Epilogue: Since You've Been Gone

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"Ms. Minji? I don't suppose you'd mind..."
The middle-school girl glances up, pushing down the startled jump threatening to send her shoulders into her ears.
Caught again.
Girls around her giggle and twitter with excitement when they see their handsome teacher, Mr. Park, standing in front of Minji with his hand outstretched to capture the cellphone from her that's she's been texting on.
The man in front of her is middle-aged, the tiniest hint of grey beginning to creep into his pitch-black hair. His eyes, sparkling in amusement at her from behind a pair of round spectacles, are a deep brown, the color of chocolate. Tiny wrinkles are beginning to spread out from the corners of his eyes, a sign that he spends a lot of time smiling. Although he's older, that doesn't stop his female students from blushing over his still-perfect male physique and charming face.
When he sends Minji a smile, the girl sees a slightly crooked front tooth that warms her heart.
"I was texting my brother," she says in a pathetic attempt to get out of the punishment, ignoring the heat of humiliation on her cheeks.
One black eyebrow arches. "I seriously doubt that," replies her teacher. "Hand it over, Minji."
With a sigh to defeat all others, she rolls her eyes and slaps the phone into his hand.
"Thank you," he pops out simply, and saunters back to the front.
Minji sits back in her chair and pouts.


After class, Minji lingers behind the other students that are going home. She eyes Mr. Park with irritation as he sits behind his desk.
When everyone else is gone, Mr. Park stands up from his desk and approaches her.
"You're mad at me," he sighs.
Minji doesn't respond, standing stiffly with her arms crossed and staring into the corner.
She doesn't soften when Mr. Park hugs her tightly.
"Don't be angry, sweetheart," he murmurs sadly.
"Do you know what I had for lunch this afternoon?" Minji asks. "Rice. And milk, because my food was inedible."
The teacher's shoulders slump, his head lowering.
Minji feels a little guilty now, but not guilty enough to stop.
"Minhyuk got a girlfriend today, too," she snaps, "And it isn't me. Then we get in here, and my phone gets taken up. Worst. Day. Ever."
"I'm sorry, Minjibug," Mr. Park sighs.
"Dad," Minji hisses. "I told you not to call me that!"
He only hugs her tighter. "Did you really think 'texting your brother' was a good excuse? He's six, Minji."
Sniffing in frustration, emotions roiling, Minji finally allows herself to relax into her father's warm embrace.
"I don't know. I miss Mom," she whispers into his chest. A hollow ache fills her chest when she thinks of the woman she loves and adores so much. Her mom, Y/N, and her dad, Jimin, have been married for almost sixteen years now; but her mom is gone.
Gone, but Minji can't stop thinking about her, as if her constant memory will do any good to bring her mother back.
Jimin frowns, his chin now resting in Minji's head.
"I miss her too, Minjibug," he says. "But there's nothing we can do. Now come on, let's go home. Your brothers are waiting on us."


Jimin's POV

"Daddy's home!"
Jimin lets a tired grin slip across his lips as he steps through the doorway, closing the door after Minji is through. Tiny pattered footsteps echo on the floor, and a little body comes hurtling around the corner.
"Daddy!" Kiyoung cries loudly, throwing himself into his father's arms. Jimin narrowly manages to keep the six-year old from cracking his head open on the floor.
"Hi Ki," Jimin laughs, bouncing the boy on his hip and making him giggle. The babysitter comes around the corner too, with a three-year old Jaehwa perched on her hip.
Putting Kiyoung on his feet, Jimin gratefully holds his arms out to take his baby boy. "Thanks so much, Mrs. Kang."
"Of course." The old lady smiles at him warmly. "They were angels, like always. Kiyoung didn't eat much for lunch, so I'd give him a larger dinner."
She exits after that, leaving Jimin alone with three out of the four most precious things in the world. Other than his beautiful, out-of-reach Y/N, there's noting in the universe that matters more than his three children that have Y/N's gorgeous eyes and his full mouth.
They're his everything.
With the comforting warmth and weight of Jaehwa in his arms, Jimin takes Kiyoung by the hand and leads him into the living room, a moody Minji trailing behind them.
Kiyoung chatters excitedly about his day, holding tightly to Jimin's hand while every couple of seconds, Jaehwa pokes his cheek and giggles.
"Could you take him for a minute?" Jimin asks, and Minji takes the baby from his arms.
"Daddy, I'm hungry," Kiyoung chirps.
I know buddy.
"What'll it be today?" Jimin asks. "Chicken nuggets? Mac and cheese? Or what about-"
"When's Mommy coming home?" Kiyoung cuts him off.
"Mommy..." Jaehwa echoes.
Jimin bites his lip, thinking of just how long it's been since Y/N was by his side, since she held his children in her arms.
"Mac and cheese it is," he whispers softly.
"No!" Kiyoung crosses his arms, pouting. "I want Mommy to cook for me!"
"Mommy!" parrots Jaehwa.
Minji simply watches Jimin with sympathetic eyes as he kneels down, looking Kiyoung in the eye.
"Please, buddy, just work with me here," Jimin begs. "I can't cook like Mommy, but I'm trying, okay?"
He needs Y/N back.
Sensing the stress of his father on some childish, subconscious level, Kiyoung lets his arms drop and forces a smile. "Okay. Mac and cheese, Daddy."


