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Yoongi's POV
Yoongi doesn't know how he got here.
He was just going along, minding his own business, when two arms had come out of nowhere and lifted him like a doll into the air.
Struggling and cussing as fast as his mouth could keep up, Yoongi had turned his head only to see the youngest of his friends behind him, holding him against his chest without any apparent effort. A grin was spread along his mouth, showing his bunny teeth.
Stupid strong maknae.
It was like the scene out of freakin Mulan, with the little angry man being lifted up by the peacekeeping huge guy.
Except a hug won't make Yoongi feel better at this point.
Just as he was going to give Jungkook the verbal smackdown of his life, something had gone down over his head, covering up his eyes and nose but leaving his mouth free.
Mistake for them.
"What in the $&%$#^$ &*#>$ are you %#&$*# idiots doing?" Yoongi snarls. After being jostled around and carried somewhere by the Jolly Green Jungkook, he's now tied to a chair.
To a freaking chair.
Do any of these guys actually remember what he does for a living?
The covering is abruptly ripped away from his face and a dark room meets his vision, along with a bright light shining directly into his eyes.
Yoongi doesn't flinch.
Instead, he glares directly into the light, right at the person he knows is behind it.
"Jung Hoseok," he says. "What in the heck are you doing?"
The light jumps and wobbles, then backs up as Hoseok's voice whimpers, "You said he wouldn't be able to see me because of the light!"
Said light flickers and turns off, seconds before the main light flickers on.
They're in the kitchen, Yoongi being surrounded by a semi-circle of imbeciles.
"What are you guys doing?" Yoongi sighs in exasperation. All of this struggling has drained him. He needs a nap.
Jimin steps forward from the center of the group, hands clasped behind his back.
"Hyung," he says nervously. "I need your help."
Lazily motioning to the kid napping gear with a tilt of his head, Yoongi asks, "And you had to abduct me in order to say that?"
Jimin points to Jin. "Blame him."
Jin shakes his head rapidly, pointing back at Jimin. "You texted Kookie, and I quote, 'we might have to kidnap Yoongi'. How is this my fault?!"
"I wasn't serious!" Jimin hisses.
"If you're trying to interrogate me right now," Yoongi intones dryly, "you're doing an awful job of it."
Sighing, Jimin crosses his arms.
"Why don't you like the idea of Jimin and Y/N being together?" Jungkook spouts from off from the right.
"This is what you brought me in here for?" the green-haired man hisses. "To talk about hypothetical situations?"
This is too much. His eyes are starting to drop closed out of boredom.
"Jut answer, hyung," Jungkook sighs.
Yoongi rolls his eyes, considering them all with cold anger. "For obvious reasons. First, it's illegal-"
"No it isn't," Jungkook cuts him off. "Y/N is eighteen, and there aren't any specific laws keeping a teacher from dating a student. If Y/N was a minor, it would be different. But she isn't."
Hmm. Touché.
"That's a technicality," Yoongi fires back. "It's still wrong."
"Why?" Jimin asks.
With a frown, Yoongi scans all of their faces suspiciously. "Why are you all stuck on this?"
"Why is it wrong, hyung?" Jimin asks again.
"Because it just is!" Yoongi huffs in frustration. He hates it when people question his judgement.
"So there isn't a real reason that you don't like if," Namjoon muses with a thoughtful expression.
Yoongi goes still. "Why are you doing this?"
"Because I need your help," Jimin answers. "And the kidnapping was more of an attention grabber than anything. Now that I have your attention, I need you to be serious."
"You're kidding?" Yoongi scoffs.
"I'm not kidding." Jimin squats down in front of the older man, biting his lower lip. "Hyung, I did something. And you're not going to like it."
Yoongi's shrewd, triangular eyes narrow. "What did you do?"
Jimin takes a deep breath, then lets it all out.
"I fell in love with Y/N."


It's an innocent desire for milk that draws you into the kitchen.
All you want is some milk.
What you don't want is to find all of the housemates but Taehyung in the kitchen, surrounding a pissed off Yoongi, who's tied to a chair.
"What the heck?" you say, blinking.
Jimin, who's squatted in front of Yoongi, squeaks and falls over, flat on his butt.
"Y/N?" Jin gasps.
Everyone turns to look at you, and you stare back at them like a deer in the headlights.
"Why is Yoongi tied to a chair?" you ask solemnly.
"Because of you," Yoongi snarls. "This is your fault."
Your fault?!
"Untie me," Yoongi says.
"I would've," you reply. "But then you were a meanie. So now I kind of don't want to."
"Untie me, Kim Y/N!"
Shivering at the darkness in his voice, you obediently push through the other men and yank the knot free that was tying Yoongi's hands to the chair.
The grumpy shirt man stands and brushes himself off. He stomps toward the door, only to halt beside Jimin.
"I'm not helping you with squat," Yoongi spits at the younger man, then makes his exit.
There's a long, awkward silence in the room as everyone stares at each other.
"No one's going to tell me what just happened?" you ask in disbelief.
Jimin glances at the other men and sighs. "Yes. I will." He takes your hand and starts to lead you out of the kitchen.
Before he makes it past the door, he turns around. "Thanks for your help, guys," he murmurs to the other men. There seems to be pity and sympathy in their gazes, which confuses you.
But Jimin doesn't say anything else. Instead, he leads you out of the kitchen. Through the living room, and around the corner. Down the hall.
Into your bedroom, without a single word spoken to you.
Still angry at him for his treatment earlier, you cross your arms and turn your side to him.
"You're mad," he says.
"What happened?" you ask solemnly. "Why the sudden attitude change? What's going on?"
Jimin takes a hesitant seat beside you, weight sinking the mattress so you slide toward him a little. He takes your hand, and you let him.
Because no matter how mad you are, he's Jimin.
And you think you might be falling for him.
"I have a lot to tell you," he says heavily.
Sitting back, you fold your legs and give him an indicative look.
"Then it's a good thing I have time. Now go."

Double update.
Bet y'all are all really confused right now.

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