*Why a Supply Closet?

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"Hi, Y/N!"
You jump in your seat, screeching in surprise when a loud voice breaks you out of your concentrative state. The book you're reading skids a little across your desk.
Glancing to the side, you reel back when you find a face centimeters from yours.
Jackson Wang?
The goofy blond boy usually sits in the other side of the classroom, far, far away from you. He also normally doesn't speak to you with his massively loud, exuberant voice. You can't say that you were sad with that arrangement.
"Hi Jackson," you say politely, returning to your book immediately after. Unfortunately, he doesn't get the hint.
"Y/N, can I sit by you from now on?"
You wince and subtly rub your ear. Why is his voice so loud?
"You want to sit with me?" you ask him in surprise. "Why?"
Jackson gives you a slow, sweet smile that makes his intentions very, very clear.
"Bam Bam got boring, Y/N," he breathes. "Pulse, you're a lot prettier than him."
Taking a look for yourself, you can spy an unhappy Bam Bam pouting in his seat across the room, the empty one beside him telling the story of his friend's betrayal.
You sigh. "Jackson..."
Before you can politely reject the boy, Jimin calls the class to attention and starts the roll call. When he gets to Jackson and the voice comes from beside you instead of Jackson's usual place, Jimin lifts his head and stares at the two of you.
"Changing seats, Mr. Wang?" Jimin asks soberly.
Jackson grins at him, slyly sliding his arm along the back of your chair as he sits back.
"I'm making some changes," he tells your teacher.
Jimin's jaw clenches.
Crap. He's pissed.
"Jackson, please stop,"' you quietly whisper to him as Jimin reluctantly continues roll call. You can feel the redhead's dark glare burning into you. "I have a boyfriend."
The lie actually makes Jackson pause, thank goodness. He looks at you, perplexed, and runs a hand through his blond hair.
"A boyfriend?" he says slowly. "I've never seen you with one."
"Well I have one," you answer back lamely.
"Mr. Wang and Ms. Kim, if the two of you are going to flirt then please do it elsewhere."
The rest of the class laughs, not fully understanding the underlying anger in Jimin's statement. He's gripping the list of students tightly as he gives you a look that promises reconciliation.
You gulp and scoot farther from Jackson.
"I don't think I believe you," Jackson murmurs a couple of minutes later.
What the heck?! Just take a hint!
"Jackson," you groan in exasperation.
"Ms. Kim? I asked you to please stop talking in my class. Detention." Jimin glowers tightly at you and you shudder.
You think this might be the first genuine detention he's ever given you.
Lesson Two?
No, he might just outright murder you instead.
Jackson actually leaves you alone for the rest of class, which manages to dampen Jimin's fury a tiny bit. That doesn't stop the feeling of dread in your chest when the final bell rings and you realize that you are the only one who got detention today.
Where Jaehee and the nameless boy are, you have no clue.
All you know is that you and your teacher are completely alone in the room, and he's currently closing the door as he loosens his tie with jerky, angry movements.
That may have something to do with the wink that Jackson threw you as he left the classroom.
But you're not sure why Jimin's getting so angry; it's not like Jackson did anything but sit and talk to you.
Without looking at you, Jimin strides to the supply closet and opens the door.
"Come here, Y/N."
You shiver at his dark voice, hesitant.
When he sees your reluctance to move toward him, Jimin growls low in his chest and prowls toward you with heavily frustrated steps.
You yelp when he reaches you and bends over, sliding his arms under your knees and lifting you out of your chair, bridal style.
"Jimin!" you screech with your arms around his neck, clinging to him. "Put me down, you're gonna drop me!"
He doesn't listen, holding you to him as he stomps into the dark supply closet and shuts the door behind you, not turning on the light. It's disorienting when he sets you on your feet in the dark. You don't know where he is, or the wall, or the door; heck, you don't even know where you are.
A pair of hands grasps your waist out of nowhere, crushing you against a rock hard chest.
"Did you have fun with Jackson today?" His voice is hard and unyielding.
You try to answer, but he smashes his mouth to yours, cutting off your voice.
You gasp at how aggressive he's being, hands roaming all over and tugging you as close as physically possible. He bites your lip, hard, and tugs on your hair so your neck arches back and you involuntarily deepen the kiss. His lips are bruisingly forceful against yours.
Too rough.
He's being too rough, too angry. You love his touch and the feeling of him but he's not doing this because he wants to kiss you.
He's punishing you.
Jimin pushes you back until your spine slams into the wall and presses himself against you, intentionally pushing his hips into yours in a way that makes your will power start to melt away.
He's devouring you in as many ways as he can at one time.
"Jimin!" you huff the second that he leaves your mouth for a breath. Your eyes have adjusted to the darkness and you can see his face, vaguely able to judge his expression.
"What are you doing? Stop!"
"Stop?" he laughs bitterly. "What, you want me to stop so I don't take anything that you want Jackson Wang to have?"
Glaring at him, you put as much distance between the two of you as his arms will allow, which isn't much.
"What?! No, this doesn't have anything to do with Jackson!" You stop, looking at him as he breathes hard through his nose and watches you with angry eyes.
But they aren't really angry, you realize.
It's something else.
"You're jealous," you whisper, trying to stop the corners of your mouth from rising into a smile.
Jimin blinks in the darkness. "I'm not," he denies immediately.
You giggle, covering your swollen mouth with one hand.
"Y/N," Jimin hisses. Even though you aren't positive because if he dim lighting, you think he might be blushing.
"You are jealous," you say. "But it's okay; you don't have to be. I told Jackson that I have a boyfriend."
Jimin scoffs, slipping his arm around your waist and pouting. "That won't stop him from trying," he mumbles.
"Probably not," you admit. "He didn't believe me."
Jimin's arms go still around you, then tighten so you're once again pressed hard to his chest.
"Then we'll just have to make him believe you," the redhead says.
I mean they don't really kiss this chapter again but you're gonna be heck awkward reading it out loud so save yourself now.

His fingers travel down to your elbows, lifting your arms so they're wrapped around his neck in the same position that you left off on yesterday in your bedroom.
"What? How?" you ask in confusion.
Jackson seemed pretty determined; you're not sure if there's anything you can do to make him give up.
"Today, we'll have a combined lesson,"
Jimin says as he runs a hand through his thick hair, disheveling it so it's messy and sexy. His thick lips are set in a luscious grin. "Lessons Two and Three together, Ms. Kim. To run Jackson Wang off of my baby girl."
His baby girl?
You're about to protest being called that, but Jimin places a single finger against your lips and says, "But we have to review first."
"Wait!" you pipe as he begins to lean in for a kiss.
"What?" he sighs impatiently.
You point upward curiously. "Why are we in the supply closet?"
"Privacy for an extended period of time," he tells you. "These will take a good while."
"Isn't a little cliche though?" you laugh.
Jimin sets his hands on your hips and cocks one eyebrow high. "Baby, we're more than a little cliche. You're the sister of my best friend, I'm your teacher, and we started out as each other's worst enemies. That's three that I can count on the spot."
You consider this, nodding. "I guess that's true."
Jimin smiles, gently pressing you against the wall again and lowering his head to your eye level.
"Shut up, Y/N," he chuckles. "Can I continue my lesson now?"
"If you insist," you sniff delicately.
And he does.

Lessons Two and Three coming soon 😈

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