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You've managed to cook enough food to feed a small nation, the scents filling you the entire house. You hope that this will be enough to feed Taehyung and his ARMY (oh yes I did) of roommates.
If they're anything like Taehyung, it probably won't be enough.
A pounding on the door summons you out of the kitchen, accompanied by your brother's voice shrieking, "Yah! Y/N! Open up!"' His goofy laugh is ridiculously loud even with the door separating you.
Sighing, you trudge through the house and open the door. The minute you do, your doorway is flooded with men.
Taehyung strangles you with a hug and shouts, "Y/N! How's my little sis?" He bounces past you before you can answer, gesturing for the other men to follow.
They all blur past you in a stream.
Did they just walk into your house without even meeting you? Huh. What happened to manners?
"Where are mom and dad?" Taehyung yells from the kitchen. He's already led all of his friends into the other room and they're all chowing down. The meal you worked so hard to cook is disappearing before your eyes, faster than you can even think.
"Out? Who knows," you reply absently. "Are you going to introduce the random dudes eating all of my food?"
Taehyung looks startled at the though, smacking himself in the forehead.
"Oh yeah! Guys this is Y/N. Y/N, this is Jin hung, Yoongi hyung, Hoseok hyung, Namjoon hyung, Jiminie, and Jungkookie."
Whoa, why are there so many of them?
"Sorry, could you do that a little slower?" you ask with a sheepish smile.
Taehyung giggles and goes down the row with his finger.
"Jin hyung."
A gorgeous brunette with his cheeks stuffed full of food gives you a slight smile.
"Yoongi hyung."
This one's small and slender, with a baby face and vibrant mint green hair. He looks like he's either in a bad mood or about to fall asleep any second. You can't decide which.
"Hoseok hyung."
"I'm your hope, your angel!" The lean ebony-haired man suddenly gets up from his chair and starts jumping around the kitchen, lighting up the entire room with his massive smile. You giggle at him.
"That's Namjoon hyung."
Dimples. You almost coo at the man's adorable smile, dimples softening his angular face framed by dyed-blond hair.
"Jiminie- oh wait," Taehyung stops abruptly, looking around. "He's in the bathroom. Anyways, that's Jungkookie. He's the maknae!"
The youngest gives you a cute smile that reminds you of a little bunny rabbit, even though he's probably older than you.
"Hi, everyone," you laugh. "I hope you guys enjoy the food."
"Thank you, Y/N!" they all chime happily, stuffing themselves.
They're so cute. You giggle again and make your way back into the living room to lock the front door.  As soon as you leave the room, you can hear whispers from your brother's friends.
"Your sister's kinda hot, Tae."
"Mm, she can cook too! I call dibs!"
"Yah, no one's calling dibs on my sister!"
"But she's so pretty!"
Blushing, you hesitate to go back into the kitchen with all of them. You're flattered but at the same time, you don't really want to face them again.  You're about to enter back into the kitchen when one of them starts shouting. It sounds like Hoseok, the loud black-haired one.
"Jiminie, you missed Tae Tae's sister! She so pretty!"
"Is she?"
That voice.
You stop, tilting your head. Why does that voice sound so familiar?
Clearing your throat, you finally dig up the courage to enter into the kitchen again only to find Tae and Hoseok with their backs to you on either side of a shorter man.
His hair is dyed a brilliant red.
"No way," you whisper to yourself.
Taehyung hears you and turns around with a massive grin. "Y/N! Come here! Meet Jiminie!"
The shorter man slowly rotates to face you and your heart stops in your chest.
"Mr. Park?"
"Ms. Kim?"
Both of you are frozen to the spot, Mr. Park out of shock from seeing you and you because outside of school he looks so...different.
Mr. Park, or Jimin as you've been introduced to him, blinks his darkly-lined eyes at you and gapes his lips open and closed like a fish.
You have the same reaction.
He's dressed in tight ripped up jeans that reveal flashes of skin all the way up the thighs and a white t-shirt. Not only that, but he's got makeup on.
And it looks freaking amazing.
The eyeliner makes his eyes pop and his lips are even pinker than normal. He's gorgeous when he's barefaced and gorgeous when he wears makeup too, just in different ways.
His glasses have disappeared and his ear piercings are even more prominent. Any trace of the cute and innocent side of him has fled the scene, leaving behind an unbearably hot, edgy man.
You gulp.
Jimin curses.
"Do you two know each other?" Taehyung asks curiously as he continues to fill his mouth with food.
"He's my teacher!" you shriek.
The other six boys burst into laughter.
"Jiminie, you're Taehyung's hot sister's teacher?" Namjoon wrinkles his nose up and chuckles. "Kinky."
Jimin's lips twitch and he laughs.
"No!" you screech angrily. "In no way is that kinky!"
"Yah, yah, what if they got together? Like in some drama?" Taehyung howls, and the other boys echo him with raucous laughter.
Jimin's smile shows a little teeth now.
"You were texting in my class," Jimin says. "I'll give you detention if you do it again."
"Oooooh," all of the boys say.
Glaring, you cross your arms over your chest and huff. "I'm never letting any of you eat here again."
"Y/N's an innocent little potato," Taehyung giggles. "She doesn't know how to do anything like that, especially with a teacher."
Kim Taehyung, you're dead.
Making sure that Taehyung receives the furious message through your laser-like glare, you stomp out of the room and slam the door to your bedroom.
Those idiots.
How are you supposed to face him at school tomorrow?

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