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"Mr. Park? I don't understand this. Could you help me?"
Opening your lips, you mouth in perfect synchronization, "yes, Ms. Lee," just as the words, heavy with exasperation, leave Jimin's mouth. It's the same exchange of phrases that's been happening for the entire period of detention.
Jaehee smiles and watches your teacher's lean figure with hungry eyes as he walks toward her.
Your eyes and ears are about to start bleeding. Luckily, there are only about ten minutes left in detention; you aren't sure that you would survive any more of her.
You, Jimin, and the silent brown-headed boy have been eyeing the clock desperately for a good hour, waiting to be released from the torture that is Lee Jaehee.
As you watch, the clock slowly counts down the minutes to the background music of Jimin attempting to help Jaehee with her homework. The struggle of her blatantly irrelevant comments about the condition of his physique seem to wear Jimin down, sending him running back to his desk to avoid her as soon as possible.
You sweat the last two minutes because they seem to go on forever.
It's like time is working against you with all of its strength, making you suffer for unknown reasons. And time isn't the only thing out to get you. There's also karma, gravity, fate, and a redhead named Park Jimin. All of those factors combine to make pure misery for you. You still can't believe that his stupid dang book isn't anywhere in his desk.
You're back to square one now with your revenge plan.
When there's only one minute left on the clock and you've started to eagerly put away your school supplies, Jimin strolls by you with an arm full of textbooks, carrying them to the shelf in the back. As he passes you notice him take a quick glance at you. His hip subtly swings a bit to the side and his sturdy thigh brushes your desk, sending your pencil case and all of its contents flying in different directions across the tiled classroom floor. After the chaotic sound of plastic and wood bouncing off of the ground echoes into silence, you're left gaping at the huge mess before you.
"Oops," the red headed man pops out lightly, smirking sexily at you while his back is to the other two. You give him an incredulous stare.
Jaehee and the quiet boy are both turned around in there desks to look at the mess, showcasing completely different reactions. Jaehee' giggling like an airhead, while the quiet boy at least has enough decency to look sympathetic. But then the bell for dismissal rings, and he shoots out the door towards freedom.
Huh. Obviously not enough sympathy to help.
When Jaehee lingers and sends flirty glances at Jimin, the man sighs heavily. He loads the textbooks onto the shelf and faces the clingy girl.
"Ms. Lee, you can go first. I guess I'll help Ms. Kim clean up her mess." He sighs again as if a heavy burden's been placed on his sleek shoulders.
Clenching your fists, you give him a death stare.
You're the one that caused this, you freaking sleezeball.
Jaehee starts, "I can help t-" but is quickly silenced by Jimin holding up a shushing finger.
"That's not necessary," he grits out. You can practically see him struggling with his patience. Jaehee finally gets the message and slinks out the door, sending pitiful looks over her shoulder as she does.
You snort.
Ignoring Jimin, you go to the furthest pencil from him and start picking up your possessions, staying as far away from your dangerous teacher as possible. He doesn't bother you.
The two of you pick up your pencils in silence until you notice the edge of one sticking out from underneath a bookshelf. And, lucky you, as you bend down to get it your fingertips brush the cylindrical object and send it rolling further under the shelf.
Why does this always happen to you?
Glancing over your shoulder to make sure that Jimin is occupied elsewhere, you drop to your knees and reach as far as you can under the bookshelf. The pencil is there; you can feel it hovering on the edge of your touch, trapped between the wall and your fingers. But at the same time, it's just far enough away that you can't quite get a grasp on it. You extend your arm as far as it can go, just barely able to grasp the edge of the pencil's eraser.
Ah ha!
Successfully, you draw back with the troublesome object clenched in your fist, a victorious smile on your face.
Until you turn around.
Rotating on your knees, you spin around only to come face-to-crotch with the one and only Park Jimin.
Oh crap.
He's half-sitting in the desk in front of you, watching with amusement as you turn what you're sure is a very unattractive shade of embarrassed at his fly being inches from your face. With the bookshelf behind you and him in front, you've only got the option to try to scoot to safety to the side.
Your skirt makes a weird squeaky noise on the polished tile as you slide to the right. You're totally desperate to get away from this situation and especially desperate to exit the awkward position you're in.
A startled squeal leaves your mouth when your path to safety is blocked by Jimin's shoe slamming into the tile. A hesitant glance reveals him grinning fully now, all of his weight leaned back onto that desk while his legs are spread on either side of you.
Trapping you in.
The visual of him sprawled out on a desk, still dressed in his slacks and dress shirt with a tie, looking down on you with a self-confident grin that also holds a hint of sensual amusement, is almost sinful.
"Why Y/N," he says smoothly. "I didn't think you'd get down on your knees for me this fast."
Oh, it's Y/N now. School's over and you're suddenly Y/N again.
"That's because I wouldn't," you snap back, flustered beyond belief. If you glare at him enough, maybe he'll become less attractive. Somehow.
"And yet, here we are," Jimin continues on while shaking his head. "I'm up here, and you're...down there."
"By accident," you stress. "Now if you'd just let me up..."
You trail off and stare at him expectantly but he just sits there, as if waiting for something. You poke his foot to prompt him into movement. Instead of releasing you, Jimin leans forward so his elbows are propped up on his knees and his face is level with yours.
"What's the magic word, babe?" he whispers teasingly. The glasses on his face gleam under the fluorescent lights as he turns his face toward the ceiling in an exaggerated display of waiting.
Seething, you clench your fists and your jaw and grit out the reluctant word, "please."
To your major relief, he seems satisfied with your surrender and retracts his limbs so you're free to stand up. You try to keep cool as you stand and smooth out the ruffles in your skirt, but you don't think he buys it.
Jimin, still grinning, stands up and slips his hands into his pants pocket. His head tilts to the side as he observes your cherry red form.
"I did that for a reason," he tells you. "Spilling your pencils everywhere."
Well, obviously. So you could continue to sexually harass me!
Looking at him with a blatantly irritated expression, you stay silent and wait for why you're sure will be an extremely illogical explanation.
Jimin laughs.
His eyes sparkle with mischievousness and his cute uneven tooth flashes with his smile. The sight melts your heart a little.
"I wanted to hold you back so you wouldn't leave. We're going to the same place now, Y/N," he says sweetly. "Let me give you a ride home."
Why you bipolar piece of-
"Are you serious? On what planet would that be a good idea?" you cough. "Somebody could completely take that the wrong way!"
He smirks wickedly. "What wrong way?" When you scoff, he chuckles and slings an arm around your shoulder, dumping his handful of pencils into your bag and steering you towards the door. "Come on, no one will see," he chides gently. He does, however, release you so the two of you walk side by side when you enter the hallway.
Looking doubtfully at him, you glance outside and notice with a grimace that it's overcast, rain threatening to our down any minute. You really don't want to get soaked to the bone, and it's a much longer walk to Taehyung's house than it was to yours.
With a reluctant sigh, you mumble, "Fine. But just this once."
Jimin grins victoriously, leading you to the parking lot with a skip in his step.

Thanks for the read!

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