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Jimin sighs against your mouth and tries to deepen the kiss, holding your jaw in one hand, but all you can do is clutch the front of his shirt uselessly.
Screw the rules.
I want you too, Jimin. Except... I don't really know how to do this.
Before Jimin made such a dramatic show of bursting through your door and kissing the crap out of you, you probably should have shared one tiny, important detail with him.
You've never been kissed before and you have no idea what you're doing.
As his luscious lips move against yours in an attempt to get you to respond, you're unsure of what to do. You want to be involved and kiss him back, but you're just not totally positive how to.
So you try to maybe purse your lips a little against his, making a slight puckering motion to act like you know where you're going with this kiss.
Jimin stops kissing you all together and pulls back with a frown.
"What's wrong?" he asks. There's a kind of uncertain vulnerability in his face at your lack of response, which you want to quickly expel from his expression. "Why won't you kiss me back?"
He doesn't wait for your answer. Instead, he dives back in, biting at your upper lip before sucking gently.
Your try puckering more intensely, but it makes you feel dumb, like you're making a fish face against his mouth. This is so humiliating. Jimin stops kissing you again with frustration plain on his face. You can see the wheels turning in his head as he looks at you, and a lightbulb go off in his eyes.
"You don't know how to kiss," he laughs in disbelief.
As much as you want to be angry at him, the strong emotion is fighting with the flood of utter embarrassment rushing through you. Here he probably thought the two of you would have this long, passionate make out session but your dumb butt had to go a ruin it.
Jimin keeps laughing at you. These irritating little chuckles just continuously fall out of his mouth at your expense, making the anger win out over the embarrassment.
You slap his arms away from you, ignoring his still half-bare chest as your hand brushes against it.
"Go away!" you cry. "Get out!"
"No, baby, no." Jimin catches you around the waist as you try to get away from him, reeling you back into his body like a fish on a lure.
"I'm sorry," he says, wrapping his arms around you from behind. He lays his head on your shoulder. "It just surprised me."
"Taehyung calls me an innocent potato for a reason," you scoff, trying to hold strong against his touch. "I am one. Now let me go."
He hums and holds you tighter, breathing into your ear, "I just forgot. In my dreams, those pretty lips of yours do a lot more than just kiss."
Well, now you're the attractive color of a fire engine.
"I'm kind of happy, actually," he continues in a silky voice. You can feel his hands settle on your hips and begin rubbing up and down your sides, making you shiver.
"W-why?" you whisper. "Why would you be happy?"
With a dark laugh, Jimin softly traces his lips against the sensitive skin of your neck. A tiny gasp escapes your parted lips at the feeling. "Because," he moans. "That means that I'm the man who gets to teach my baby girl everything she needs to know."
"Oh," you squeak.
Jimin uses his hands on your sides to spin you around so you're facing him, your arms hanging limply beside you.
"Alright, Ms. Kim," Jimin says with a sexy grin, licking his lips. "Lesson number one: the basic kiss."
Hold up now.
"Um, Jimin? Do you remember when we first met and Namjoon was all like 'you're Y/N's teacher? Kinky.' Well, you're sort of making that come true right now," you say, laughing in nervousness.
Your teacher bites his lip. "Kinky can be fun, sweetheart, but you have to learn how to kiss first."
"That's not what I-" You're cut off mid-sentence by Jimin's hand slapping over your mouth.
"I'm going to kiss you again, okay?" He tilts your chin up with a single finger. "Just copy what I do to you."
***[A/N] yeah, you should probably hajima right bout here T***
Jimin leans in, ever-so-gently settling his thick lips against yours. He moves slowly first holding your top lip between his, then the bottom, then wholly encompassing your mouth with his. His lips move against you in a softly sensual way and you do your best to mimic him.
He hums in approval.
Taking your bottom lip between his, he sucks, surrounding you in a warm heat that makes you whimper. After he releases you he draws back and hovers there, as if waiting for you to do something.
