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Jimin's POV

As soon as she sees it, it's like the dam inside Jimin's mouth breaks, and it all comes spilling out.
"Y/N," he gasps, breathing hard like he's been underwater for too long, and this is his first breath above the surface.
Jimin clasps her hands in his, tearing her gaze away from the drawing that he'd poured his emotions into.
"I love you," he breathes. A rock is lifted off his chest in that second, and his heart has room to beat again. "I love you, I love you, I love you."
He said it.
Y/N's gorgeous eyes are filled with light and tears and a reflection of the intensity that's surely shining in equal levels from his own watering eyes. He's crying. Huh.
"Jimin," Y/N laughs, swatting at him with one hand while she wipes the tears out from under her own eyes with the other. "What took you so freaking long?"
"I don't know," he mutters. "But I'm sure as heck glad that it's over."
And he really is.
The lightness drifting through him threatens to lift him up into the sky and float around the restaurant like a helium balloon. He's never felt anything like this before.
So this is love.
A vibration on his chair makes Jimin glance down, seeing the last second of his phone lighting up as it receives and incoming text message.

Hobi🤣: cleared the house out for you ❤️❤️ should be nice and empty when you get home 😉😉😉

Glancing at Y/N, who's still inspecting the drawing with a smile spread across her lips, Jimin feels a wave of heat flush through him.
He and Y/N, all alone for hours on end, in a nice, big, empty house.
With a nice, big, empty bed.
No, bad.
He finally just confessed his love for her; this is a tender and emotional night. He needs to keep those kinds of thoughts at bay.

Jimin😉: hyung no...
Hobi🤣: you'll thank me later Jiminie
Hobi🤣: 😘

With a heavy, defeated sigh, Jimin slides his phone back onto the seat and shakes his head. Why can't they just leave his love life alone?
"Jimin?" Y/N's voice drags his brain out of his current thoughts, focusing instead of her beautiful face.
"Are you ready to go?" she asks sweetly, to which he nods reluctantly.
Because that empty house waiting for them might be too much temptation for him to bear.



