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Park Jimin is the worst ninja in the history of the world.
When he told you that the two of you would just have to sneak around, it sounded so simple and easy, like he had it all planned out to the tee.
It probably would be easy, too, if the man didn't have an apparent mandatory mission to trap you in some random room or an obscure, dim corner of the house and kiss you breathless every other hour.
It's a lot harder to avoid six other people when you can't hear beyond your own heavy breathing or compose a rational sentence in your head.
Jimin's distractions have caused you to almost be caught by various housemates three different times.
Jin, Hoseok, and Namjoon have all three narrowly avoided walking into the two of you making out. It's only by fate and luck that you've kept your relationship a secret from anyone else.
You need to be more careful.
At school, Jimin's doing a lot better job at being discreet. He does his best not to look at you during class, but you have noticed a few times that he zones out while staring at you.
You also noticed his triumphant look when Jackson had caught a glimpse of one of your hickeys and, the next day, retreated back to his previous desk next to the very bitter Bam Bam.
You hope no one else has noticed. 
"It's so hard," Jimin complains in a low voice one night, sitting beside you on the floor while Yoongi naps on the couch and Jin plays his Nintendo D.S.. "I just want you look at you, or hold your hand, or kiss your cheek. You get to look at me the whole time I'm teaching; I have to make myself not watch you."
Giving him a sympathetic look, you subtly brush your fingers across his. "I'm sorry."
He sighs and give you a kind of longing gaze. "Then I have to come back here and do the same thing," he whines.
You feel guilty that he's having to go through this, but you're also scared of the reaction your brother and the sleeping man in the couch would have if they found out about your relationship.
Especially after looking through Jimin's book, you don't want to become a barrier between him and the men that he loves as brothers. You're afraid that Yoongi and Tae find by our about the two of you could harm their relationship in a vital way.
On top of that, you don't want Taehyung to disown you or Yoongi to murder you either.
Jimin quietly plays with your fingers as you think, staring blankly at the living room wall. You find yourself staring at him.
Eyes trained on the wall with his sharp jaw tilted up slightly, you admire his gleaming brown eyes, cute pert nose, and those darned full lips that make you tremble. Not to mention the slightly crooked tooth revealed by his lips, assuring you that he is indeed human and not some immortal, perfect being that's found its way out of the fairy tale world. You can't fully comprehend how someone can be this naturally beautiful.
"Y/N?" Jin's soft voice rips you out of your daydreaming.
You quickly plaster an innocent look on your face and turn to him. "Hm?"
"You okay?" There's a hint of suspicion gleaming in that handsome brunette's eyes, so you give him your best bright smile.
"I'm great," you say. "Just tired. Sorry, did I zone out?"
Humming in confirmation, he continues to stare at you with intensity. It's making you u comfortable.
Faking a yawn, you stretch slightly and get up from the floor. "I'm tired," you announce. "I'm going to bed."
You match out of the room as everyone tells you goodnight, heart pounding slightly at Jin's suspicious behavior.
Does he know?
Did Jungkook tell him?


It's late at night, but you can't force yourself to go to sleep. You lay limply in your bed, staring at the ceiling.
Checking your clock for the billionth time, you sigh when you realize that only three minutes have passed since the last time you checked.
You're worried.
Jin's expression is still nagging at your mind, making you anxious that he knows.
What if Jungkook did tell him?
Will the oldest decide to inform your brother and Yoongi about you and Jimin?
With the thought weighing heavily in your mind, you swing your legs out of bed. You'll never sleep unless you tell to someone about his, and there's only one person you can talk to. Jimin.
You pad quietly through your connecting bathrooms, emerging in the darkness of Jimin's room. It's quiet as you move towards his bed, opening your mouth to call his name.
Then it isn't quiet anymore.
There's a whisper of a noise that floats to you through the blackness. It's soft and almost inaudible, but it's enough to urge you closer to Jimin in curiosity. You move so you're standing directly by the side of the bed, looking down on the sleeping figure.
The man is flat on his back, chest heaving up and down as he sleeps instead of the normal, steady rhythm of breath. A tiny grunt escapes the back of his throat, revealing the source of the noise from earlier. Jimin's shifting and tossing his head.
He must be dreaming.
Then, seconds later, you make a very stupid decision that you're sure you'll regret.
When Jimin's lips part over his teeth, allowing a deep masculine moan to roll off his tongue, you freeze.
And you stay frozen.
Should you have left the exact second that you realized what was happening, the first moment that you noticed his hips bucking beneath the sheets and his fingers grasping into tight fists around the blankets?
Heck yes you should have, but that's the problem.
You don't.
You stand stock still in the middle of Jimin's room and listen to him pant like a sick stalker. You would leave, but it's like your body is stuck to the ground and slowly but surely melting into a puddle. You can't drag yourself away from the sight of him arching against the mattress and biting his lower lip.
"Y/N," he breathes lowly.
Holy crappity crap.
This is a freaking no go.
He's having one of those dreams.
About you.
Get the heck out, Y/N you perv. You're such a creep! Move your butt!
You can just talk to him tomorrow.
Finally able to force your bod into motion, you start to sneak away from the bedside as quietly as possible. You're turning around to double check that Jimin is still asleep when your hand accidentally brushes something on his counter, sending it clanging to the ground in a sudden burst of noise.
Everything goes still, including you, as you the world stops to listen for a sign of Jimin waking up.
With your back to him, you listen anxiously.
A deep peaceful breath echoes through the room, causing an echoing exhale of relief to flood through you.
Sighing in gratefulness, you start to move once again toward the door.
"My dream came true."
A warm hand encloses your wrist and pulls you back roughly as Jimin's husky voice fills the room.
You're too surprised to even make a sound, although your heart almost explodes from the shock.
Landing on the soft mattress with a bounce, you gasp when Jimin's instantly on top of you, aligning his body to yours so everything's matched up in all the right ways. You don't have time to gather a coherent thought before his mouth crushes yours.
He forces open your lips with his tongue, tracing your spine with his fingers to encourage your body to arch up into him. The kiss is rough and messy and deep, chasing everything but the sensation of him out of your mind.
"I thought it wouldn't be this bad anymore," Jimin huffs in frustration, catching the lobe of your ear between his teeth. "The dreams, the lust; I thought it would go away once I had you."
He stops, looking intensely into your eyes, and deliberately rolls his hips against yours, drawing out a whimper from you and a hoarse groan from him.
"It just keeps getting worse," he hums between kisses. "I keep wanting you more and more."
It's hard to keep up with the conversation with his lips on your skin, so you don't reply. Instead, you dig your fingers into that deep scarlet hair and yank his head down to you. 
As you litter kisses down the solid column of his throat in retaliation, Jimin bites his lip and hums in pleasure.
"Hey," he mumbles. "Were you just standing there watching me earlier?"
You suck at his skin, hard, adding a nip of your teeth for good measure so he'll forget about that embarrassing detail.
Jimin hisses and grabs you by the hips, slamming your bodies together. Both of you murmur incoherently at the feeling. Jimin lowers himself back down, crushing you to the mattress with his weight and sucking on your collarbone.
You don't know how far he's going tonight, but at this point, you don't care. Your brain isn't working properly and you won't stop him or deny him anything.
Not now, as he's edging his hand under your shirt and skimming the bare skin of your stomach.
Not when he's repeatedly panting your name as he worships your skin with his mouth.
There isn't anything that can stop the two of you. The world is yours and nothing and no one can stop you.
You suppose that Jin bursting through the door at that exact moment could possibly stop you.
"I knew it! I KNEW you two were together!"

Why am I finishing this at 3:30 in the morning

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