that he knows someone is watching.
He wants to keep her as far away from this mess as he can until he finds a solution. Even if it hurts her.
Even if it hurts him.
Jimin trudges inside the house after school, zombie-like. In his mind, ideas and plans are shooting off, pinging around his skull like a million pinballs in his head. Just as he passes the kitchen door, it hits him.
He knows who can help.
Footsteps quick, Jimin scurries down the hallway, glancing for a moment at Y/N's room with longing before entering his own.
She can't be involved in this.
If it doesn't work, he wants her out of range of the backfire.
When he gets into his room, he throws himself into the bed and pulls out his cellphone.

Jimin😉: Jungkookie, come to my room when you get home. I need your help.

Kookie😍: with what hyung?

Jimin😉: we might have to kidnap Yoongi


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