The house is empty and dark when you walk in, completely devoid of any life.
"Where is everyone?" you wonder aloud, turning around when Jimin doesn't respond. He's hovering in the doorway, gripping the handle with white-knuckled fists, and staring at you with a dark expression.
"Jimin?" you ask cautiously.
Jerking to attention, he blinks at you. "Hm?"
"You okay?" He's not sick again, is he?Concerned with his behavior, you approach him and press your hand to his forehead.
"I-I'm fine," he coughs, shying away from your touch.
What the heck?
Jimin takes a long path around you into the living room, sitting on the couch and smirking. "Come on," he says. "Let's watch a movie."
A movie? Seriously?
After that grand confession and fancy restaurant and the drawing, he's not even going to kiss you, or hug you, or anything?
Just...a movie?
"Okay..." you say uncertainly, and follow him into the living room.
After putting in a movie and dimming the lights, Jimin slides onto the couch cushions to sit beside you. His closeness makes you fall into the dip in the cushion caused by his weight, tilting your bodies together in a cozy, warm way.
That makes you feel better, but there's still something obviously on his mind. Through the small smile on his lips and the glaze in his eyes, you can almost see him drifting along, lost in thought.
What the heck is he thinking about?
There's definitely tension between you, hovering like a dense cloud in the small space in between your bodies as you sit together.
As the movie rolls on, Jimin's hand slowly slips from yours and slides smoothly across the back of the couch. Sometime in the middle of the film, the heaviness of his arm drops along your shoulders. His fingers trace gently against the skin of your shoulder, revealed by the strappy dress.
He leans in. "Hey. Guess what we are?"
In love?
You smile and teasingly sneak your tongue out between your teeth. "What are we, Mr. Park?"
The grin that he lets loose isn't what you were expecting. It isn't a playful, sweet, cute grin that communicates all the warm and bubbly feelings that should be at play inside him
His lips curl into one of those heavy-eyed, seductive smirks, that mould his sinful lips into the most arrogant and confident shape. One of those sensual smiles that lets you know trouble is coming.
His full mouth brushes yours lightly, hotly.
And he breathes, "We're alone."
In the next second, Jimin's hands are grasping your shoulders, pulling you toward him as his mouth abandons gentleness, passionately devouring yours. One of his hands cups the back of your neck briefly before sneaking up to first in your hair.
Heart pounding, you follow his lead as he directs you toward him. Heat swells up in you, a gentle sigh leaving your mouth.
Jimin plies your lips open with his tongue, holding your jaw where he wants you with his free hand. His mouth is smooth and wet against your own, exploring and caressing and playfully dominating you, destroying any ideas of stopping. The cold metal of his rings seem to burn your skin, transferring the heat of his passion into you.
He bites your earlobe and tugs, before dropping down to suck on the latch of skin just below.
A warm, bubbly feeling rolls in your stomach.
This is just too much.
It was intense enough when you were dating, but now? When you've confessed your love to each other and don't have to worry about hiding?
It's overwhelming, to a level where you can't conjure up a thought if anything but his lips and tongue and teeth, the way his fingers pull your hair for a better angle.
You move your arms up around his neck, bringing your torsos into full and total frontal contact with each other, and Jimin sighs silkily.
"Good girl," he purrs.
His hard chest smashes against all the soft parts of you. Moving at his direction, you follow the guidance of Jimin's hands as he takes your hips, moving you to straddle him on the couch. Your knees sink into the cushions, and the blonde beneath you arches his back a little to force your hips to clash.
You let out a hoarse gasp.
The pretty dress that Hoseok helped you pick out is now riding up your thighs, making way for Jimin's burning hands to trail up the side of one leg. He tugs you so you're sitting more fully on his lap, giving him better leverage to continue the rhythmic roll of his hips against you.
In the meantime, you tear your lips away from the man and suckle at the smooth skin of his throat, trapping a vein between your teeth. As you continue to trail your lips down the solid column of his neck, Jimin growls deep in his chest and fists your hair again, yanking you up to face him.
He kisses you, rough and deep, his tongue forcing entry into your mouth and battling with yours.
Pulling back, he captures your jaw in one hand and simply looks at you.
You can't imagine what he's seeing.
You, probably right red and sweating, with saliva glistening on your swollen lips and your hair in crazy disarray. The straps of your dress are drooping on your shoulders, revealing the red marks he's left that will eventually be tiny bruises.
"I love you, Y/N," Jimin says. "And if you want to stop, tell me now. Because I don't think I can after this."
Your heart pounds in your chest, but you know your answer. You don't have any reservations left.
So you whisper, "Don't stop."
And Jimin's burning eyes keep contact with yours as he kisses you, staring deeply into your gaze while he gently nips your lower lip.
This is it.
You're going to give yourself to him, all of yourself, and you don't regret the decision one bit.
You love him.
Holy freaking crap!!
You and Jimin both flinch in surprise at the abrupt scream from the doorway.
No way.
This had to be a joke.
Why the heck is Hoseok back right now?
But before you can answer the question, a figure appears in the doorway to the living room and goes still.
Still, because seeing you on top of a newly-blonde Jimin, both of you frazzled and panting, with your dress pulled up so high that you can almost see your underwear, must be a very shocking sight to your older brother.
"Y/N?! Jimin?! WHAT THE F-"
Taehyung's roar is cut off by Hoseok's hand slamming over his mouth. Hobi, taking advantage of his long limbs, tangles up your struggling brother like an octopus and starts dragging him back out the door.
"I'm so sorry!" Hoseok yells to the two of you, who are sitting and watching in shocked silence. "I've got this under control!"
A muffled scream of fury from Taehyung says otherwise.
"Carry on, lovebirds!" Hoseok says, then slams the front door shut behind him.
In the silence afterward, you and Jimin look at each other, wide-eyed, probably thinking about the same thing.
Oh crap.

I'm alive!😆💃🏻💃🏻
But our wifi went out again, and I'm uploading this on my limited data plan. I hope it come back on soon.
Hope you enjoyed!

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