Check It Out

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The chalk screeches loudly on the blackboard, sending a painful sound pounding through your eardrums. You wince and glare at the red headed man who's in control of the white stick that's producing the noise.
Almost as if he can feel you irritation, Mr. Park smirks as he finishes writing the problem and faces the class. His fingers tap the chalk gently against his forearm.
"Is there anyone who wants to volunteer solving this problem?" Mr. Park asks the class in amusement. When no one raises a hand, he laughs like he's been expecting it.
"That's what I thought. Ms. Lee? Would you mind coming up here please?"
Lee Jaehee grins in catlike satisfaction at receiving his attention. She's that one girl that every guy is after, but Jaehee's always after someone too. It seems that she's set her sights on the unfortunate Mr. Park Jimin.
Hiking up her short skirt to make it even shorter, she struts up the aisle to the front of the classroom, making sure to widen the sway of her hips as she goes.
Jaehee gently takes the chalk out of Mr. Park's outstretched and brushed her fingers along his palm.
His full lips twitch in amusement.
As the girl moves to press the writing utensil to the board, she drops it.
And from what you see, it's 100% on purpose.
Now she has an excuse to lean over, giving Mr. Park and the entire class a flash of her lacy black underwear.
You clasp a hand over your moth to hold in the disbelieving laughter threatening to spill out.
"Oops," Jaehee says daintily. She bats her thick, mascara-coated eyelashes at the young teacher and curves her lips up into a seductive smile.
You have to tell your friend, Nari, about this later. It's too hilarious to pass up.
Taking your phone out, you subtly try to position it beside your textbook to take a picture as proof.
The screen catches a ray of sunlight from the window just perfectly, sending a flash of light through the classroom.
Mr. Park notices instantly.
Trying to avoid his gaze, you slip your phone into your lap and give him an innocent look, which he doesn't fall for.
He abandons the girl at the front of the classroom and wanders in your direction, calmly. Too calmly.
With his hands clasped behind his back and his shoulder relaxed, but his eyes are glued to you. His words from last night echo in your head forebodingly.
You were texting in my class. If you do it again, I'll give you detention.
Well crap.
Mr. Park squats down in front of your desk and folds his arms across the flat surface.
He holds out on hand and says, "Ms. Kim, if you would."
The tone of his voice is so arrogant and smug, the emotions equally reflected in his eyes, and you grit you teeth. It's like he's been waiting to catch you for something.
You puff air out of your nose and angrily slam your phone into his palm.
"See me after class," he commands next.
Then he stands, sending Jaehee back to her seat as he makes his way to the board and continues the lesson.


After class, you wait until everyone else leaves to approach his desk. Your phone is placed front and center, directly in front of the smirking teacher seated behind the desk. 
Mr. Park picks up your phone and swings and swings it precariously between two fingers.
"I think you might be my trouble student this year, Ms. Kim," he mocks.
You can tell that he's enjoying this. "That's two times in two days." He slides your phone into his pocket and points to a couple of cardboard boxes that are stacked in the corner of the room. "You can unload those, please."
You cross your arms defiantly. "Aren't I supposed to go to detention?"
Me. Park stands and leans over his desk, getting uncomfortably close to you. He cocks one eyebrow arrogantly. "This is my punishment for you. I have this feeling that sitting in a room for an hour and half with nothing to do but read isn't much of a punishment for you."
Well, he isn't wrong. You've finished all of your work for classes, so detention really would be you reading happily for two hours. Glaring, you stomp over to the boxes and grab the first one. Lugging it onto a desk, you grumble at the weight of it.
"What is this stuff anyways?" you ask as you open up the first box. There are various objects inside, staplers and books and pencils.
"Office supplies," Mr. Park murmurs absently. You glance back and see him scribbling something in a large leather-bound book, looking totally engrossed in the action.
Sighing, you begin to unload all of the random things he has stuffed in the boxes. The sound of his pencil scribbling is a constant background noise to your work.
You can't help but long for your earbuds, which you accidentally forgot to bring to school this morning. It would be so much better to be listening to music rather than your teacher writing.
You find some empty file folders in the bottom of the box and bend down to put them into the lowest drawer of the filing cabinet. The cabinet is old and sort of rusty so the handle to the cabinet is stuck. Hissing under your breath in frustration,, you bend down lower and yank on it hard. It finally comes unstuck.
"Wow." You realize that Mr. Park's pencil has stopped scratching against the paper just as his voice fills the classroom.  "I never would've thought, Ms. Kim..."
You stand up straight and face him, frowning. There's something in the tone of his voice that you don't like. "I'm sorry?"
Mr. Park rolls his shoulder smoothly and clasps his fingers behind his head, leaning back in his chair. You definitely, 100% do not notice the way it stretches out his lean body and makes his impressive biceps strain against his dress shirt. Nope. You won't see that at all.
Mr. Park cocks one eyebrow and bites his full lower lip. "Lace. I took you as more of a silk girl, but I like it."
Lace? You stare at him in confusion for a split second before it finally hits you.
Gasping, you uselessly try to tug down your skirt as if that will help him unsee what he's talking about.
You just pulled a Jaehee and flashed your teacher a good look at your underwear.
And he called you on it.
You're such a confused mixture of outaged, infuriated, and panicked that you don't know what to do with yourself. You feel like a mini volcano with all of the emotions building up in you, two seconds from exploding all over Park Jimin's face.
His laughter isn't helping the situation.
Fed up with it all, you decide that the safest move is to just leave. You gather your things quickly as Mr. Park continues to laugh at your expense. He doesn't speak to you until you're already walking out the door with heavy stomping footsteps.
"See you tomorrow, Ms. Kim! Try not to drop anything on your way home!"

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