The Adventures of Park Kiyoung [Christmas Bonus]

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*Kiyoung is Jimin and Y/N's middle child
Current age: 13

Ki's POV
He can see them sitting there, glowing warmly on the counter like vanilla-scented piles of gold.
His mother's Christmas cookies.
They're cut in the shapes of snowflakes and Santas and presents with red and green bows, filling the kitchen with warmth and Christmas cheer. Inhaling deeply through his nostrils, the young boys exhales in satisfaction.
All he needs is one.
Mouth watering, Kiyoung creeps gently into the kitchen with silent, careful footsteps.
He can't mess this up.
Last year, when the whole family came around at Christmas time and his house was full of screaming children and adults (namely Uncle Hoseok), he didn't get one cookie.
Not one. Freaking. Cookie.
Like a heard of elephants, all of his uncles had flooded through the kitchen and destroyed any chance he ever had at getting one.
He swears by everything in him that he saw Uncle Jin with six cookies in his mouth at once. So here and now, when everyone is in the living room catching up, and none of the kids have exploded into their chaotic whirlwind of hyperactivity, is the best time for Ki to steal his share in cookies.
Rubbing his hands together in anticipation, Kiyoung slides around the counter, out of view of the entrance, and sneakily approaches the plate of glory. Standing over the decorative plate for a moment, he soaks in the victory of the moment.
Raking his black hair out of his eyes in one smooth motion, Ki grins.
This is it. This is his chance.
He reaches for one, fingers brushing the warm surface and-
"Park Kiyoung." A large hand claps him roughly on the shoulder, deep voice scaring the Christmas cheer right out of him. Gasping in shock, Ki glances up at the black-headed man looming over him.
"Uncle Yoongi," he groans in an exasperated greeting. At his uncle's expression, he steps away from the cookie plate.
Yoongi grins, a mischievous sparkle in his eyes as he glances between Kiyoung and his goal.
"Whatcha doin in here, kid?" the man asks the boy. "Is it time for cookies?"
"No!" Ki shouts desperately. "I-It's not time yet! You can't have one yet!"
"No?" says his uncle. Obviously and slowly, Yoongi picks up a tree-shaped cookie and chomps it in half with gleaming white teeth.
"Uncle Yoongi," Kiyoung whines. "Please..."
Snorting, Yoongi ruffles Ki's raven hair and turns toward the door.
He can't go out there! If he does, then-
The second that his short, grumpy uncle steps out of the kitchen, a rabid scream rings throughout all of the house.
Kiyoung sprints for the cookie plate, but it's no use.
There's nobody on this planet that can outrun his uncles when they're after his mom's food.
Uncle Jungkook is, as usual, first. He darts in and out of the kitchen in seconds, snagging a couple of cookies and exiting before he can get caught in the circus following directly after him.
After Jungkook, Uncle Tae and Uncle Hobi come charging through. Tae and Hobi descend on the cookies, forcing Kiyoung back a couple more steps.
A desperate yell tells Kiyoung that Uncle Namjoon must be holding Uncle Jin back to give the others a chance.
If he doesn't get to the plate before Uncle Jin...
Then he's done for.
Ki tries to force his smaller body around his vulture-like uncle's, but another body scrambles into the kitchen and slides in front of him.
"Dad!" Kiyoung cries in disbelief as his own father betrays him.
"Sorry, Ki Ki!" Jimin yells, ducking under Taehyung's arm and snatching his goal. "It's every man for himself!"
Immediately after his dad is finished speaking, Kiyoung feels heavy vibrations rack through the floor.
Uncle Namjoon must have failed.
A millisecond later, a tall, slender figure rips into the kitchen and pauses. Uncle Jin's nose lifts into the air, like a hunting dog scenting it's prey.
At this sight of the oldest man, the rest of Ki's uncles flee the scene to save their own lives.
But Ki can't.
He's going to risk his life against Uncle Jin's appetite to get one of those freaking magnificent cookies.
If it's the last thing he does, then so be it.
"You shall not pass!" Ki screams, crossing his arms in front of his chest to prevent his uncle from getting into the kitchen.
Jin, whose eyes are glazed over with his lust for food, doesn't even see the young black-haired boy trying to block his entrance.
He simply stalks forward, unaware that Kiyoung has leeched onto one of his legs as he tries to slow him down with his small body weight.
It doesn't work.
Ki almost cries when his defensive measures have no effect on the older man.
Jin reaches the cookie plate, immediately shoving a present into his mouth.
Groaning in bliss, he proceeds to (somehow) fit two more cookies in his mouth, then begins shoving the rest into the pockets of his reindeer-print sweater.
"Please, Uncle Jin," Kiyoung begs. "Leave some for the rest of us! Please!"
But Jin, lost in the depths of a Christmas food coma, doesn't hear him. By the time he wanders out of the kitchen, filled to the brim with cookies, the platter is almost completely empty.
The plate is covered in crumbs, glistening ceramic bare except for one spot in the very middle.
A single cookie.
Kiyoung exhales in disbelief and approaches the plate.
The last cookie is a Santa Claus, face smushed in and deformed where something went wrong with the cookie cutter. Half of his arm is broken off and missing.
Ki wonders if Uncle Jin's supernatural food senses got him to avoid the imperfect, ugly cookie that was at the bottom of the pile.
But, in the end, it doesn't matter.
This cookie is the most beautiful cookie he's ever seen.
Nearly weeping in joy, Kiyoung reaches for the last fragment of his mother's Christmas masterpiece.
Until a small, pale hand shoots past him and plucks it off of the plate.
Whirling around faster than his body can keep up with, Ki stumbles at this sight of a small girl with shoulder-length black hair looking up at him with large, dark, innocent eyes.
"Hi, Ki Ki!" says Jung Hana, directly before she takes a hulking bite out of his cookie.
His cookie.
His precious, worshiped cookie that he's worked so hard for - gone.
Kiyoung's right eye begins to twitch, and his teeth grit together.
Uncle Hobi's daughter tilts her head at him in confusion, silky black hair sliding across her shoulders.
Kiyoung wants to rip it out.
"Jung Hana," he spits out to the younger girl, blazing mad. "That was mine."
"Oh!" Hana looks down at the cookie in her hands that's barely more than a single bite now, true guilt in her eyes. "Really? I'm sorry, Ki Ki! I didn't mean to take your cookie!"
Kiyoung wants to respond, but he doesn't know what to say. She actually feels sorry, but that doesn't make him any less angry.
He's shaking.
Irate, he stalks out of the kitchen.
This is a wound that can't be healed. He won't get another chance at those cookies for another 365 Days, and it's all because of Jung Hana.
He can't forgive her.
Right then and there, standing in the middle of his living room, surrounded by his family, Park Kiyoung vows that Jung Hana will be his enemy forever more, and no one on this earth can keep him from exacting his revenge.
That girl will forever be a thorn in his side, and he will never, ever, not for as long as he lives, forgive her.

Or so he thinks😉
This is Hana (Hobi's daughter augghhhh she's so cute😍) She's two years younger than Kiyoung.


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