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"Psst! Y/N!"
You swat lazily at the annoying bee buzzing in your ear, huffing as the noise drags you unwillingly out of sleep.
Stupid bug.
"Go away," you mumble faintly. Clutching tightly around Jimin's waist, the two of you snuggle closer together in a warm, cozy ball of happiness. You don't know what time it is, and you don't particularly care either.
Your weak body is content with resting against Jimin's warm one, soaking it all up.
Until someone touches you as another hiss sounds simultaneously into your ear.
"Y/N! Hey, wake up!"
"Mm." You crack your eyes open and a blurry face is hovering over you.
"Oh look," you say sleepily. "A bunny."
"Hey!" The voice (you now recognize it as a human voice and not an insect) isn't even trying to whisper anymore. It's offended.
You open your eyes wider and finally recognize the face of Jungkook.
"What is it?" you grumble, seconds before it hits you.
Jungkook is home.
Jungkook is home inside Jimin's bedroom.
You are still inside Jimin's bedroom.
"Crap," you squeak.
Shooting up from bed, you throw Jimin's arms off of you and scoot away from him.
The stupid redhead doesn't even wake up. He just rolls over so his back is to you and sleeps on.
Jungkook is wide-eyed and surprised as he looks at you, but it's a calm kind of surprised.
You don't know how he's calm, because you aren't.
The kind of surprised that Jungkook is isn't the kind of surprised you are.
No, not anything like your panicked, desperate kind of surprised.
Before you can even begin to explain yourself, Jungkook grabs you by the shoulders and tugs you up from the bed.
"You should go," he says calmly, belying the hint of nervousness in his doe eyes. "The hyungs will be home any minute."
As if summoned, you hear the faint sound of the front door opening.
Oh heck.
"Move!" you bark almost silently, turning Jungkook around and flattening your hands on his back to quicken his steps.
The two of you book it out of Jimin's room as quickly as your sick body can manage. Jungkook's about to head back down the hallway but you stop him, grabbing him by the arm.
"Jungkook, please don't tell anyone," you beg desperately. "Especially not Taehyung or Yoongi."
The youngest gives you a slightly amused smile.
"Don't worry," he says. "I'll keep yours and hyung's secret."
Relief floods through you.
"Hello?" you hear Jin's voice call through the house. "Anyone home?"
You abandon Jungkook in the hallway, quietly mouthing 'thank you' as you dart into your bedroom.
You collapse on your bed, body still sick and tired from all of the commotion.
Jungkook knows.
The thought is both nerve wracking and oddly exhilarating.
There's somebody in this house who's on your side and can help bail you and Jimin out if you're in a bind.
But he could also leak your secret any second.


It's dinner time, and everyone but Yoongi has congregated home after hearing about yours and Jimin's sickness.
Hoseok picked up some porridge for everyone on the way home, and Jin cooks a special kind of soup to help the two of you recover quickly.
The kindness envelops your heart in warmth and brings a smile to your face.
Now, you're all splayed out in the living room, you and Jimin bundled up in blankets like sushi rolls as per Taehyung's demands. There's a movie playing on the television.
Thank goodness it's not a horror this time.
Your brother is the most worried of all, sitting next to you in the couch and checking your temperature every .5 seconds.
It's getting hot, wrapped up in this blanket and stuffed into the middle of the couch.
You sigh, wiggling around to loosen the apparently mandatory confinement, but it won't loosen at all.
Beside you on the couch, Jimin's just as trapped but Hoseok even went so far as to wrap the blanket around the top and back of his head like a hood. The effect is Jimin's cute cheeks barely puffing out from the swaddle of blankets trapping him from the neck down and covering his hair.
Smothering a giggle into the blankets, you lean your head back against the couch and close your eyes.
After a couple of minutes, a heavy weight tilts against your shoulder, waking you from your zoned-out state.
It's Jimin, his face now turned in toward your neck and his body limp.
Taehyung feels the movement and leans over you, seeing the blanket-wrapped body laying on you.
"Is he asleep?" your brother asks in a whisper.
Feeling Jimin's soft breathing against your neck, you nod slightly and smile.
Taehyung snorts in amusement and retreats to his end of the couch. You can see a pair of pitch black eyes watching you from the floor, Jungkook giving you a wide-eyed look before returning to the movie.
You choose to ignore him for now.
With the sensation of Jimin's warm breath in your skin, you start to drift off into a fitful sleep.
That sleep ends rapidly when you suddenly feel moist suction on your throat.
Jimin isn't sleeping.
You clamp your lips together to hold back the shocked gasp as the redhead quietly suckles your skin, hidden by the blankets hooded around his head. His lips spread into a smirk against you when he feels your body go tense.
You try to pull away as far as Taehyung's broad body will allow you, but Jimin bites down hard on your skin to keep you from moving.
