Climax and Resolution

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You blink, and ask the obvious question.
"A redo for what, exactly?"
Confusion rushes through your mind as you sit there, staring at Jimin through the dim candle-lit mood.
His tongue flashes out over his lips, fingers tugging on the hem of his sleeve.
The simple black suit he's wearing is elegant and classy, perfectly tailored to him. It only amplifies the whole elven-beauty factor he has going on as he flicks a strand of blonde hair out of his face.
"It's a secret," he mumbles. "But you'll see, okay? Let's just eat dinner first." Jimin's hand travels to the back of his neck, rubbing nervously. "I hope this is okay."
Looking around the restaurant, then observing the white clothe-covered table set with roses and romantic candles, you let a warm smile spread over your mouth. "It's beautiful, Jimin." You aren't necessarily someone whose goal in life is to become rich, nor do you want to be stuck with the social pressure of that kind of lifestyle, but you can definitely appreciate the effort Jimin obviously put in to this plan.
A huge breath of relief huffs out of him, causing you to laugh.
So you eat.
You eat, and you talk, and you laugh like these few moments with him will be that last in your life. The twinge in your heart every time he smiles is an unacknowledged blip in the joy of his presence through which you easily endure, because...
Because you're afraid he might break up with you.
It would make sense, the secretiveness and expensive restaurant and various gifts.
Almost like a bribe of apology.
Sorry I'm breaking your heart, but here's some expensive junk to make up for it.
Of course, Hoseok's obvious amusement doesn't necessarily fit perfectly into the scenario, but you never know.
The only thing you really know is that you and Jimin are pretending that all's right in the world as if your lives depend on it. You're masters at acting like there isn't a giant elephant of hesitancy seated in between you at the table.
When you get to the point that you're staring down at your empty dessert plate, you know that the climax of the evening has reached its point. The high point of the story, so to speak. The confession of intent.
The meaning of 'redo'.
You stare Jimin down and he looks back at you with his gorgeous chocolate eyes, obviously nervous but at the same time steady and resigned. Those soulful eyes bore into yours, making you melt on the inside.
Quit it, Y/N. This is obviously serious.
"Okay," Jimin says on a heavy exhale. "Okay. Okay. So, I asked you here tonight-"
"Kidnapped me," you correct, waiting.
He hesitates even more. "Right. Um, kidnapped you, because I have something want to tell you."
Oh boy, here it comes.
Jimin sucks a deep breath in  though his perfect lips, exhaling it seconds after. He looks into your eyes. "Y/N, I lo-"
He stops, then starts again. "I lo-" Stops. Starts. "I-I lov- crap, I can't."
And you close your eyes, that little twinge of hurt you'd pushed into the back corner of your heart returning in full force.
This again?
Him trying to force himself to love you?
This is the last thing you could ever want. "Jimin," you say quietly. Standing up, you try to keep the searing pain from showing in your worlds. "I think I'm just gonna go home, okay? Thank you for supper, but I'm tired and-"
"Sit. Down."
You sit down. The dark tone of his voice catches you off guard.
In fact, his entire demeanor has changed.
Gone is the charming, cute fairy laughing and smiling sweetly. In his place is a nastier version of Jimin, heavy-eyed and intense and dangerous.
Then he takes a breath.
You watch the oxygen sweep through his body, relaxing his shoulders and instantly calming the frustration in his eyes so he's back to a more normal version of himself.
Jimin purses his lips as he looks at you.
"As much as I wanted to say that," he intones quietly, "there's something I want to show you more."
He opens up his suit coat and removes something from inside ; a folded piece of paper. It makes a smooth brushing noise against the tablecloth as the now-blonde slides it across the flat surface in your direction.
Confused yet again, you gingerly take the paper in your hands and star down at it.
Your name is written neatly across the front.
Giving Jimin a wary glance, you find him biting his lower lip with obvious nerves.
What the heck is this thing?
So you flip it open, and consequently stop breathing.
You've seen something like this before.
The lines drawn delicately, carefully, like a gentle caress of the features. It looks almost exactly like the drawing of Hoseok from Jimin's secret book, except it isn't.
The perfectly captured curve of the lips that, instead of Hoseok's full Cupid's bow, are thinner and smaller.
Instead of prominent cheek bones and a sharp jaw, a more gentle curve sweeps around the outline of a feminine face.
And instead of Hobi's large, beautifully slanted eyes, your own stare off the page back at you.
It's you.
A portrait of you, smiling softly, happily, the wave of your hair curving gracefully around your shoulders.
The sketch is drawn with just as much detail, attention, and emotion as any portrait of your brother and his housemates from before.
It speaks loudly of the unspoken feelings rushing through Jimin's eyes right now, tells you of his true intentions for the night.
A redo.
He wants to redo the night you told him you loved him, and this time, return the favor.
And if anything in the drawing doesn't tell you everything he feels, all the love shining brightly in his eyes as they gaze into yours, the three words scripted elegantly under the picture make it very, very clear.

I love you.

Unedited 😊
Kind of a short chapter, but I hope you enjoyed ❤️

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