The Day We Kissed

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You slowly, fuzzily come back into consciousness. Disoriented, you blink repeatedly as your eyes adjust to the dark room that you're in.
Where are you?
Your head hurts like heck and your mouth is dry and rough like sandpaper.
Ugh, is that the faint taste of vomit in the back of your throat?
Now that you can see a little, you recognize the walls and layout of Jimin's bedroom.
How did you get in here?
Groaning, you roll over, fingers brushing against warm skin as you do.
You freeze and look up.
The red headed man beneath you is fast asleep, sitting up against the headboard with you resting across his bare chest and your head on his shoulder. His arms are tenderly wrapped around your waist, keeping you lightly pressed to him.
A sort of fuzzy contentedness spreads in your chest while you stare at his peaceful face. His surprisingly long lashes are casting delicate shadows over the tops of his round cheeks, lips slightly parted as he breathes in slumber.
His face is back to its normal color and the sweat has disappeared.
Glancing at the digital clock on his counter, you note the time.
1:45 p.m.
In a little over two hours, Jungkook will be returning from class.
Relaxing, you exhale in relief at the thought.
There isn't anyone home to catch you stealing a moment in Jimin's arms.
As if he can feel you thinking about him, the bare-chested man beneath you yawns and stirs, tightening his grip on your waist. His fingers clutch the fabric of the huge tshirt you have on and-
Huge tshirt?
You sleep in shorts and a tank top, not a massive tshirt. As Jimin stirs out of sleep, you yank the covers up and peer down at yourself.
This isn't your shirt.
And all you have on underneath is panties and a bra!
But you're relieved to see that Jimin has a fresh pair of boxers on; at least he's not naked anymore.
Then you'd be in real trouble.
Jimin starts to yawn again, but you cut him off with a slap to the shoulder.
"Did you change my clothes?!" you hiss to him, mortified. Starting to move away from him, you struggle when he catches you and pulls you back.
"Good morning to you too," he laughs, sleepily cuddling up to you.
You sigh.
Being curled up together all warm and cozy with him is weakening your anger by a ridiculous percentage.
He's just so stinking cute.
"I'm serious, Jimin," you mumble. "Did you?"
"You threw up all over yourself, so, unless you wanted me to let you sleep in those clothes you should be thanking me." He gives you a smug smile that indicates he already knows how right he is.
Grudgingly acknowledging his point, you still frown at him.
Jimin sighs and rubs his thumb in between your eyebrows.
What the heck?
Your brows shoot up in surprise at the action.
When he sees your expression, Jimin grins and buries his face in the space between your neck and your shoulder.
"You'll get frown lines," he mumbles cutely against your skin, nuzzling you.
Although you're sort of confused at his attitude, you can't deny that he's quickly rendering your heart into a big pile of mush.
"I closed my eyes," Jimin whispers. "I didn't see anything, promise. I didn't know what else to do."
Well then.
Allowing yourself to go limp against him, you turn your face away and smile where he can't see it.
"I guess I'll forgive you this time," you say through the smile.
You notice an empty glass on the side table and a medicine bottle beside it. "Did I take those?"
"Mhm," Jimin hums. "You don't remember?"
No, you don't remember. The last thing you remember was throwing up in the bathroom.
It's disconcerting to have such a large, black space in your memory.
"You were out of it for a while," Jimin tells you gently, breathing deeply against your shoulder. "The medicine you gave me helped a lot; enough that I could get up and get you out of the bathroom. Get some clothes for the both of us."
Gratefulness wells up inside you and you take his chin, tilting his head up so his eyes meet yours. "Thank you," you say sincerely.
With glimmering eyes, Jimin tilts his forehead against yours and his lips tilt up in the softest smile.
You aren't sure where all of these tender feelings are originating from, but you can't say that you don't like them. Especially since Jimin seems to be suffering through the same warm fuzzies that are surging through you.
"I have a question for you," Jimin says. "The first day we kissed, you said something to me: 'You aren't who I thought you were.'"
Pausing, his eyes narrow in curiosity. "What did you mean?"
Dang it, he remembers that?
You grimace and avoid his eyes.
That sentence should've never left your mouth. Just thinking about it makes you flush in embarrassment because only seconds after you said it, he rejected you.
"Y/N," Jimin pushes at your lack of response, to which you groan and roll over, burying your face in the pillow.
"No," you squeak. Your voice is muffled by the pillow's fabric.
"Tell me," he roars playfully, pushing you over so you roll onto the bed and off of him. He gets on his knees for a moment before flopping on top of you, waving his arms and legs around and smashing you. "Teeeelllll meeee."
Giggling, you cover your face in a mixture of humiliation and amusement. Finally, after a copious amounts of  teasing and poking, you give in to Jimin's demands and face him with wide, honest eyes.
"I just thought you were a playboy," you say shyly. "I thought you kept teasing me and flirting because physical was all you cared about. I didn't think you had any feelings at all. Not for me or anyone, really."
The playfulness had disappeared completely from his face, leaving a serious and focused aura behind. Jimin moves so his arms lay on either side of your head, pressing into the mattress and keeping his upper body hovering over you.
"What changed that?" he asks quietly.
It's a little disconcerting how deeply he's looking into your eyes, as if he's searching for something. The intense eye contact only serves to thicken the tension between the two of you as he waits for your answer.
You oblige.
"I looked through your book, and I saw the drawing of Hoseok. And then the one of Jungkook, and Namjoon and Jin and Yoongi. And the one of my brother." Biting your lip, you hold back tears at the memory of Taehyung's radiant smile.
Jimin's expression is hard to read, but you continue on anyways.
"I could see how much you love them in the way you drew them. You have such a big heart, Park Jimin."
You touch the side of his face lightly, cupping the familiar features that you've come to care so much about. "That's really beautiful to me."
It's quiet, but you can hear your heart pounding so loudly in your ears.
He's just laying there, staring at you.
You don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
Jimin let's himself collapse on top of you, rolling the both of you so you're on your sides, facing each other.
"It may have been physical at first," he whispers. "But not anymore. This is..."
He takes your hand and slides it up his chest, stopping it over his heart.
"I think you're changing this," he murmurs.
Repeating his action from earlier, Jimin presses his forehead to yours so you're breathing in each other's air.
Breathing him in.
"I would kiss you, but we've both been throwing our guts up for the past three hours," he says, making you laugh.
The intimacy between you makes you shudder with feelings.
You drift off together into a deep slumber, clutching each other like a lifeline as you cave into the darkness.

Sorry Yuniseu_Park for any physical harm due to excessive fangirling 😂

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