Like a Bullet Through a Tissue

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Jimin's POV

It takes a whole week for Jaehee to make her move.
Jimin's sitting in class, grading papers while his students work on an assignment, when the intercom interrupts both party's work.
"Mr. Park, please report to the principal's office."
And Jimin knows.
Jaehee asked to go to the 'bathroom' over ten minutes ago, and hasn't returned. The bathroom can't possibly be the real place she went.
He's been waiting for this. They all have.
Trepidation and horrified anticipation surge through him as he looks up and catches Y/N's eye. She's looking back at him, questioning him with her gaze.
Is this it?
Jimin nods, and now she's worried.
As he stands, the class watching with curious, wide-eyes, the red headed man pulls out his phone and sends a single, short text message to the only man who can help him.

Jimin😉: hyung, it's time

Grandpa😴: I'm on my way


Lee Jaehee's POV

Jaehee's waited for about a week before pulling up all of her evidence against Mr. Park and Kim Y/N, and throwing it all on the principal's desk.
The older balding man had settled his reading glasses on his nose and scanned the document, along with the deluge of photos she'd taken in secret. The further through the paper he got, the higher the principal's eyebrows had risen on his wrinkled face.
He knows who Jaehee is, and he knows Jaehee's father. The school board member could remove all of the staff at this school with a simple snap of his fingers if he wants to, or if
Jaehee so desires.
Mr. Park is a goner.
Jaehee stands smugly and listens as the principal orders his secretary to get Park Jimin into his office. She waits in silence with the  furious elder, eager like a shark drifting below injured prey.
And what an injury she's dealt to Mr. Park, one that she knows it's near impossible to recover from.
No one rejects and humiliated Lee Jaehee.
It's time for her to take a whopping bite out of her teacher.
Victorious satisfaction floods Jaehee's veins when a wary Mr. Park steps through the office door, closing it behind him.
"Yes sir?" Mr. Park asks tightly. He looks between the principal and the girl, a little fear in his eyes.
Jaehee flashes her famous feline grin at him, showing all of her teeth.
"Mr. Park," says the principal. "I have to ask you to take a look at what Ms. Lee has just shown me."
Jimin does.
He looks through the photos, flipping from images of his intense glances toward Y/N onto a few scenes of the two of them standing close together, leaning toward each other in an intimate way as they speak.
It's not extremely solid evidence since Jaehee never caught them touching or kissing, but it's certainly enough to incriminate them for an inappropriate student-teacher relationship. The affection and lust in the eyes of the two partners is obvious to anyone who looks twice. Mr. Park remains silent, handing the pile of evidence back to his boss.
"Well? What do you have to say?" The principal weaves his wrinkles finger together and leans forward. "These are serious allegations being made against you, Jimin. Aren't you going to defend yourself?"
He won't.
Because everyone in the office knows that the principal will reluctantly bend to Jaehee's will in order to keep his job, and Jaehee's father will never in a million years take the word of a mere first-year teacher over his beloved daughter.
Before anyone can speak, a solid knock sounds on the office door.
The knocker doesn't wait for an invitation to come in, pushing through the door immediately after.
It's a short, thin man, clad in a familiar blue uniform that sends a wave of foreboding through Jaehee.
What the heck is a cop doing here?
"Are you Principal Choi?" the policeman asks in a rough, low voice. His hair is dyed a peculiar shade of  green that makes Jaehee cock her head to the side.
He's kind of hot, and he pulls off the weird color better than she would've thought. But why is he here?
"Yes sir, that would be me," the prinicpal says, standing in the presence of the law enforcer.
"May I help you?"
"I'm officer Min, and I have a delivery for you," the cop drawls, holding out a folder that Jaehee didn't see before.
And why is Mr. Park looking so relieved now?
The teacher is looking at the cop with wide, hopeful eyes gleaming through his glasses.
Principal Choi takes the folder with delicate hands and flips it open.
He sighs.
"In that file are written statements from at least five other teachers at your school," the officer says. "Statements that prove that Lee Jaehee has been initiating sexual relationships with teachers over the last four years in order to keep her grades afloat."
The principal presses a hand to his forehead and scrunches up his face.
And Jaehee's trembling.
If her father ever finds out what she's done to keep up her grades, he'll sweep everything out from under her feet; the credit card, the new Prada bag, and namely, the new Porsche that she received for her seventeenth birthday.
That just can't happen.
"What's even worse is that Ms. Lee...I'm assuming that's you?"
Jaehee nods fearfully at Officer Min's leading question before he continues.
"Ms. Lee is seventeen years old, meaning she's still a minor. That can send half of your teaching staff to prison for rape of a minor at once." The policeman's eyes travel to the stack on Prinicpal Choi's desk, scanning lightly over the photos of Mr. Park and Y/N.
He rolls his eyes and keeps speaking.
"Ms. Kim, on the other hand, is eighteen. And therefore even if she did have sexual relations with Mr. Park," he pauses in the middle and gives Jaehee and the principal a hard, narrow-eyes look, "Which she hasn't, she and Mr. Park would be breaking no laws."
It's a viscous, methodical destruction of Jaehee's intentions and the principal's ensnarement by the school board. Officer Min tears into Jaehee's plan like a bullet ripping through a tissue.
Quick and effortless.
"I haven't alerted the chief of my division about all of this yet," Officer Min says distastefully, waving his hand lazily at all of the photos and papers on the desk. "And I won't bring it up, as long as you keep a better reign on your teachers and forget any of this happened. And don't worry, you little school whore." The ferocity of the sneer that Officer Min shoots as Jaehee has her wishing she could crawl under a
desk and hide. "Daddy won't hear about this if you keep your dirty trap shut."
Piece said and point made, Officer Min sends Mr. Park and Principal Choi and respectful nod.
"Have a nice day."
Then he exits just as fast as he entered.
In the aftermath of the destruction, Jaehee blinks.
He's just gone?
After ruining everything within a period of five minutes, the Officer just breezed away like he has no worries?
"Sir," says Mr. Park, trying to hold a smile back. "I have a class waiting on me. Can I go?"
The principal waves Mr. Park to freedom, and Jaehee collapses in one of the leather chairs, dropping her head into her hands.
She's been backed into a corner with no escape.
Mr. Park won in the end, and she never even saw it coming.

He's a cop😉😉😉 surprise, but some of you guessed already lol
Sorry it took so long 😅 do you ever get in a mood where you just don't want to write?
Also BTS_BangtanBoyz has asked me to help her with writing a book, doing some editing and stuff so if y'all would go check it out I'm sure she'd really appreciate it😊
Love you guys!

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