Beautiful Brother

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"Y/N? We need to talk to you! Could you come to the living room?"
Holy crap on a cracker, what time is it?
You cry silently to yourself as you look at the clock, seeing that it's only 8:30 in the morning. On the average Saturday, you sleep until 11:00.
But apparently not today.
Your mother's unnaturally screechy shriek rebounds through your head again. How dare she tear you from your precious sleep? It's the only thing you live for at this point.
Finally dragging yourself up before another scream can pierce your eardrums, you don't even look in a mirror before stumbling down the hall to the den area.
Both of your parents are seated in their respective recliners that are positioned to face the couch, where your older brother is sitting. Because Taehyung's home, some random anime is playing on the television and the overgrown man-child is totally engrossed in it.
"Y/N," your brother says as you enter. "What happened to your hair? Were you attacked by a flock of rabid pigeons while you were sleeping?"
Ignoring his comment, you smack Taehyung's forehead with the full of your palm as you pass him, flopping down next to him on the couch.
"What do you people want?" you groan in misery.
It's then that you notice your parent's clothes. Your mother is clad in a brightly colored sundress with one of those giant floppy straw hats, and your father is sporting a loud Hawaiian print shirt.
What the heck?
"Are you planning on going somewhere?" you hedge with foreboding suspicion.
"Sweetheart," your mother starts in an apologetic tone. "I'm so sorry that we forgot to tell you."
"It just slipped our minds, pumpkin," your dad hums in confirmation.
Beside you, Taehyung is actually paying attention to the conversation for once. You're sure he can feel the same uneasiness floating in the air that you can.
"Where are you going?" you sigh. "And for how long?"
Clasping her hands in excitement, your mother squeals and flaps her hands around like a bird, saying, "Your father and I are going on vacation to Jamaica!"
Without you?
"You're not bringing me? And you just continently forgot to tell me that you planned this?" you cry.
Your parents sigh in a way that makes you feel like you're arguing the point of a five year old, even though you're the only logical one in this conversation. How can your parents randomly go off to another country without remembering to tell you?!
"Wait, why am I here for this?" Taehyung asks tensely.
"Taehyungie, we're so glad you moved back down here," your mom coos. "Such nice housemates. Such a nice, big house."
Oh. Oh no.
You and Taehyung look at each other with wide eyes.
"Mom," you mumble. "That's not-"
"Oh vacation is for a month, sweetheart." Your dad cuts you off carelessly, with a stern tone. "Were not leaving you alone in this house for a month, and you can't come with us. You have to go to school." His tone suddenly morphs into a softer, more flattering pitch. "Luckily, you have a wonderful older brother who lives nearby and loves you very much. You have room, don't you Taehyung?"
At first, Taehyung's face is locked into that blank and spacey expression that's so customary for him. As the words sink in, he starts smiling. He looks at you.
He giggles.
"Oh, yeah," he laughs. "Plenty of room. We even have an extra bed for guests." He looks at you again and cracks up, howling with laughter. And you know why.
Park Jimin lives in that house.
No, please no.
You just have to tell them. Your parents don't know that Jimin is your teacher, so they don't understand how totally inappropriate the situation is.
"Mom," you say desperately. "Think about this! I am a girl. Taehyung and his housemates make seven boys! You're asking me to go live for a month with seven boys, one of whom is my tea-"
Your brother slaps a hand over your mouth and silences you.
"They all love Y/N," he says. "That will work out fine, Dad."
You struggle against Taehyung's hold, sending the man murderous glares as he keeps his palm over your mouth. He doesn't even budge when you lick him.
"That's so great!" your mom cheers. "Y/N, aren't you so lucky to have such a beautiful brother?"
Evil laughter is just pouring out of Tae's mouth now. His boxy grin makes you want to punch him in the face.
How can he do this to you?
You've kept him alive in lieu of your parents for years. He's basically your child, and this is how he returns the favor? By trapping you in a house with your bully of a teacher for a month?
You make it very clear to the traitor through your eyes that the second that he let's go of you, his life will end.
"Well, now that that's settled..." Your parents stand up, grabbing their already-packed luggage from where it's hidden behind the couch. "Have a nice month! Spend lots of time together. We love you and we'll call soon!"
Just like that, in a panicked flurry of floral-printed neon, they're out the door.
You gape at the closed front door in shocked silence, unable to speak even when Taehyung removes his hand.
They just left. For a whole month.
They left you for a whole month to live with your brother, who can't even work a can opener by himself on most days, five of his cute but male roommates, and your incredibly hot yet annoying as heck teacher.
For a month.
Did you mention that yet?
You turn to look at your older brother in horrified silence as he grins at you. It isn't his normal cute boxy grin; it's a dark curling of his lips that makes his eyes glow unnaturally with horrible glee.
It's the grin of the devil.
"Oh my innocent little potato," Taehyung laughs. "You're royally screwed now."

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