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"Did it work?"
You sit rigid on the end of Jimin's bed, waiting for him to answer you as he walks in.
You haven't gotten a chance to talk to him since he returned from the office in the middle of school, face unreadable. Those gorgeous chocolate eyes of his had portrayed neither joy nor sorrow, which made it extremely difficult for you to tell which way the confrontation had gone.
Lee Jaehee had returned a few minutes later as well, and you were at a loss.
Neither of their faces betrayed what happened in the office.
You had absolutely nothing to go on.
When school ended, Jimin had given you the indicative head nod with his bright red hair that meant to go home without him.
So you went.
And now, as he steps into his room, pulling off his tie and unbuttoning his shirt to reveal the white t-shirt the beneath, you're determined to draw every last drop of information out of him.
The redhead sighs as he tosses his tie across the bed. His luscious lips are flattened into a thin line.
You grimace in concern. "What? Did you loose your job?! What happened?"
Jimin sits heavily beside you, dropping his arm around your shoulder and leaning his weight on you. "I'm tired," he says.
You immediately begin rubbing his shoulders, pressing down on the hard, stiff muscles in order to provide him with any relief you can. Humming beneath the pressure of your hands, Jimin moves ever so slowly, so he's lying on his stomach with his head resting on crossed arms, you straddling his thin waist and pressing your hands into his back.
"Jimin, come on," you gripe as you continue to work the knots out. "Tell me! I'm worried."
"Mmm," is his only response, making you huff. In retaliation, you stop the massaging and sit with your arms crossed.
He grumbles and looks over his shoulder, and you force your bottoms lip into a pout.
"What happened?" you demand.
He ignores with a sigh.
So you slap him on the butt.
As soon as your hand removes from contact with the solid globe of muscle, Jimin goes very, very still beneath you.
And it's then that you realize the mistake you've made.
How dare you?
You've touched the jibooty.
You swear that your childhood flashes past the whites of your eyes as you feel Jimin coil beneath you, like a snake preparing to strike. You quickly throw yourself to the side and roll across the bed, scrambling on the covers to make it to the edge, screaming the whole way. You've almost reached it, too, when a strong hand grips your ankle and drags you back.
It feels like a scene from a horror movie; you on your stomach, desperately digging in your nails as your try to prevent yourself from being pulled into the inevitable punishment waiting behind you.
The subject of Jaehee and the meeting flies to the darkest depths of your mind when you feel Jimin's heavy weight settle on the dip of your waist, an identical position to how you were sitting in him only moments ago.
Except, you didn't realize how vulnerable the position was.
"Big mistake, baby," Jimin purrs in that velvet voice, pressing the heels of his palms into your back.
You're totally blind to his movements, his weight forcing you to lay your head to the side so you aren't breathing in blankets, and that makes you nervous as heck.
He's got you trapped.
"I just want to hear what happened," you groan in misery. "Stop being so mean."
"This isn't me being mean. This is me being very, very nice." Then his hands aren't on your back anymore. Instead, you feel them move away your hair from your neck, and Jimin's gorgeously soft-yet-firm lips press to the skin there.
Breath hitching in your throat, you half-heartedly kick your leg out in an effort to dislodge him. "Get off of me, you lump," you say in an unintentionally breathy voice.
Ignoring you, Jimin speaks to you as he slowly slides his body along yours until he's laying on top of you, hips settled over the curve of your backside and elbows propping his upper body up to hover over your back. "Sweetheart, if things went badly do you really think I'd be doing this?"
His hot breath on the back of your neck sends shivers down your spine, but his answer relaxes you. "So it went well?"
Grunting in frustration, Jimin pops his hand against the side of your thigh. "Is that all you're thinking about when I'm trying to seduce you?"
"Yes," you say bluntly, a half-truth. Your worry is the main thing on your mind, although Jimin's touch is definitely doing its job well in distracting you.
He snorts and rolls off of you, landing beside you with on his back. Immediately after, he pulls you on top of him to lay on his chest, your legs splayed on either side of his slender hips. In this position, your faces are merely centimeters away from each other.
"You hurt my feelings," the redhead whines, sticking his full lip out in a pout.
"Spill," you mutter, emphasized with a poke to his firm chest.
Jimin rolls his eyes, pouty expression disappearing and replaced with exasperation. "Everything went according to play. Stop worrying." His thumb soothes the crease between your furrowed eyebrows, caressing gently. Your teacher follows the action by pressing his mouth to your jaw, leaving a trail of light pecks down you neck and to the collar of your uniform shirt.
"Stupid school clothes," he grumbles when his lips stop their descent because of the fabric. His fingers hastily work in the top buttons of your shirt, allowing him to side the top of the blouse off of your shoulders and bare your shoulders and collarbones for him. "Perfect," he breathes, scanning the pale skin with hungry eyes.
You can't help the flush that burns across your cheeks. The redness spreads even faster as Jimin traces the jutting angle of your collarbone with his tongue, pressing his open mouth against your skin.
A quiet moan rolls off your tongue, dancing along the air between you, blooming into a deep, hot tension.
Blooming along with it is a gentle warmth inside your heart. It's unfurling like a flower, spreading and taking over every corner of the organ that beats your blood through your veins.
You aren't stupid enough to not recognize what it is.
And you want him to know.
You're finally safe, and everyone knows, and you don't have to hide anymore. It's a euphoric thing that pushes your feelings up your throats as they beg to spill out.
So, as Jimin places tiny bites along your shoulder, you let them fall.
"Jimin. I love you."
And he goes very, very still.

I literally just had to move to a different state and move into my college dorm so I've had zero time to write, and I'm so stinking sorry.
Here's a cute Hobi so you'll forgive me

Anyways, THANK YOU FOR 1K FOLLOWERS 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️Y'all are the best

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Anyways, THANK YOU FOR 1K FOLLOWERS 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️
Y'all are the best. I'll try to update faster, and I hope you enjoyed. Also, I was originally going to stop it here but some people convinced me to keep going, so I'll extend the story a little. Love y'all!

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