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Something's off.
You've been at school for over two hours now, and you haven't gotten detention yet. You've had two full text conversations with Nari on your phone, you've passed along a note to a girl down the isle, and you've fake-dozed off but he hasn't called you on it. He's seen everything, you know he has.
Jimin's made eye contact with you at least four times since class started. Every time you glance up, the redhead seems to be staring you down.
But he won't give you detention.
Instead, every glance accompanies a knowing smile that confuses the crap out of you.
Today of all days, you actually need to get into detention.
For the two days that you've been moved into Taehyung's house, you've had a suspiciously low amount of interaction with Jimin. He's always up and gone before you awake in the mornings, and either gets home before you or after you, disappearing instantly into his room. His avoidance of you is extremely inconvenient at the moment.
Now that you suspect that the constant scratching of his pencil has actually been him drawing in the mysterious dream book, you have to get into that special hour and a half of punishment to find it. If you just wait until he leaves the room for something, you can search his desk.
When it's time for lunch, you think you might be able to provoke him to delve out detention. The whole class is filing out of the room but you hang back, bringing up the caboose. Jimin stands by the door and gives each student a soft smile as they exit.
Then it's your time.
Lingering in the doorway, you send your teacher a mocking glance. "No problems today, Mr. Park?" you sass. "You've been suspiciously fair to me."
As if he knew something like his would happen, Jimin simply leans a shoulder on the doorway in a casually gorgeous pose and smirks at you. "What is this? Are you begging for my attention, Ms. Kim?" His red hair tilts against the doorway and he bites his bottom lip, shaking his head as he tsks.
You don't understand. Why isn't he taking this opportunity to give you detention?!
"No way on earth," you pop out. "Just wondering why you suddenly dropped the bad attitude towards me."
With a short laugh, Jimin leans in and smiles. "Shouldn't you be appreciative?"
You take a step back from his closer proximity. "I know you saw me texting. Are you losing your courage, Mr. Park?"
He's moving again, now just close enough to make you uncomfortable but not close enough to make you move away.
"I just figured," he breathes, "that I'll have plenty of time to punish you at home, Y/N. I can do worse things than hold you back for detention there."
Wait a second, what?
Oh heck.
You gulp, trying not to gape at the silkiness in his voice as he says the words. He makes them sound so, so...sensual. Too soft and smooth for you. You grit your teeth to hide the warmth flowing through your body and give your teacher a superior look.
"You can't touch me at home," you taunt. "House rules, unless you want Yoongi to kill you."
All of the sudden, he pulls you back so the two of you aren't standing in the open doorway, instead tucked around the corner and out of sight of any passerbyers. His fingers grab your chin and tilt your head up.
"I don't have to touch you, Y/N," he rumbles with a dark smile. His eyes have that smoky touch to them that makes you wary. "I know how to get in your head. I know how to push your buttons. You make it so easy." He laughs. "I don't have to touch you to mess with you. But..."
You're frozen, glaring at him with your teeth bared. When he trails off, you yank your chin out of his grasp and back away.
That cute uneven tooth makes an appearance with his grin. "Now that you mention it, I can't touch you at home, can I? It might be better to have you in detention."
Jimin winks slyly and walks out of the classroom, leaving you a jumbled mix of emotions standing still in the empty classroom.
You got what you wanted, right? He finally gave you detention, but it's the reason that's bothering you so bad.
Now that you mention it, I can't touch you at home, can I?
What is that supposed to mean?


At lunch, you plop into the seat beside you best friend, Nari, and let out a gigantic huff. The other girl pauses in the middle of chewing her rice and looks at you with a raised brow.
"What is it this time?" she asks around a mouthful.
Speechless, you just slam your forehead down on the table and grip your hair in your fists. You want to explode.
"Take me out of this misery," you mumble to her. Your voice is muffled by the wood.
A sliding sound on the table makes you look up. Nari's pushing a bottle of your favorite juice along with a single finger, pushing it so it bumps you in the nose.
"Drink this," she says. "Feel better. Mr. Park isn't worth it."
"Thanks," you grumble. The juice is refreshing, but it doesn't dim the chaos of your feelings flirting around inside of you.
I can't touch you at home.
Can I?
But what does that mean?
"Whatever your stressing over, don't," Nari sighs. "He's just messing with you on purpose. Right? He knows what makes you mad, and he knows what confuses you. He knows-"
"I know what he knows." You rub your face wearily. "I'm just frustrated. I try to hide my texting and pictures and he gives me detention. I do it in plain sight and he doesn't even acknowledge it.  I'm getting whiplash!"
"I know." Nari sighs, rubbing your back comfortingly. "I know."

Narrator POV

What the girls don't know is that someone can hear their conversation from a nearby table. The eavesdropper smiles with mirth when she overhears Y/N's words.
"So that's how she did it," the stranger mumbles. "She got Mr. Park all alone in detention."
Knowing that, the unknown person's plan becomes clearer than before.
All they have to do is corner Mr. Park in detention, the they'll succeed.


You've only been back from lunch for fifteen minutes when Nari texts you. You pull out your phone to answer it, and a masculine hand slams down on your desk.
Smiling, Jimin subtly runs his tongue along his bottom lip.
"Ms. Kim? I think you've just earned yourself a detention."

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