Whimpering, you freeze in response and, in result, give him plenty of time to explore your throat with his full, warm lips.
Leaving gentle love bites scattered across the expanse of your throat, he subtly moves up and down the column of your neck without letting any of the others know he's awake.
He traces back up to the place he bit and flattens his tongue against it, letting out an almost silent, humming moan that vibrates through you.
It sends shivers racking your spine.
And Taehyung notices.
"Are you okay?" your brother hisses in a whisper, slapping a hand to your forehead. "Is your fever back?"
At your brother's attention, Jimin gives you one last, lingering kiss before drawing back to rest his head on your shoulder.
"I'm fine, Tae," you say in a high-pitched voice. Clearing your throat, you try to clear your head and have a coherent conversation. "I think I need to go to sleep. I'm tired."
Acting as if Jimin really is asleep, you manage to free your arms and gently transfer his head from your shoulder to the back of the couch.
Taehyung helps you wiggle out of your cocoon of blankets.
You bid everyone goodnight before scampering away from everyone and escaping into your room.
The whole way back, you can feel Jungkook watching you.
You sit on your bed and rub your forehead in stress, remembering the burning feeling of the maknae's eyes.
The gaze doesn't feel malicious, only curious. The fact that it's there at all makes you incredibly nervous.
He'll keep his word, won't he?
He won't tell any of the others?
A pair of strong arms wraps around your waist and a pair of lips attach to your jaw, drawing you out of your deep thoughts.
"Jimin," you say in exasperation when he places a stinging kiss on your jaw.
"You're going back to school soon," he sighs. "I have to keep the boys off."
You turn around in his arms, returning the embrace but keeping his eyes focused on you.
"There's a problem," you whisper. "Something happened."
He goes still and somber, looking into your eyes. His hand encompasses your jaw and he tilts your head toward him.
"What is it? What happened?" His worried gaze bites into yours.
You bite your lower lip and fist your hand in the front of Jimin's shirt. "Jungkook found me in your room this morning."
Jimin goes still. "And...?"
"And?" you say incredulously. "Taehyung and Yoongi would kill us if they knew! Aren't you afraid of anyone finding out?"
With a laugh, Jimin tightens his arms around you and pulls you close. "What's there to be afraid of?" he questions.
Stupid. "You're my teacher," you point out dryly. "That's kind of illegal. "
He takes your face in between his hands in a comforting way. "No one in this house would tell anyone, Y/N. They're loyal."
Maybe. You gnaw on your lower lip with trepidation.
Taking your hands in his, Jimin says sweetly, "Why don't we just ask them if they think it's okay?"
"What?" you reply blankly.
"Ask. Them." He drags you out of the room, completely unconcerned about the repercussions of what he's intending to do. "I think they'll be okay with it."
"You're crazy!" you hiss desperately.
Judging from Tae's reaction when he found the two of you on Jimin's bed that one time, you seriously doubt that he'll 'be okay with it'.
Jimin hauls you toward the living room, but stops just around the corner as you hear your names being mentioned.
It's Jungkook and Taehyung speaking with Yoongi, who seems to just have arrived home.
And it's Jungkook's first words that set off your panic.
"Hyungs," the maknae says slowly. "I have a question. What would you do if Y/N... dated...one of us?"
There's a moment of silence where you and Jimin strain toward the corner, listening as closely as your ears will allow.
"No," Taehyung says shortly. "Absolutely not. Never in a million years."
"W-why?" Jungkook splutters. "Wouldn't one of us be better than some random guy?"
"That's the thing," Taehyung responds. "I know you guys. I know how you think about girls. And I don't want any of you thinking like that about my sister."
You and Jimin give each other a worried glance.
"I think it would be fine," Yoongi muses.
You almost yell in joy and you feel Jimin jolt in relief, grabbing your hand and squeezing excitedly. If everyone but Taehyung thinks it's fine, then all you have to do is convince your over-protective brother.
Yoongi is who you were really worried about.
The minty-haired man is for some reason extremely intimidating to you.
"Anyone except Jimin, that is," Yoongi says abruptly, causing the two of you to pause in your celebration. "Jimin's her school teacher, and that's just wrong. And against the law. But if it was anybody else, I'd probably be okay."
"Why?" Taehyung growls. "You got something you wanna share, Jeon?"
As Jungkook stammers away to your brother about his lack of interest in you, you take Jimin's arm and lead him back to your room, where you both sit silently in your bed.
"We'll just have to be careful," he says eventually, breaking the long silence. "I don't wanna stop being with you because of them, but I also don't want to loose their friendship, you know?"
You nod in agreement. "And it isn't like we'll be doing anything different," you mumble thoughtfully. "We were already sort of sneaking around."
Jimin slings an arm over your shoulders and grins.
"We'll be ninjas," he laughs, and a chuckle spills out of you too.
You hope, for the love of all things good, that the arrogant redhead makes a good ninja.


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