Hearing Thoughts

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Jimin tells you everything.
From the tiniest detail of Jaehee's attempted seduction, the (stupid) decision to 'keep you out of it', all the way to their attempt at abducting and forcing Yoongi to their will.
He pours it all out, like a waterfall of secrets tumbling out of his mouth. Once he starts, he can't stop either. He tells you every emotion of every second within the last twelve hours, from cuddling in your bed in the morning to ignoring you in the afternoon, and by the end he's breathing like he just ran a marathon.
And when he's finished, you look him straight in the eye, and say firmly, "Don't keep secrets from me anymore, Park Jimin."
He replies simply. "I won't."
Then he slips you into his embrace, resting his head against your shoulder.
"I'm confused though," you whisper. "Why Yoongi? Why do you need his help so bad?"
Pulling back, Jimin's full lips turn down into a frown. "Don't you know what Yoongi does?"
Actually, now that you think about it, you don't. You don't know what any of them do other than Taehyung.
You've just always accepted what Taehyung's told you: Jungkook's at school, and the others are at work.
But where do the others work? And what is Jungkook even going to school for?
You blink in surprise at the revelation.
How have you managed to skim over those details all his time?
"Actually, no," you tell Jimin after the thought. "I have no clue."
Rolling his eyes, Jimin leans in and whispers in your ear four words that makes every detail click into place.
That makes so much more sense.
"So he can help with the-"
"What he can do," Jimin interrupts, "is get Jaehee in a place where she doesn't want to be. In legal trouble, and in trouble with her father. If he helped us, that is, which he won't."
Still a little confused, you nod in agreement. Jimin can see in your eyes that you don't understand, and he laughs and loops his arms around your shoulders. Assuming that this action is meant to be comforting, you roll your eyes and hug him back.
"It'll all work out, baby girl," Jimin coos in your ear. "We'll make another plan, and everything will be fine."


Jimin's POV

Closing the door to Y/N's bedroom behind him, Jimin trudges out into the hall.
He's tired.
The whole 'kidnapping Yoongi hyung' plan was taken way more literally by his housemates than he had originally intended, although it was enjoyable to watch Jungkook carry the struggling and cursing man into the kitchen. But he won't help them.
Jimin sighs and presses the heels of his hands into his eye sockets, applying pressure to soothe the headache he can feel coming on.
It's late in the evening now. Pretty much everyone has gone to bed, except he can hear the television playing in the living room. It's probably Taehyung; he's a bit of a night owl.
But when Jimin glances up, it isn't Tae that's leaning casually against the wall beside his bedroom door.
It's Yoongi.
"Hyung," Jimin says carefully. There's still a minuscule hint of anger simmering in the older man's slanted eyes, peering out from beneath his mint green bangs.
But there's something about him that's softer.
More pliable, bendable.
Like he's willing to listen.
And as he says quietly, "Take a walk with me, Park," Jimin doesn't know whether to be excited or terrified.
He silently follows Yoongi to the kitchen where, only about an hour ago, he was tied up and forced into submission.
Jimin can see now what a huge mistake that was.
If there's anything that Yoongi hates, it's being forced to take someone else's view, and forced to listen.
Forced to do anything, really.
The worst thing they could've done was to tie him up and tell him to listen; it accomplished the exact opposite of what they were hoping.
"You left the door open," Yoongi says, leaning against the counter. "When you were taking to Y/N, I mean. I was on my way to beat your butt into oblivion."
Jimin shivers.
"But I heard you talking," the older man continues. He bites his thin lower lip and watches Jimin carefully. "And I realized something."
There isn't anything for Jimin to say or do, but to watch him with wary expectation.
"Have you told her yet? That you love her?"
It's a surprise, to say in the least.
He was expecting some scathing comments, maybe a little shaming. Not this question.
"No, I haven't." Jimin mirrors his hyung's position, crossing his arms. "She doesn't know."
Nodding, Yoongi sniffs. "Do you want to know why I didn't want the two of you to have a relationship?"
The sudden subject change makes Jimin blink, but he gives a reluctant nod to urge the older man to continue talking.
"Of course there's the teacher thing, and the Taehyung's little sister thing, but those aren't the main reasons." He pauses, watching. "I went to college with you, Park Jimin, and I know you. And you don't do relationships. You tell the girls what they're in for, and you sleep with them. You don't deceive them or trick them in any way but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt when you leave them."
That's true.
All throughout college, a long string of friends-with-benefits trailed Jimin. And when he inevitably broke it off, the girls would sometimes get upset.
"This is different, hyung," Jimin whispers. "We haven't slept together. It's not like that."
Yoongi nods. "I know."
And in those two words, Jimin can hear it.
Yoongi's thoughts.
And Yoongi's apology.
He was afraid of Y/N being hurt, and Taehyung being angry, and Jimin injuring their friendship. He was trying to see the bigger picture and save them all from heartache caused by Jimin's momentary attraction to Y/N.
Except, Yoongi missed a vital detail.
The attraction isn't momentary.
It's real, maybe the first real romantic relationship that Jimin's ever had.
And Yoongi realized that when he stood outside the door and listened to the pair together as they attempted to save their opportunity for a future together.
As they comforted each other, and promised to keep fighting for the sake of their future.
Yoongi sighs, "What can I do to help?"
And Jimin smiles.

What does Yoongi do for a living?!?! 🤔
If you're confused, it's sort of intentional so don't worry 😂
We're coming toward the end of the story

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