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It's one of the rare nights at Taehyung's house where all of the boys are home at the same time. It's isn't late, only 5:30 in the evening, but it feels like midnight.
All of you are gathered into the living room with a horror movie playing on the television, but you're the only one watching it with any horror.
Hoseok and Yoongi are slumped over in a state of exhaustion in the couch, your brother squished in between them and yawning. Jin is reclined in a chair and almost unconscious, while Namjoon mirrors him in a chair across the room. Jungkook is sitting on the floor with textbooks and papers spread around him, nodding off as the stress of being a college senior overcomes him.
You're next to Jungkook on the floor, watching warily as your teacher, who's sprawled on the floor in front of the tv, slowly falls asleep.
Are you terrified of the movie playing?
Heck yes you are, but you have to wait for Jimin to fall asleep before you 'go to your room'. Otherwise know as searching through Jimin's room across the hall while he's sleeping safely in the living room.
If that book isn't in his desk, it means that he takes it home with him. Maybe you can find it somewhere in his room.
After you searched the detention room for his dream book and received an awkward ride home from the man who, you discovered, is way to obsessed with a pop group called Big Bang, you formulated this plan in your mind.
Play a movie after a hard day of work, get all of the men sleepy, and get the job done.
So far, it's worked out pretty well.
They're all almost asleep, you just have to stand this terrifying movie for a couple more minutes.
As something on the screen splatters a girl's insides across some sort of impaling device, you turn your head and try not to tremble in fear. There's no way on earth you'll be able to sleep tonight.
Why couldn't Jungkook have chosen a rom com or an action movie?
The monster jumps out from behind something suddenly, scaring the living daylights out of you and causing a tiny, almost inaudible scream to leave your mouth.
Thank goodness Jungkook sleeps like the dead, or you might have woken him up.
"Y/N?" a concerned voice whispers.
You glance up, almost groaning when you see that while your whimper of fear didn't wake up the rock-like maknae, it did manage to knock Jimin out of his sleepy stupor. He must not be a very heavy sleeper.
You're about to answer him and reassure him that you're fine when the monster in the movie begins ripping violently into one of the lead characters, splattering blood, gore, and body parts everywhere.
Then you're on the floor, curled into a ball of terror. This is the worst idea you've ever had, Kim Y/N.
Gentle hands on your shoulders lift you into a sitting position, sliding up your neck to cup your face and force your eyes to focus.
Jimin's crouches beside you, brows furrowed in worry.
"Are you okay?" he whisperes quietly in an attempt to avoid waking the others.
You try to open your mouth and force words out, but they won't come. Instead, you shake your head.
He sighs.
"Come on, you wimp," he chuckles, lifting you up with a hand under each arm. You go with it, letting him wrap an arm around your shoulders as he leads you back into the dark house toward your bedrooms. Every creak of the floor makes you tuck further under his arm.
"It's just a movie, Y/N," Jimin laughs. "It isn't real. Why are you so scared?"
"It's not funny," you hiss, gripping his sleep shirt in a fist. The two of you finally make it safely into your room, where you turn on every light switch possible and dive into your bed, sitting huddled in the blankets with your back to the wall.
Jimin takes one look at you and bursts out in laughter, which you ignore bitterly.
Your whole plan is ruined. Everything you endured watching that movie, waiting for hours for all of them to fall asleep, it's all for nothing.
Maybe fate is working against you finding that book.
You can still hear the terrifying sounds of people screaming in the living room, each shriek sending you deeper and deeper under the false safety of your blankets.
Sighing, Jimin crosses his arms and leans a hip against the doorway.
"Are you going to be okay?" he asks. "Do I need to go get Taehyung?"
Be strong, Y/N.
"No," you mumble. "I'll be fine." You can't stand the look in his face right now, knowing that's he's standing there mocking you. You can't afford to show him anymore weakness than you already have.
"Okay. Goodnight, Y/N." with that, he leaves you alone in your room, walking out and closing the door behind him. The door to his bedroom across the hall creaks faintly when he closes it.
The second that you're alone, an overwhelming sense of fright starts growing in your chest. The lights are all on but that doesn't stop you from watching for a monster to start crawling out from under your bed.
You can't stay in here alone.
You try to think about your options around the house. Your brother's bedroom is across the house, along with Jin's, Namjoon's and Jungkook's. The living room, where they're all still asleep, is down a dark and terrifying hall where you're vulnerable to attack. Hoseok's and Yoongi's rooms are the end point to that same hallway.
The thought of scrambling down that passage in the darkness makes you quake.
He's just on the other side of the hall, and you know that he's in that room and not with the others in the living room. You can even go through your connected bathrooms so you don't have to brave the hunting ground of monsters that is your hallway.
It's the only stupid, desperate plan you can think of, driven by illogical fear that you can't help.
As much as you hate being in the presence of Park Jimin, he's the closest thing to safety you have.
So you go for it.
You lunge out of your bed and leap across the room, scramble through the two bathroom doors separating your room from Jimin's, and rush into the man's room.
It's dark.
The lights have been turned off already, and there's a softly breathing lump beneath the covers of his bed.
You catapult on top of him.
"What the heck?" Jimin shoots up in bed when your weight lands on top of him, scrambling for the lamp beside his bed. As he turns it on, the sleepy, confused, and terrified redhead also shoves his glasses onto his face.
When everything comes into focus, it's you cowering on Jimin's chest, clutching his shirt with wide eyes.
"I-I'm sorry," you whimper. "But I'm scared." With that, you burrow under the blankets of his bed, turning your back on him and his warmth.

Also this is trash lol sorry
I've been kinda busy graduating high school 😂😂

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