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You're sitting in the kitchen with your brother, eating a cup of ramen when Jimin strolls into the room.
The second that you notice his presence, you freeze.
"Jiminie!" Taehyung says cheerfully, but you don't say a word and keep a subtle eye on his expression. He's neutral-faced, sending your brother a quick smile before heading towards the refrigerator. His shoulders are relaxed beneath the dress shirt and he seems totally unconcerned with the world.
However cool he seems, you still can't relax.
Because you're just waiting for him to realize that you have his book.
It's been three days since you stole it, and you can't believe that he hasn't snuck into your room at night, taken it back, and murdered you in your sleep.
Three days.
How has he not noticed?
You've sat through detention with Jaehee and the still-nameless boy for the last three days, waiting in terror for your teacher to corner you alone or confront you about having his secret book, but he hasn't.
He just gives you these looks that are a mixture of irritation, amusement, and impatience.
What is that supposed to mean?
It's not that you haven't tried to return it, because you have. But every single time that you slide that book under your shirt and begin to sneak across the hallway to Jimin's room, the redhead appears out of thin air and gives you a smile or a quiet, "Hi, Y/N."
And every time, you scramble back into your room like a coward instead of fessing up to him.
It's making you incredible nervous, that every time you try to return it, he's right there.
It's like he knows.
But why hasn't he done anything?
As Jimin moves around the kitchen behind you, he traces his fingertips along the edge of the table.
"Taehyung, have you heard the news?" your teacher asks, his tone light and dismissive.
"No," Taehyung answers with a frown. "What happened?"
"I heard a rumor going around the neighborhood. About a thief."
You almost choke on the mouthful of noodles you just devoured.
"Really? Someone's been robbing people?" Taehyung says, concerned and oblivious.
A catlike grin spreads across Jimin's face for a split second before he reigns it into a disappointed, disgusted expression.
"It's so sad, isn't it? That somebody would feel okay after taking valuable possessions that don't belong to them." Out of the corner of your eye, you can feel him looking at you with his piercing gaze.
You shrink so far into yourself that you feel like a turtle trying to retreat into its shell.
He knows.
He so, totally, completely, 100% knows, but why is he doing this?
He's not confronting you or taking it back.
He's just watching you.
"Are you okay, Y/N?" Jimin says. "You seem a little...flustered."
Flustered? You would call that an understatement at this point, for more than one reason.
Yes, you're beet red and blushing under his stare because you know that he knows that you're guilty, but also...he's different.
After looking through his book, your thoughts about the red headed teacher have changed immensely. He isn't the petty, childish, unconcerned player that you thought he was.
Now, as you look at him, you can basically feel the loyalty and love radiating off of him when you never saw it before. The fact that he's capable of such strong emotions for his brothers almost...
It makes you want to see.
See what it's like to be loved by Park Jimin.
To be included in that small circle of people that he devotes all of that powerful emotion and care to. To know that there's someone in your life who loves you so extremely that they probably wouldn't second guess sacrificing their life for yours.
You want to feel his love.
But before you can think about or acknowledge the unrealistic desire inside of you, you have to get this stupid book back into his room without being cornered by him.
"You're not going to eat?" Taehyung asks Jimin, who's standing stock still in the kitchen and staring you down indicatively. When you refuse to make eye contact or acknowledge him in any way, the redhead sighs.
"I'm not really hungry," he says. He rubs his throat and coughs. "I think I'll take a shower instead. Goodnight Tae."
Your brother waves at him as he walks to the door, pausing just inside the doorway for a moment.
"Goodnight, Y/N," he says silkily to you over one shoulder.
"Night," you squeak quietly.
With a soft chuckle and another cough, he leaves you and your brother in the kitchen alone.
"He was acting kind of weird,"Taehyung comments. "What was that about? A thief?"
With a weary glance at your brother, you sigh, "Tae, I'm the thief."
"You're the..." He's thinking hard, and then it hits him. "The book. You found it?" His voice is excited, but you shake your head.
"I found it, and I won't use it," you tell him. "I'm really just trying to figure out a way to get it back into his room."
For a good minute, Taehyung simply sits and stares at you with a expression that you find more than slightly insulting.
It looks like he's questioning your intelligence.
"Didn't Jimin just say he's going to take a shower?" He speaks slowly, like he's trying to make a stupid child understand. "Put it back while he's in the shower."
That's probably a good plan.
When you just sit blankly and stare at your brother, he says with a laugh, "Well, go!"
You shoot up from your seat, abandoning your noodles and knocking your chair back several feet as you scramble for your corner of the house.
When you reach your room, you immediately run over to the bathroom door and press your ear to it, satisfied that you can hear the sound of running water echoing in the tiled room.
You grab the book from where you had it hidden in one of your dresser drawers and stuff it under your shirt, just for good measure.
Jimin's bedroom door is unlocked, thankfully, and the room is empty and quiet. You barely peek your head in the door, checking.
You were half-expecting Jimin to be sitting on the bed and smirking at you as you walked in. Reassured by the gentle sound of the shower, you creep into his bedroom and gently shut the door behind you, just in case anyone else should wander down the hall and see you sneaking around his room.
It feels like it takes miles to get to the foot of his bed. The mattress collapses softly under your knees as you climb up on it, moving the pillows out of the way and start to squeeze the book in the tiny space between the mattress and the wall.
As you're struggling to shove the rather thick book into the itty bitty slot, you hear it.
The click of the door.
As you go completely still in your kneeling position, you realize another thing that has horror crashing into the pit of your stomach.
The shower isn't running.
Oh heck.
Slowly, you spin around on your knees to face what you already know if behind you.
Like you were expecting, it's a slender, handsome man with an angular jaw and sinfully full lips that are quirked up into a little smirk.
What you don't expect is his dress shirt from school, unbuttoned completely and offering a glimpse a large sliver of his bare, muscular chest and tons of tanned smooth skin.
What you don't expect is his belt unbuckled, the weight of the loose ends dragging down the waistband of his slacks to reveal a white and grey Calvin Klein waistband.
What you don't expect is his hair to be completely, totally dry.
He never even got in the shower.
"Well. What do we have here?" Jimin says softly, flashing that familiar obligatory smirk. The bedroom door lock clicks under his fingers as he twists it, sealing your doom.
Then he laughs.
"I think I've caught a little thief."


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