A yellow-covered noodle falls from the ceiling, slapping down smack-dab in the middle of the kitchen table.
Jimin and Minji stare at it in horrified silence, and Jaehwa giggles.
"Noodle!" the baby gurgles happily.
"Noodle," Jimin mutters in agreement, watching warily the sticky clump of yellow macaroni that, once in Kiyoung's spoon, is now stuck to the ceiling.
What the heck is he doing?
He can't do this without her; without Y/N. He can't take care of these kids alone.
Why did she have to leave him so soon?
Her absence is like a hole in the center of his life, a swirling black vortex that was once a source of love and light.
He can't take care of these kids alone.
Just as the final thought crosses his mind, the sound of the front door creaking open reaches his ears.
Jimin's heart jumps in his chest.
As one unit, his whole family takes off in a sprint.
It's every man for himself after that.
Kiyoung clings to one of Minji's legs to slow her progress while Jimin slams past both of them, one thought pounding into his head.
She's home.
Sliding around the corner, he sees her; a long-haired angel standing against the backlit front doorway.
"Y/N," he breathes.
Then he attacks her.
In seconds, she's pinned to the wall as he smothers her sweet, precious face with kisses. He missed her so much, and now his heart is whole again.
"Jimin," she laughs. "Jiminie, I love you, but can I see our children?"
"No," he growls against her neck.
Y/N takes his face between her hands, moving his face up and gazing into his eyes.
"Hi Jimin," she whispers sweetly, then kisses him.
When her lips part from his, Jimin hums happily. "I missed you."
"I was only gone for three days," Y/N snickers. "And it was the most boring business conference ever. Are our children still alive?"
"Barely," Minji says dryly as she limps in, holding Kiyoung by the hand and balancing Jaehwa on her hip.
"Oooh!" Y/N squeaks, slipping out of Jimin's embrace. "Look at my babies!"
As Y/N coos over the children, Jimin pouts behind them as if wounded. How can she just leave him so fast, right after she got back?
He went through the wrath of her brother and Yoongi hyung to be with her; he even had to do Taehyung's laundry for two months after the man found out they were together all that time ago. He's been by her side for sixteen years, and this is what he gets? He deserves more attention.
The kids are stealing it, those ungrateful brats.
Trailing Y/N as she maneuvers all the kids into the dining room, he suddenly remembers the glob of macaroni stuck to the ceiling.
He scurried up behind his wife, placing tiny, distracting kisses on the side of her neck and pressing his body to hers. Oh heck, he missed her so much.
In more than one way.
"Y/N," he breathes hotly into her ear. "Do you remember that time when you let me draw you nak-"
"Jimin!" she screeches in a whisper. "Our children are in this room!"
"Mm. How do you think we made them?"
His response doesn't impress her, and a drop of yellow liquid splatters onto the kitchen floor.
Y/N blinks. "What-"
Plan B, Jiminie.
He grabs her hips and slowly allows his teeth to slide down her earlobe, tongue soothing the bite directly after. "Park Y/N," he moans softly. "I missed you."
He presses into her from behind to emphasize just how much.
"O-oh." She goes limp in his arms, trying to control her expression as Minji feeds a bite of noodles to Jaehwa.
"Kids, I think your mom is tired," Jimin says smoothly. "I'm going to take her to bed."
"Goodnight, Mommy!" Kiyoung cries, waving.
"Goodnight, loves," Y/N squeaks as Jimin's hand subtly slips under the waistband of her pants, tracing bare skin.
He guides her away from the kitchen, anticipation singing in his blood as he caresses her bare skin on the trip through the darkened hallway leading to their bedroom.
He almost makes it too.
But, as they reach their bedroom door, a tiny voice screams out from across the house, "Daddy, the noodles on the ceiling fell into Jae Jae's hair!"
"Dang it," Jimin sighs, wincing as Y/N whirls on him. 
"Park Jimin," she yells. "What did you do?!"
Laughing sheepishly, he wraps his arms around her in a restraining hug.
"Welcome home, baby."

Final chapter! There might be a bonus chapter or two after this (emphasis on might) but this is it! It's been a crazy long ride and I appreciate everyone so much for reading!!! I'll be continuing Honey Bunny and Arranged next, so stick around!

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