*Sunshine (Plus Bonus)

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Your dream is too much.
A hot mouth is working its way up your bare side, tongue glancing over your ribs. The pair of lips leaves a burning trail past your breast and onto your collarbone, sucking harshly.
Holy crap.
You shift restlessly as a warm hand sensually slides over your thigh. Kisses leave their mark up your neck and along your jaw.
Your skin is tingly.
"Mm," you sigh. Too bad that this is a dream.
Those magical lips slowly smooth over your cheek and begin leaving gentle pecks against your lips, soft and light and beautiful.
"Wake up," a voice says quietly. "Wake up, baby girl."
A deeper, hotter kiss serves to convince you that you're dream isn't actually a dream, and Jimin actually has been kissing his way up your body. He's kissing you thoroughly now, drawing a slight whimper from your throat with the lazy, sexy movement of his mouth.
"Good morning," he says.
And with that, the memories come flooding back.
Every hot, desperate movement of your bodies together in the warmth of the dark night, tangled carelessly in the sheet covers that stuck to your damp skin. You distinctly remember Jimin cursing at one point and tearing the blankets off the bed entirely, "so nothing was keeping you from him", as he said last night. His eyes were glazed over and brimming with passion and love and emotion, every action the same amount of gentle that it was rough because he knew that it was your first time, but he couldn't hold back.
Now, in the lazy morning sunlight peeking through the cracks of the curtains, Jimin's eyes are crystal clear. A rolling, deep chestnut color, glimmering and shining with more brilliance than the delicate rays of sunshine illuminating the room.
In fact, Jimin is personifying the sun entirely this morning.
His blonde locks and bare, beautiful skin have a luminescence about them that casts a peaceful aura, and his white teeth shine beneath his pink lips when he lays down beside you and smiles.
Your eyes almost have to strain looking at him, he's shining so brightly.
And he's all yours.
Although the joy of the throughly fully hits you in that moment, so does another realization. Holy heck.
You look at him with wide eyes, gaping like a fish, and gasp, "W-we...w-w-we had-"
"Sex?" Palming your hips, Jimin makes sure to remind you that you're both still totally naked as he crashes your body into his and hums smugly, "Yeah, we did, baby. How do you feel?"
"Sore," you reply immediately, a truth. Your lower body has an achy, burning, sore-muscle sensation that makes you wince.
"Not surprising," says Jimin, "considering how it was your first. And on top of that, I didn't give you much time to rest. The amount of sex we fit into one night was-"
"Nope." You shake your head, not understanding how he can brashly talk about those kind of things out loud.
Your cheeks are stained red with embarrassment.
"Awww," Jimin coos in delight. "Is my baby embarrassed?"
Sitting up straight, Jimin scoops you into his lap and holds you like a child. He cuddles you to his chest, a giant grin spread across his face and crinkling up his eyes just the way you like. You can't tear your eyes from him.
When Jimin sees you staring at him, his smile drops abruptly into an intense, serious look. He cups your cheeks in his hands and gazed into your eyes.
"I love you, Kim Y/N," he says. "I'm going to love you for the rest of my life. And probably the life after that, too."
Your heart is about to pound right out of your chest.
"I love you too, Park Jimin," you reply with your heart. "Thank you for being real with me. Thank you for loving me, and teaching me how to love."
He presses his forehead to yours and places a single, tender kiss against your mouth.
And you couldn't be happier.
Sighing, Jimin plays with a stand of your hair. "We can't stay in here all day," he groans. "We have to face the music."
"Music?" You tilt your head inquisitively, making the blonde man wince.
He mutters, "Hoseok texted me, and your brother is about to blow my head off. Say goodbye to me now, because it might be your last chance."

The previous night (right after Taehyung discovered Jimin and Y/N) :

Hoseok's POV

"MMMMM!! Mhmmm, hMmMmmm, mhHmHm, HmmHMm?!"
Hobi grimaces and shoves his hand harder over Taehyung's mouth, hoping to further muffle the obscenities and death threats he's sure are pouring out.
Heck, he never knew Taehyung was this strong. It's like trying to restrain a rampaging, furious, weirdly skinny hippopotamus.
As Hoseok drags the taller, younger man out of the house where Jimin and Y/N are finally going to be happy together, he sees with relief that a tan car is pulling into the driveway.
His backup is here.
Wincing as Taehyung lands an elbow to the kidney, Hoseok stumbles in the direction of the car. The concrete of the driveway is scraping away at Taehyung's sneakers when he tries to drop his weight against Hoseok.
A dark blonde head poked out of the car, eyebrows furrowed over deep-set eyes.
"Hobi?" Namjoon laughs. "You need some help?"
Hoseok is about to answer when Taehyung, flailing like a drunk octopus, somehow managers to knee him in the crotch.
And Hobi goes down.
As he scrambles for some sort of purchase to halt the effect of gravity on his body, Hoseok's fingers hook in the waistband of Taehyung's sweatpants.
Hitting the ground, face first, with one hand tightly clasping his groin as pain racks through him, Hoseok looks up just in time to see Taehyung trying to hop away, pants around his ankles and leopard-patterned boxers on full display.
"PARK JIMIN," Taehyung growls. "I'm gonna kill that pervy midget! He's going to- ooof!"
Oh. Looks like Jungkook showed up too.
No matter how much taller Taehyung is, he's no match for Kookie's body mass and raw strength. Jungkook takes Tae down without a thought or a sweat.
The youngest doesn't seem to be expelling any effort as he pins Taehyung to the driveway.
"Hyung," Jungkook says to Namjoon, "You got any rope in there?"
A grinning Namjoon disappears and returns a moment later with a length of water ski rope in his hands.
"I was gonna go to the beach over the summer," the man says. "But this is a much better use."
Looks like they'll have to do a second kidnapping.
"Get the trunk ready," Hoseok says, and they all smile.

Don't freak out, this isn't the last chapter.

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