You experimentally trap the soft fullness of his lower lip and apply gentle suction to it. He moans quietly and you blush at the noise.
"Good," he whispers against you.
Jimin kisses you fully again, but this time he tilts his head to the side so the fit of your mouths together deepens and widens, boosting the warmth and pleasure. His hands encompass your waist, pulling you against him, and you hesitantly place your closed fists on his shoulders with the motion.
"It's okay to touch me, baby," he murmurs with a gentle, closed-mouth peck. "I want you to."
Okay. Deep breaths.
You can do this, Y/N.
As you unconfidently kiss Jimin again, you allow your hands to slide down his neck and trace the muscles of his shoulders through the thin, unbuttoned dress shirt. They're firm and so warm, even with the fabric between you, and you like how they flex and roll against your palms.
Gaining confidence from Jimin's gentle exhale against your mouth, you experimentally run your hands back up his neck and burrow your fingers into his blood-red hair.
This prompts him to take back control of your kiss, smoothly directing your mouth to open even wider. Jimin kisses you with a new kind of ferocity, his hands crushing your body to his until you're afraid you're about to pass out from lack of oxygen.
He finally lets you go, holding your waist as the two of you pant heavily and try to catch your breath.
"Good news," he huffs between breaths. "You're a natural."
You laugh at that, throwing your head back. When you lift your head again, Jimin's just standing there, staring at you with this look in his eyes that you can't really identify.
Then he says, "Are you ready?"
"For what?" you reply.
His hand is suddenly tangled in your hair and yanking you forward with so much force that you crash into his chest, the only thing keeping you upright being his other arm hooking once again around your waist.
"For Lesson Two," he says, smooth as silk.
Why are you already blushing?
***start here***
But just as Jimin's pulling you in for another kiss, somebody knocks loudly on your door.
"Y/N? You in there?"
He threatened murder if he ever found the two of you touching again.
You and Jimin both scramble to sit on the bed, you pulling a random textbook off of the floor and throwing it open to a page while Jimin attempts to fix his hair that was ruffled by your fingers and quickly buttons up his shirt and fixes his pants and belt.
When you're both non suspicious and presentable with plenty of space in between you, you call out, "It's open. You can come in."
Yoongi slouches into the room, shuffling through the mail.
"Here, there's a letter for you. I think it might be from your parents and- Jimin. What are you doing in here?"
The second that the older man notices his red headed housemate's presence, he goes still. His eyes narrow down to nothing beneath his minty bangs, and your heart is pounding like crazy.
"We're doing homework, hyung," Jimin answers casually. With a quick glance at the textbook, he further clarifies, "Calculus. She asked for help."
He doesn't buy it for a moment. You can see it in Yoongi's eyes as he stares the two of you down; the disbelief in your story. You're afraid that Yoongi's just too sly to be deceived by the two of you.
But then he says, "Okay, but you should stop. It's pretty late." And you almost explode from relief.
"Sure thing, hyung. Let me just leave this formula with her, then I'll go." Jimin scribbles a note on a sticky pad from your desk, the slaps it onto the book page.
He leaves without another word, walking out through the bedroom door that he burst through in what seems like only moments ago.
Yoongi grabs the sticky note and looks it over front and back, then sighs and returns it to you.
"Goodnight, Y/N," he grumbles, following Jimin out the door with the rest of the mail in his hands.
When Yoongi closes the door behind him, you look carefully at the note Jimin left.
Below some random scribbled numbers and letters is written a seemingly innocent quote.

Good job today, Y/N, but we didn't get to finish. Lesson Two starts tomorrow ;)

You blush just thinking about it.
What have you gotten yourself into?

Hey guys!
I just wanted to let everyone know that I have decided to enter this fanfic into the 2017 Wattys. I have no idea how the contest works to be honest, but thank y'all so much for all of the comments, votes, and support for Teach Her!

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