The Love of a Brother

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Flipping through Jimin's dream book is like watching a PowerPoint presentation on his entire life.
The book is pretty thick and worn down, showing signs that he's had t for a long, long time. Inside, the drawings themselves aren't drawn on separate pages for separate nights; instead it's one big collage of pictures, memories, and imaginations, the earliest of which you think are from when Jimin was just a little boy.
A hint is the first section of drawings in the journal.
Although there's an obviously huge amount of potential in the crude drawings, they're the dreams of a young boy. Epic battles with monsters and dragons, fantasy worlds and superheroes.
There's always a hero, but it isn't Jimin.
You can catch a tiny glimpse of a little baby Jimin running around, so cute and kind.
The dreams grow progressively less innocent as the pages turn, the young and cute Jimin growing into a young and hungry Jimin with every flip of the page.
These dreams are filled with friends, failed math tests and girls.
Girls everywhere.
If there's anywhere that you could use as blackmail, you figure it will probably be this part.
He starts out with cute little images of girls with the wind blowing their long hair and tiny hearts drawn all over the place, but they don't stay like that for long. The women in Jimin's dreams grow more lascivious as his drawings grow more and more intricate.
You blush at some of the images drawn by a teenage Jimin as you basically watch him go through puberty and stay a lusty teenager for pages upon pages. The girls are all over the place, but they're all faceless, which you find odd.
No matter how much clothing their bodies are or are not clad in, their faces remain shadowed, hidden by their hair, or simply not drawn at all.
It's almost creepy.
You also notice that Jimin hasn't drawn himself in anything. All of the scenarios seem to be drawn like you're looking through his eyes, and his own slender form never makes an appearance.
Although the lust does fade a little in Jimin's dreams as he moves on into college, there's still the occasional scantily clad female here and there.
But now you can recognize some of the faces.
A drawing of a familiar gorgeous profile, viewed from the side to showcase a beautifully aristocratic nose and a smile brighter than sunshine. The wind is blowing the man's hair back as he laughs, captured in amazing detail with pencil.
"Hoseok," you whisper to yourself with a soft smile.
As you scroll through the worries and dreams of a college-aged Jimin, you find another familiar drawing.
It's Namjoon, kind and cool and masculine as he smiles down at the viewer. Through the drawing, you can see how much Jimin must look up to and respect the older man.
In fact, with every drawing you find of the housemates, you realize something more and more clearly.
These men aren't just Taehyung's housemates, or just Jimin's friends.
They're brothers.
Brothers, whose love and respect for each other must at least equal if not outweigh the love you have for your own family.
Jin's drawn mid-laugh, surrounded by an obvious silly and sweet aura that glows like a golden light around him, beautifully perfect face thrown back to the sun with a massive smile.
Yoongi has a small, reluctant smile that, although it doesn't cover all of his face, is so genuine and real that you want to cry. His small nose is crinkled cutely and you can see a hint of his gums.
Jungkook's smiling so hard that his eyes have almost disappeared completely, tiny detailed wrinkles created from smiling creasing the corners of his eyes. His upper lip is almost gone, making you laugh at the cuteness of his grin.
Taehyung's drawing is so bright that it makes your heart hurt, your brother's teeth bared in the perfect likeness of your favorite rectangle smile that matches his eccentric and beautiful personality. The care that Jimin's taken to perfectly sketch every freckle and mark on Taehyung's face does something to you.
Something wet drops onto the page you're staring down at, and you blink in shock when you realize that you're crying. Shaking your head, you push the book away and rub your eyes to expel the salty water.
It's intense, Jimin's raw love for his brothers exposed here, in his dreams. It's so genuine and powerful. If all of them feel the same way Jimin does about each other, then these boys will be brothers for life.
You take deep breaths and calm yourself down before picking the book back up.
Flipping through your teacher's dream book, you continue to watch his life pass before your eyes.
You start noticing something, something different than what he's drawn before. On one page, there's a pair of lips. They're drawn in amazing detail, full and shining with the slight point of a chin sketched beneath them before they fade into a pile of papers that need grading.
There's an eye a couple of pages later, pretty and thickly lashed but it's...familiar. You can't put a finger of it, but you feel like you know the person that it belongs to. There are other similar sketches, the curve of a feminine neck, a delicate wrist holding...
A cell phone.
With a hedging suspicion lurking in the back of your brain, you hesitantly flip to the next page.
And all of the breath leaves your body, as if you've been punched in the gut.
It's you.
Your face fills the entire page, the first drawing that's done that in the entire.
Is this how he sees you?
Your brow is furrowed, lips that he's obviously drawn with so much care turned down at the corners, and your eyes are narrowed and sparkling with brilliant anger. Although your hair is pulled back from your face, a single lock has fallen down to brush your delicately sketched jaw. A bright flush is present on your cheeks.
Holy crap.
The individual drawings from before, the lips and the neck and the wonder they were familiar.
You look at them in the mirror every day.
With shaking fingers, you turn the page again to find more drawings of you, of your face and your body.
Some are mementos from real situations, like the picture of you on your tiptoes and reaching for something above your head with the boy's kitchen a rough sketch in background, or the drawing of you sitting at your desk with a book in front of you, lost in it.
Then there are some that most definitely have not happened.
There's a part of the page covered with an image that portrays a girl with long, flowing hair and a school uniform straddling a figure who sits in an office chair, the two figures connected by the mouth in a passionate kiss. It's detailed and sexy, so much so that you can see the couple's tongues intertwined between their parted lips.
You shiver with a strange heat.
You're assuming the girl is you, and the man...
His hair is colored a brilliant red.
"He drew himself," you say quietly, surprised.
He hasn't done that before.
Exploring a little more, you feel your face heat at some of the images of yourself that he's carved into the paper.
From the two of you embraced in a cute, gentle peck to a sketch of you in your school uniform, looking over your shoulder with a seductive little smile as you raise the hem of the skirt to show a flash of the lace underwear you had worn that day, Jimin's drawn an incredible amount of you in this book.
Does he dream about you this much?
And a whole heck of a lot of them involve you in various stages of undress with Jimin's full lips and hands on some part of your pencil-drawn body, or a close up of your parted lips on his graphite skin.
By the time you get to the end of the drawings, your entire body is on fire and a ball of heat is hovering in your lower stomach.
You didn't know.
You didn't know that he actually feels this way about you. Not only does he obviously want you in a sexual way, but you think he might have some kind of...feelings for you.
Not all of those pictures were the two of you making out.
Some were just soft traces of your smile or the curve of your face, tender and light.
That confuses the heck out of you.
Well, either way, looking through his dream book has determined something definite.
You can't use this for revenge.
It's way too personal, too full of emotions and vulnerability. To post anything from this, even the most lusty drawing from Jimin's teenage years, feels like an unacceptable betrayal of his trust and feelings.
Jimin's kept this book a secret for a reason.
You think you should keep it that way.

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