Aren't You Attracted Yet?

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"You just can't listen to me can you, Kim Y/N?"
You clutch your heart as it almost jumps out of your chest, your body flinching in surprise. That scared the crap out of you! How does he move so quietly?
You send an innocent glance toward the young red-headed teacher, who's leaning a shoulder against the open doorway with a bemused look on his face. He strides toward you and grabs the paper out of your hand, using the empty fingers of his other hand to gently close the brown book.
You frown. You've already seen the note, but he keeps moving the book further and further from you, putting his body between you and it.
Like he's protecting it.
Pushing the book away, Jimin faces you fully and crosses his arms. He pinches the note between two fingers, dangling it in front of your face the same way that he's done with your phone countless times.
You sigh and squeeze the bridge of your nose because he gives you a headache.
"I already saw it," you say pointedly, motioning to the note.
He laughs. "I know that. So, what do you think?"
Scrunching your nose up, you give him a confused look. "About what?"
You don't like the way his eyes darken and how a touch of arrogance works its way into his smirk.  It makes him looks so...dangerous.
And hot.
Not that you would ever notice if he was hot or not. Because you wouldn't. That would be very wrong.
"About the note. The drawing." Jimin places a dramatic hand on his chest and winces, adopting a look of fake panic. "Somebody's onto us."
You scoff, giving him a dry look. "As if."
"What?" he laughs. "Are you implying something, Y/N?"
"It's Ms. Kim, Mr. Park," you tell him primly. "And I'm not trying to imply anything, other than the obvious."
Jimin half-sits in the desk with an amused grin in his face, watching you.  The note is still in his hand.
He sits in between you and the book.
You take a step back from him, trying not to blatantly eye the book with suspicion.
Is that his dream book? Why is he so protective of it?
"The obvious being...?" he hedges, distracting you from your thoughts.
Pointing a finger at the paper square he's holding, you bluntly say, "That would never happen. Isn't it obvious?"
He laughs hard.
So hard that he conveniently leans back against the table and pushes that sketchy book another couple of feet away.
You shake your head because if he's trying to be subtle, he's doing a poor job of it. It also makes you a little angry that he's laughing at you. You hate people laughing at you.
Gritting your teeth, you give him a nasty glare. "What's so funny?"
He keeps laughing, even louder if that's possible.
You set your hands on your hips and face him with a widened stance, fully and truly pissed off now. Can he be any more annoying? You can feel in your soul that he's doing this on purpose. He knows it makes you mad.
He must know.
"Are you saying that I'm not attractive Ms. Kim? You're not attracted to me?" Jimin grins so wide that you're surprised his eyes don't stay squeezed into those tiny little slits for the rest of eternity.
Trying to focus on the ego shining through his words instead of the question itself, you roll your eyes.
"Two different questions there. Are you attractive? I guess to some people, maybe. A very small amount of women probably find you attractive."
You're lying through your teeth and you and he both know it. His smile doesn't fade at all at your words, only changing again to that dark and dangerous smirk.
"However, I'm not one of those women."
The final words that you force from your mouth are confident and strong, which you're extremely proud of considering the fact that you're bluffing. He's gorgeous and extremely attractive, not only to you but also to every female on the face of the planet. Probably some of the males, too.
You just don't want his head any bigger than it already is.
"Oh, you're not one of them?" His head tilts to the side, putting his cocky smile at an angle that makes your stomach roll.
But you stand your ground and say lightly, "nope."
"Hm." Jimin stands and moves toward you.
Crap. What now?
He hangs back a little from you, his eyes roaming up and down your form in a way that makes you want to crawl inside a massive parka and never come back out.
"They make your uniform skirts so short." His voice is softer before, but somehow darker. "Too short. It doesn't do anything but distract all of the guys in class." Eyeing you appreciatively, Jimin takes his fingers through his bright red hair and allowed his tongue to glance across his lower lip as he admits, "It doesn't help the male teachers focus either."
His gaze meets yours.
Well heck, you aren't really sure what to say. You can only watch your teacher with wide-eyed bewilderment as he stalks toward you, stopping way too far into your personal bubble.
"I don't-" you start to say but stop abruptly when you feel, with a shocked gasp, that his fingers are playfully messing with the hem of your skirt. Whoa. Hold up now.
"Did you want to try it, Ms. Kim?" he breathes, tugging lightly on your skirt.
Who's Ms. Kim?
Your brain has a sudden foggy haze floating around it, which you try to fight through. It's making your head cloudy.
"T-Try what?" you ask, shaking your head to clear it.
Alert, alert, all hands on deck! Y/N is not in full control of herself! You attempt to put some distance in between the two of you but have to stop when he doesn't let go of your uniform skirt. If you go any further, you're half afraid that he'll rip it off completely.
"The picture in the note," Jimin purrs lowly. "You want to try it out?"
The suggestion sends visions dancing through your head of a flushed Jimin holding you against him as you kiss passionately, the two of you backed up against the wall. You blush beet red and shake your head frantically. "No, I d-don't think I do."
His hands fist in your skirt, knuckles brushing the skin of your thighs. "Are you sure?"
The suddenness of the touch brings you back to your senses. Holy cannoli, this man is slick. You have to be careful with him.
You're successful this time when you put your hands on his firm chest and push, moving him away from you. He tries to resist by snaking an arm around your waist.
"What's wrong, Y/N?" he says mockingly. "Aren't you attracted yet?"
"Of course, Mr. Park." You put all the sarcasm you can muster into your words. Maybe if you act like you weren't actually flustered by him 2.5 seconds ago, he won't notice it either. "Can't you see me just swooning over you?"
The redhead is laughing again, any trace of that sexy smirk gone. It's all devilish amusement now as he observes your red face. His arm removes from your waist, setting you free.
Without speaking to him or looking him in the eye, you make your way back to your desk and sit. Even though you can feel him watching you, you refuse to take the bait. In fact, you hope that you can just bleach out that moment entirely.
Or you could just sue for sexual harassment.
What you really need is that book.
His gaze eventually leaves you and you use the opportunity to look for that book that he tries to hide earlier. He has it clasped under one hand as he stares at the computer.
That has to be it.
You need that book. If you have some blackmail on him, then things like the event today will never happen again. You'll be able to peacefully enjoy your final year of high school without your sexy teacher out to get you.
If its the last thing you do, you have to get that book.
Or die trying.

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